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68692 documents matched the search for C72 D62 Q5 in JEL-codes.
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Sustainability in the Hotel Industry,
(LEFTER) Gina Gilet Sztruten, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2010)
Keywords: tourism industry, environment, resource-use efficiency

The Optimal Price of Heroin: More or Less Prohibition?,
F. Neri, from School of Economics, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia (1996)

Marginal Abatement Cost, A Literature Review,
Pedro Pablo Jimenez Gomez, in Cognitive Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: Abatement, Externality, Marginal cost, Policy-making, MACC

Contingent Valuation Methods.Possibilities and Problems,
Torben Holvad, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (1999)
Keywords: Externality valuation, Monetarisation, Contingent valuation method

Positional Preferences and Efficiency in a Dynamic Economy,
Thomas Aronsson, Sugata Ghosh and Ron Wendner, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2021)
Keywords: Positional preferences, endogenous growth, wealth, intertemporal distor- tion, welfarism, non-welfarism, inter-country externalities, Pigouvian taxation

The role of a public university in a global environment: networks and externalities of the R&D of the Cauca University,
Zamanda Correa Correa, Carolina Delgado Hurtado and Yenni Angélica Conde Cardona, in Estudios Gerenciales (2013)
Keywords: Global environment ExternalitiesPublic university

Transboundary pollution, tax competition and the efficiency of uncoordinated environmental regulation,
Atsushi Yamagishi, in Canadian Journal of Economics (2019) Downloads

Accords environnementaux. Le marché peut-il réussir l'arbitrage entre incitations et participation ?,
David Martimort and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, in Revue économique (2014) Downloads

Linking Economic and Social-Exchange Games: From the Community Norm to CSR,
Masahiko Aoki, from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (2007)
Keywords: social norm, social capital, linked games, corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Measuring the external health cost of particulate matter from road traffic and other sources in Stockholm, Sweden,
Lena Nerhagen, Robert Bergström, Bertil Forsberg, Christer Johansson and Kristina Eneroth, from Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI) (2010)
Keywords: Health cost; particulate matter; dispersion modelling; exposure-response functions; value of life year lost

Lena Nerhagen and Chuan-Zhong Li, from Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI) (2010)
Keywords: emission control; cost-effective analysis; human health; uncertainty; stochastic control

Fondements des Concepts de Solution en Theorie des Jeux,
O De Wolf, from Universite Aix-Marseille III (1997)

Logit Solution and Equilibrium Selection in Two-Person Games,
Kang-Oh Yi, in Korean Economic Review (2009)
Keywords: Quantal Response Equilibrium, Logit Solution, Equilibrium Selection

Overt and Underlying Games: The Case of the Centipede,
Carlo Beretta, in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali (2010)
Keywords: Common knowledge, Rationality, Backward induction, Reasonableness, Incomplete information, Centipede game

A Note on Discontinuous Games: Single Lower-Deviation Property,
Rabia Nessah, in Revue d'économie politique (2019)
Keywords: discontinuous games, lower single-deviation property, weakly reciprocal upper semicontinuous, Nash equilibrium

On the Commitment Value and Commitment Optimal Strategies in Bimatrix Games,
Stefanos Leonardos and Costis Melolidakis, in International Game Theory Review (IGTR) (2018)
Keywords: Bimatrix game, Nash equilibrium, subgame perfect, commitment optimal, commitment value, weakly unilaterally competitive games, pure strategy equilibrium, commitment advantageous games

Environmental Stochasticity, Cournot Competition and the Prisoner’s Dilemma,
Robert Mamada and Charles Perrings, in International Game Theory Review (IGTR) (2020)
Keywords: Cournot competition, price stochasticity, Itô’s lemma, Wiener process

Existence theorems for Nash equilibrium and equilibrium in secure strategies,
M. Iskakov, in Journal of the New Economic Association (2022)
Keywords: equilibrium in secure strategies, Nash equilibrium, competitive deviations, noncompetitive deviations, Nash equilibrium existence theorems, rational choice theory

