4967 documents matched the search for Hugo Ñopo in authors.
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Matching as a Tool to Decompose Wage Gaps, Hugo Ñopo,
in The Review of Economics and Statistics
New Century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Earnings Gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean, Hugo Ñopo,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Gender Social Development Poverty Reduction
The Gender Wage Gap in Peru 1986-2000: Evidence from a Matching Comparisons Approach, Hugo Ñopo,
in Económica
Keywords: Matching, Non-parametric, Gender Wage Gap, Latin America
The Gender Wage Gap in Chile 1992-2003 from a Matching Comparisons Perspective, Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
La brecha salarial entre los sexos en Chile en 1992-2003 desde una perspectiva de comparaciones emparejadas, Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
An Extension of the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition to a Continuum of Comparison Groups, Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Una Extensión de la Descomposición de Blinder-Oaxaca a un Continuo de grupos en Comparación (An Extension of the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition to a Continuum of Comparison Groups), Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
The Gender Wage Gap in Peru 1986-2000: Evidence from a Matching Comparisons Approach, Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Keywords: Matching, Non-parametric, Gender Wage Gap, Latin America
Matching as a Tool to Decompose Wage Gaps, Hugo Ñopo,
from Middlebury College, Department of Economics
Keywords: matching, non-parametric, gender wage gap, Latin America
Políticas de protección social y laboral en el Perú: una espiral de buenas intenciones, malos resultados y peores respuestas, Hugo Ñopo,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Protección social, Bienestar social, Social welfare, Social protection, Perú, Peru
The Gender Wage Gap in Peru 1986-2000: Evidence from a Matching Comparisons Approach, Hugo Ñopo,
in Económica
Keywords: Matching, Non-parametric, Gender Wage Gap, Latin America
Overcoming the Saving Slump: How to Increase the Effectiveness of Financial Education and Saving Programs. Edited by Annamaria Lusardi. University of Chicago Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-22649-709-9, 406 pages, Hugo Ñopo,
in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Gender and Racial Discrimination in Hiring: A Pseudo Audit Study for Three Selected Occupations in Metropolitan Lima, Hugo Ñopo,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: Field Experiments, Discrimination, Occupational Segregation
An extension of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to a continuum of comparison groups, Hugo Ñopo,
in Economics Letters
The Gender Wage Gap in Chile 1992-2003: From a Matching Comparisons Perspective, Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-562
The Gender Wage Gap in Peru 1986-2000: Evidence from a Matching Comparisons Approach, Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-675
An Extension of the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition to a Continuum of Comparison Groups, Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-612
New century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Earnings Gaps in Latin America and The Caribbean, Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: LADF, Latin American Development Forum
Matching as a Tool to Decompose Wage Gaps, Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: Latin America, non-parametric, gender wage gap, matching
The Gender Wage Gap in Chile 1992-2003 from a Matching Comparisons Perspective, Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: gender wage gap, non-parametric, matching, Latin America
An Extension of the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition to a Continuum of Comparison Groups, Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: informality, race, Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition, gender
Registered author: Hugo Ñopo
La formación de los economistas en América Latina, Eduardo Lora and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Keywords: Economía, enseñanza, formación, universidad
Returns to Private Education in Peru, Sebastian Calonico and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Retornos a la Educación Privada en Perú, Sebastian Calonico and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Becoming an Entrepreneur, Hugo Ñopo and Patricio Valenzuela,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Convirtiéndose en empresario, Hugo Ñopo and Patricio Valenzuela,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Discrimination in Latin America: An Elephant in the Room?, Alberto Chong and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Discriminación en América Latina: Eso que (casi) todos vemos? (Discrimination in Latin America: An Elephant in the Room?), Alberto Chong and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Gender Segregation in the Workplace and Wage Gaps: Evidence from Urban Mexico 1994-2004, Sebastian Calonico and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Segregación de genero en el trabajo y diferenciales de salario: Evidencia de las zonas urbanas de Mexico 1994-2004, Sebastian Calonico and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Gender and Ethnic Wage Gaps in Guatemala from a Matching Comparisons Perspective, Hugo Ñopo and Alberto Gonzales,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Brechas salariales por género y etnicidad en Guatemala desde una perspectiva de comparaciones emparejadas, Hugo Ñopo and Alberto Gonzales,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Ethnicity and Human Capital Accumulation in Urban Mexico, Hugo Ñopo and Natalia Winder,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Keywords: Social mobility, human capital accumulation, education, ethnic minorities, urban areas, Mexico
Etnicidad y acumulación de capital humano en México Urbano, Hugo Ñopo and Natalia Winder,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Keywords: Social mobility, human capital accumulation, education, ethnic minorities, urban areas, Mexico
Ethnic and Gender Wage Gaps in Ecuador, Lourdes Gallardo and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Keywords: Matching, Non-parametric, Wage Gaps, Gender, Ethnicity, Latin America
Broken gears: the value added of higher education on teachers'academic achievement, Carlos Balcazar and Hugo Ñopo,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Tertiary Education,Teaching and Learning,Education For All,Primary Education,Secondary Education
The Making of a Latin American Global Economist, David Colander and Hugo Ñopo,
from Middlebury College, Department of Economics
Impactos de la epidemia del coronavirus en el trabajo de las mujeres en el Perú, Miguel Jaramillo and Hugo Ñopo,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: COVID 19, Empleo de las mujeres, Womens employment, Womens work, Labour, Labor, Women, Trabajo, Perú, Peru
COVID-19 y shock externo: impactos económicos y opciones de política en el Perú, Miguel Jaramillo and Hugo Ñopo,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: COVID 19, Impactos económicos, Políticas públicas, Economic impacts, Public policies, Perú, Peru
COVID-19 and external shock: economic impacts and policy options, Miguel Jaramillo and Hugo Ñopo,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: COVID 19, Impactos económicos, Políticas públicas, Economic impacts, Public policies, Perú, Peru
Políticas de protección social y laboral en el Ecuador, Hugo Ñopo and Alejandra Peña,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Protección social, Bienestar social, Social welfare, Social protection, Ecuador
Políticas de protección social y laboral en la República Dominicana, Hugo Ñopo and Sócrates Barinas,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Protección social, Bienestar social, Social welfare, Social protection, República Dominicana, Dominican Republic
Introduction, Marcela Perticara and Hugo Ñopo,
in Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review
La Formación de los Economistas en America Latina, Eduardo Lora and Hugo Ñopo,
in Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review
Keywords: Economics, Training, University
Evaluación de programas sociales: importancia y metodologías. Estimación econométrica para el caso de ProJoven, Hugo Ñopo and Miguel Robles,
in Investigaciones
Educación. Balance de Investigación en Políticas Públicas 2011-2016 y Agenda de Investigación 2017-2021, Hugo Ñopo and Jostin Kitmang,
in Investigaciones
The Mystery of Discrimination in Latin America, Alberto Chong and Hugo Ñopo,
in Economía Journal
Keywords: Discrimination, propensity score matching, Latin America
Measuring the relative pay of school teachers in Latin America 1997–2007, Alejandra Mizala and Hugo Ñopo,
in International Journal of Educational Development
Keywords: Comparative education; Teachers’ labor market; Wage differentials;
The mystery of discrimination in Latin America, Alberto Chong and Hugo Ñopo,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Gender segregation in the workplace and wage gaps: evidence from urban Mexico 1994–2004, Sebastian Calonico and Hugo Ñopo,
from Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Returns to Private Education in Peru, Sebastian Calonico and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-603
Gender Segregation in the Workplace and Wage Gaps: Evidence from Urban Mexico 1994-2004, Sebastian Calonico and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-636
Gender and Ethnic Wage Gaps in Guatemala from a Matching Comparisons Perspective, Hugo Ñopo and Alberto Gonzales,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-641
Ethnicity and Human Capital Accumulation in Urban Mexico, Natalia Winder and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-660
Gender and Racial Wage Gaps in Brazil 1996-2006: Evidence Using a Matching Comparisons Approach, Paola Salardi and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-681