“Entanglement†and the Exploitation of Common Pool Resources: A Quantum Solution to the Prisoner’s Dilemma,
Robert Mamada and Charles Perrings, in International Game Theory Review (IGTR) (2022)
Keywords: Common pool resources, prisoners dilemma, quantum games, entanglement, dynamic cournot competition

How Hierarchical Structures Impact on Competition,
Alexsandr Galegov and Andrey Garnaev, in Czech Economic Review (2008)
Keywords: Hierarchical structures, multi-level Stackelberg equilibrium, Nash-Cournot equilibrium

Coalitions, Agreements and Efficiency,
Effrosyni Diamantoudi and Licun Xue, from Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University
Keywords: Coalition formation, externalities, efficiency, agreements

Ran Spiegler and Kfir Eliaz, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2014)
Keywords: Contagion; Coordination; Externalities; Strategic complementarities

Quantifying Commitment in Nash Equilibria,
Thomas Weber, in International Game Theory Review (IGTR) (2019)
Keywords: First-mover advantage, second-mover advantage, partial commitment, subgame perfection

To Help or not to Help: The Samaritan's Dilemma Revisited,
Dieter Schmidtchen, from Saarland University, CSLE - Center for the Study of Law and Economics (1999)
Keywords: Samaritan's Dilemma, Game Theory

Agame-theoretical approach to network capacity planning under competition,
Helio Waldman, Rodrigo C. Bortoletto and Gustavo S. Pavani, from International Telecommunications Society (ITS) (2011)
Keywords: network dimensioning, game theory, duopoly, Nash equilibrium, circuit switching, blocking probability

How much ambiguity can persist? A complete characterization of neutrally stable states for an evolutionary proto-language game,
Christiane Pawlowitsch, from University of Vienna, Department of Economics (2005) Downloads

Characterizing Pure-strategy Equilibria in Large Games,
Haifeng Fu, Ying Xu and Luyi Zhang, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Large games, Pure strategy equilibrium, Characterization

A minority-proof cheap-talk protocol,
Yuval Heller, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: non-cooperative games; cheap-talk; correlated equilibrium; strong equilibrium; coalition-proof equilibrium; fault-tolerant distributed computation

Entropic selection of Nash equilibrium,
Zeynel Harun Alioğulları and Mehmet Barlo, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: Entropic Selection of Nash Equilibrium; Refinements of Nash Equilibrium

Ontological foundation of Nash Equilibrium,
Yohan Pelosse, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: Free will; Indeterminism; Lukasiewicz's three-valued logic; Player's perspective; Rationalistic frames; Relational truth-values; Three-valued Kripke semantics

Using strong isomorphisms to construct game strategy spaces,
Michael Gagen, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: non-cooperative games: isomorphic probability distributions: mixed strategy spaces

A non-cooperative Pareto-efficient solution to a single-shot Prisoner's Dilemma,
Haoyang Wu, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: Quantum game theory; Prisoner's Dilemma

How Lies Induced Cooperation in "Golden Balls:" A Game-Theoretic Analysis,
Steven Brams and Ben D. Mor, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2019)
Keywords: Lying in games; Prisoners' Dilemma; King Solomon; Honor

Nyugdíjrendszer és játékelmélet. Megjegyzések Mészáros József cikkéhez,
András Gömöri, in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) (2005) Downloads

Asignación de probabilidades y acción colectiva como estrategia ganadora en la lotería de Cupones,
Hugo Delfín Casanova Leal, in Revista Ciencias Administrativas (CADM), IIA, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2020)
Keywords: collective action, lotteries, probabilities.

What Motives Should Guide Referees? On The Design of Mechanisms to Elicit Opinions,
Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein, from C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University (1996)
Keywords: Public motive, personal motive, implementation, eliciting opinions

A Non-cooperative Foundation of Core-Stability in Positive Externality NTU-Coalition Games,
Michael Finus and Bianca Rundshagen, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2003)
Keywords: Core-stability, non-cooperative game theory, positive externality games

Linking of Repeated Games. When Does It Lead to More Cooperation and Pareto Improvements?,
Pierre Mouche and Henk Folmer, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2007)
Keywords: Environmental Policy, Linking, Folk Theorem, Tensor Game, Prsioners' Dilemma, Full Cooperation, Pareto Efficiency, Minkowski Sum, Vector Maximum, Convex Analysis