Becoming an Entrepreneur, Patricio Valenzuela and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-605
Discrimination in Latin America: An Elephant in the Room?, Alberto Chong and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-614
La Formación de los Economistas en América Latina, Eduardo Lora and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: IDB-WP-119
Measuring the Relative Pay of Latin American School Teachers at the turn of the 20th Century, Alejandra Mizala and Hugo Ñopo,
from Peruvian Economic Association
Keywords: education, wage differentials, professional labor markets, national and international labor standards, Latin America, Caribbean
Returns to Private Education in Peru, Sebastian Calonico and Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: returns to schooling, wages
Becoming an Entrepreneur, Hugo Ñopo and Patricio Valenzuela,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: difference-in-differences, non-parametric matching, micro-enterprises
Teachers' Salaries in Latin America: How Much Are They (Under or Over) Paid?, Alejandra Mizala and Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: wage differentials, professional labor markets, Latin America
Evolution of Teachers' Salaries in Latin America at the Turn of the 20th Century: How Much Are They (Under or Over) Paid?, Alejandra Mizala and Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: wage differentials, professional labor markets, national and international labor standards, Latin America, Caribbean
Broken Gears: The Value Added of Higher Education on Teachers' Academic Achievement, Carlos Balcazar and Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: career choice, self-selection, relative learning mobility, teacher performance
Ethnicity and Earnings in a Mixed-Race Labor Market, Hugo Ñopo, Jaime Saavedra and Maximo Torero,
in Economic Development and Cultural Change
Discrimination in Latin America: An Economic Perspective, Hugo Ñopo, Alberto Chong and Andrea Moro,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Gender - Gender and Development Social Protections and Labor - Disability Health, Nutrition and Population - Population Policies Gender - Gender and Law Social Development - Race in Society Health, Nutrition and Population
Una medición del impacto del Programa de Capacitación Laboral Juvenil PROJoven, Hugo Ñopo, Luis Robles and Jaime Saavedra,
from Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE)
Keywords: Labor and Human Capital
La carrera docente en el Perú, Juan Jose Diaz and Hugo Ñopo,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Docentes, Situación de los docentes, Salarios, Calidad de la educación, Teachers, Teachers status, Wages, Quality of education
Evolution of Gender Gaps in Latin America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: An Addendum to "New Century, Old Disparities", Alejandro Hoyos Suarez and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Keywords: Gender, Wage gaps, Latin America, Matching
Traditional Excluding Forces: A Review of the Quantitative Literature on the Economic Situation of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Descendants, and People Living with Disability, Nestor Gandelman, Hugo Ñopo and Laura Ripani,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Fuerzas tradicionales de exclusión: Una revisión de la literatura cuantitativa sobre la situación económica de los pueblos indígenas, afrodescendientes y personas con discapacidad, Nestor Gandelman, Hugo Ñopo and Laura Ripani,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Occupational Training to Reduce Gender Segregation: The Impacts of ProJoven, Hugo Ñopo, Jaime Saavedra and Miguel Robles,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Entrenamiento ocupacional para reducir la segregación de género: El impacto de Projoven, Hugo Ñopo, Jaime Saavedra and Luis Robles,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Using Pseudo-Panels to Measure Income Mobility in Latin America, Hugo Ñopo, Georgina Pizzolitto and Jose Cuesta,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Usando pseudopaneles para medir la movilidad del ingreso en América, Hugo Ñopo, Georgina Pizzolitto and Jose Cuesta,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Do Welfare Programs Damage Interpersonal Trust? Experimental Evidence from Representative Samples for Four Latin American Cities, Alberto Chong, Hugo Ñopo and Vanessa Rios,
from Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department
Keywords: Experiments, Surveys, Social Programs, Trust, Stigma, Latin America
Ethnicity and Earnings in Urban Peru, Hugo Ñopo, Jaime Saavedra and Maximo Torero,
from Middlebury College, Department of Economics
Keywords: race discrimination, minorities, wage differentials, semi-parametric
How do Latin American migrants in the U.S. stand on schooling premium? What does it reveal about education quality in their home countries?, Daniel Alonso-Soto and Hugo Ñopo,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Calidad de la educación, aprendizaje, escolaridad, América Latina.