The prisoners' dilemma, congestion games and correlation,
Ferenc Forgó, from Corvinus University of Budapest (2016)
Keywords: prisoners' dilemma, congestion games, soft correlated equilibrium, mediation value, enforcement value

On the enforcement value of soft correlated equilibrium for two-facility simple linear congestion games,
Ferenc Forgó, from Corvinus University of Budapest (2017)
Keywords: soft correlated equilibrium, congestion games, chicken game, prisoners' dilemma, enforcement value

On symmetric bimatrix games,
Ferenc Forgó, from Corvinus University of Budapest (2018)
Keywords: bimatrix game, random games, experimental games, complexity

Discontinuous stable games and efficient Nash equilibria,
Vincenzo Scalzo, in Economics Letters (2012)
Keywords: Efficient Nash equilibria; Stability of equilibria; Discontinuous games;

Rock–paper–scissors and cycle-based games,
Eric Bahel, in Economics Letters (2012)
Keywords: Cycle; Nash equilibrium; Prudent strategy;

On the belief (in-)dependence of sequential equilibria,
Hans Carlsson and Philipp Wichardt, in Economics Letters (2012)
Keywords: Beliefs; Sequential equilibrium; Existence;

Cycles with undistinguished actions and extended Rock–Paper–Scissors games,
Eric Bahel and Hans Haller, in Economics Letters (2013)
Keywords: Cycle; Nash equilibrium; Minimax theorem;

Greediness and equilibrium in congestion games,
Sergey Kuniavsky and Rann Smorodinsky, in Economics Letters (2013)
Keywords: Congestion games; Equilibrium; Greediness;

An asymmetric lottery Blotto game with a possible budget surplus and incomplete information,
Jeongsim Kim and Bara Kim, in Economics Letters (2017)
Keywords: Lottery Blotto game; Incomplete information; Nash equilibrium;

Undominated coalition-proof Nash equilibria in quasi-supermodular games with monotonic externalities,
Ryusuke Shinohara, in Economics Letters (2019)
Keywords: Coalition-proof Nash equilibrium; Undominated strategy; Quasi-supermodular game;

Patent Nash equilibria in symmetric strictly competitive games,
Eric Bahel, in Economics Letters (2021)
Keywords: Symmetric; Zero-sum; Nash equilibrium; Latent; Patent;

Maximin equilibrium,
Mehmet Ismail, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Non-cooperative games, maximin strategy, zerosum games

Maximin equilibrium,
Mehmet Ismail, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Non-cooperative games, maximin strategy, zerosum games

Generalized Nash equilibrium without common belief in rationality,
Christian W. Bach and Andrés Perea, in Economics Letters (2020)
Keywords: Common belief in rationality; Complete information; Epistemic characterization; Epistemic game theory; Existence; Generalized Nash equilibrium; Incomplete information; Interactive epistemology; Nash equilibrium; Solution concepts; Static games;

The duality gap for two-team zero-sum games,
Leonard J. Schulman and Umesh V. Vazirani, in Games and Economic Behavior (2019)
Keywords: Teams; Duality gap; Weak selection model;

Forward induction reasoning and correct beliefs,
Andrés Perea, in Journal of Economic Theory (2017)
Keywords: Epistemic game theory; Dynamic games; Forward induction; Common strong belief in rationality; Correct beliefs assumption; Equilibrium;

Price dispersion in a directed search model,
Ce Huang, in Canadian Journal of Economics (2016) Downloads

The folk theorem for all games with almost perfect monitoring,
Wojciech Olszewski and Johannes Hörner, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2004)
Keywords: imperfect private monitoring, repeated games

Corrigendum to “Rationality and coherent theories of strategic behavior” [J. Econ. Theory 70 (1) (1996) 1–31],
Xiao Luo and Yongchuan Qiao, in Journal of Economic Theory (2017)
Keywords: Game theory; Perfect τ-theories;

The Complexity of Computing Equilibria,
Christos Papadimitriou, from Elsevier (2015)
Keywords: Normal form games; Nash equilibrium; Algorithms; Computational complexity; Polynomial-time algorithms; NP-complete problems; PPAD-complete problems;

Existence of valuation equilibria when equilibrium strategies cannot differentiate between equal ties,
Philipp Wichardt, in Games and Economic Behavior (2012)
Keywords: Bounded rationality; Valuation equilibrium; Existence; Imperfect recall;

Symmetric games with only asymmetric equilibria,
Mark Fey, in Games and Economic Behavior (2012)
Keywords: Symmetric game; Symmetric equilibrium; Zero-sum game;

The nonatomic supermodular game,
Jian Yang and Xiangtong Qi, in Games and Economic Behavior (2013)
Keywords: Nonatomic game; Supermodular game; Strong set order; Stochastic dominance order; Complete lattice;

Belief in the opponentsʼ future rationality,
Andrés Perea, in Games and Economic Behavior (2014)
Keywords: Epistemic game theory; Dynamic games; Belief in future rationality; Backwards rationalizability procedure; Backward dominance procedure; Backward induction;

Fault tolerance in large games,
Ronen Gradwohl and Omer Reingold, in Games and Economic Behavior (2014)
Keywords: Nash equilibrium; Large games; Fault tolerance;

Kfir Eliaz and Ran Spiegler, in Games and Economic Behavior (2015)
Keywords: Externalities; Strategic complements; Strategic substitutes;

A Stackelberg strategy for routing flow over time,
Umang Bhaskar, Lisa Fleischer and Elliot Anshelevich, in Games and Economic Behavior (2015)
Keywords: Routing games; Flows over time; Equilibrium; Efficiency;

An ordinal minimax theorem,
Felix Brandt, Markus Brill and Warut Suksompong, in Games and Economic Behavior (2016)
Keywords: Zero-sum games; Shapley; Saddles; Minimax theorem;

Sincere voting in large elections,
Avidit Acharya and Adam Meirowitz, in Games and Economic Behavior (2017)
Keywords: Informative voting; Sincere voting; Strategic voting;

A new epistemic characterization of ε-proper rationalizability,
Andrés Perea and Souvik Roy, in Games and Economic Behavior (2017)
Keywords: Epistemic game theory; Incomplete information; Proper rationalizability;

Achieving target equilibria in network routing games without knowing the latency functions,
Umang Bhaskar, Katrina Ligett, Leonard J. Schulman and Chaitanya Swamy, in Games and Economic Behavior (2019)
Keywords: Routing games; Network flows; Tolls; Stackelberg routing; Query complexity; Ellipsoid algorithm;

Weak belief and permissibility,
Emiliano Catonini and Nicodemo De Vito, in Games and Economic Behavior (2020)
Keywords: Epistemic game theory; Permissibility; Dekel-Fudenberg procedure; Infinitely more likely; Lexicographic probability systems; Type structures; Rationality;

Symmetry in n-player games,
Asaf Plan, in Journal of Economic Theory (2023)
Keywords: Symmetric games; Symmetrical games; Rotational symmetry; Comparative statics; Symmetric equilibrium;

Cournot tatonnement in aggregative games with monotone best responses,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2015)
Keywords: Cournot tatonnement; Cournot potential; aggregative game; monotone best responses

Nash equilibrium with discontinuous utility functions: Reny's approach extended,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: better reply security; Nash equilibrium; potential game; game with strategic complementarities; aggregative game

Better response dynamics and Nash equilibrium in discontinuous games,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: discontinuous game; potential game; Bertrand competition; strategic complements; aggregative game

Potential games, path independence and Poisson's binomial distribution,
Debapriya Sen, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: potential games; zero strategy; path independence; Poisson's binomial distribution; storage requirement

Cournot tatonnement and Nash equilibrium in binary status games,
Nikolai Kukushkin and Pierre H.M. von Mouche, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: status game; Cournot tatonnement; Nash equilibrium

Equilibria in ordinal status games,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: status game; strong equilibrium; Nash equilibrium; Cournot tatonnement

kth price auctions and Catalan numbers,
Abdel-Hameed Nawar and Debapriya Sen, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: kth price auction; the revenue equivalence principle; Catalan numbers; Jensen's identity; Hagen-Rothe's identity

Quasiseparable aggregation in games with common local utilities,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2019)
Keywords: Bottleneck congestion game; Game with structured utilities; Potential game; Aggregation; Separable ordering

Optimization of tuna shing logistic routes through information sharing policies: A game theory-based approach,
Carlos Groba, Antonio Sartal and Gustavo Bergantiños, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2019)
Keywords: FAD restrictions, Tuna fishing industry, Economic incentives for sharing, Fuel consumption reduction, Game theory, Sustainability

Ordinal status games on networks,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2020)
Keywords: status game; strong equilibrium; Nash equilibrium; Cournot tatonnement

On the Generic Finiteness of Equilibrium Outcome Distributions in Bimatrix Game Forms,
Nikolai Kukushkin, Cristian M. Litan and Francisco Marhuenda, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Game form; Nash equilibrium; Generic finiteness

Pure self-confirming equilibrium,
Yaron Azrieli, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2007)
Keywords: Self-Confirming Equilibrium; Pure Equilibrium; Imperfect Monitoring

Acyclicity of improvements in finite game forms,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: Improvement dynamics; Game form; Perfect information game; Potential game; Voting by veto

On the existence of monotone selections,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: Monotone selection; (weakly) ascending correspondence; interval order; single crossing; (epsilon) Nash equilibrium

Another characterization of quasisupermodularity,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: best response correspondence; increasing correspondence; single crossing; quasisupermodular ordering

Strategic complementarity and substitutability without transitive indifference,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: Strong acyclicity; interval order; single crossing; monotone selection; Nash equilibrium

Cournot tatonnement and potentials,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: Cournot tatonnement; Cournot potential; game with structured utilities; aggregative game

Approximate Nash equilibrium under the single crossing conditions,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2013)
Keywords: strong acyclicity; single crossing; Cournot tatonnement; Nash equilibrium; aggregative game

Rosenthal's potential and a discrete version of the Debreu--Gorman Theorem,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Improvement dynamics; Acyclicity; Separable aggregation; Congestion game

Strong equilibrium in games with common and complementary local utilities,
Nikolai Kukushkin, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Strong equilibrium; Weakest-link aggregation; Coalition improvement path; Congestion game; Game with structured utilities

Rationalizability and logical inference,
Dieter Balkenborg, in Games and Economic Behavior (2018)
Keywords: Rationalizability; Modal logic; Necessitation;

Common belief of weak-dominance rationality in strategic-form games: A qualitative analysis,
Giacomo Bonanno and Elias Tsakas, in Games and Economic Behavior (2018)
Keywords: Ordinal payoffs; Rationality; Common belief; Dominance; Iterated deletion procedure;

Generic 4 x 4 Two Person Games Have at Most 15 Nash Equilibria,
Andrew McLennan and In-Uck Park, from Minnesota - Center for Economic Research (1997)

The Consistency Principle for Set-Valued Solutions and a New Direction for Normative Game Theory,
Martin Dufwenberg, Henk Norde, Hans Reijnierse and S. Tijs, from Uppsala - Working Paper Series (1998)

Aggregative Games,
Martin Jensen, from Department of Economics, University of Birmingham (2006)
Keywords: Aggregative Games, Aggregation, Strategic Substitutes, Nash Equilibrium, Potential Game, Best-reply Dynamics

On the IENBR-solvability of two-person finite games,
Takuya Iimura, in Economics Letters (2016)
Keywords: Iterated elimination of never best responses; Rationalizable strategies; Best response acyclic games; Strongly solvable games;

Best-response potential for Hotelling pure location games,
Takuya Iimura, Pierre von Mouche and Takahiro Watanabe, in Economics Letters (2017)
Keywords: Symmetric games; Location games; Best-response potential games; Pure Nash equilibrium existence;

Coalition-proofness and Dominance Relations,
Ryusuke Shinohara and 隆介 篠原, from Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University (2004)
Keywords: Coalition-proof Nash equilibrium, Strict domination, Weak domination, Anonymity, Monotone externality, Strategic substitutability

An Experiment on Intercultural Tacit Coordination - Preliminary Report,
Pablo Abitbol, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: Culture, cultural diversity, coordination, game theory, Thomas Schelling

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