Ser joven en el Perú: educación y trabajo, Hugo Ñopo and Ana Paula Franco,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Juventud, Empleo, Educación, Transición a la vida profesional, Transition from school to work, Education, Employment, Youth, Perú
El coronavirus y los retos para el trabajo de las mujeres en América Latina, Diana Gutiérrez, Guillermina Martin and Hugo Ñopo,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: COVID-19, Trabajo, Empleo de las mujeres, Mujeres, Work, Women's employment, Women, Perú, Peru
The coronavirus pandemic and its challenges to women’s work in Latin America, Diana Gutiérrez, Guillermina Martin and Hugo Ñopo,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: COVID-19, Trabajo, Empleo de las mujeres, Mujeres, Work, Women's employment, Women, Perú, Peru
Una medición del impacto del Programa de Capacitación Laboral Juvenil PROJoven, Hugo Ñopo, Luis Robles and Jaime Saavedra,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Empleo, Juventud, Programas de capacitación, Análisis costo-beneficio, Employment, Youth, Training programmes, Cost-benefit analysis, Peru
Occupational training to reduce gender segregation: The impacts of ProJoven, Hugo Ñopo, Luis Robles and Jaime Saavedra,
in Revista Economía
Keywords: labor markets, occupational training, youth, Latin America.
in Review of Income and Wealth
How do Latin American migrants in the USA stand on schooling premium? What does it reveal about education quality in their home countries?, Daniel Alonso-Soto and Hugo Ñopo,
in International Journal of Manpower
Keywords: Returns to education, Immigrant workers, Schooling premium, Wage differentials, I26, J31, J61
Do Welfare Programs Damage Interpersonal Trust?: Experimental Evidence from Representative Samples for Four Latin American Cities, Vanessa Ríos, Alberto Chong and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-668
Ethnic and Gender Wage Gaps in Ecuador, María Lourdes Gallardo Montoya and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-679
Evolution of Gender Gaps in Latin America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: An Addendum to "New Century, Old Disparities", Alejandro Hoyos Suarez and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: IDB-WP-176
Traditional Excluding Forces: A Review of the Quantitative Literature on the Economic Situation of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Descendants, and People Living with Disability, Laura Ripani, Nestor Gandelman and Hugo Ñopo,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: WP-619
Occupational Training to Reduce Gender Segregation: The Impacts of ProJoven, Hugo Ñopo, Luis Robles and Jaime Saavedra,
from Inter-American Development Bank
Keywords: occupational training, sex discrimination, sexual division of labor, gender, gender discrimination, labor markets
How do Latin American migrants in the U.S. stand on schooling premium? What does it reveal about education quality in their home countries?, Daniel Alonso-Soto and Hugo Ñopo,
from Peruvian Economic Association
Keywords: Schooling premium (returns to education), Wage differentials, Immigrant workers
Ethnicity and Earnings in Urban Peru, Hugo Ñopo, Jaime Saavedra and Maximo Torero,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: minorities, semi-parametric, race discrimination, wage differentials
Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps in Latin America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: An Addendum to, Hugo Ñopo and Alejandro Hoyos Suarez,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: gender, wage gaps, Latin America, matching
Using Pseudo-Panels to Measure Income Mobility in Latin America, Jose Cuesta, Hugo Ñopo and Georgina Pizzolitto,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: Latin America, poverty, income mobility, pseudo-panels
How Do Latin American Migrants in the U.S. Stand on Schooling Premium? What Does It Reveal about Education Quality in Their Home Countries?, Daniel Alonso-Soto and Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: schooling premium, returns to education, wage differentials, immigrant workers
Stand Against Bullying: An Experimental School Intervention, Italo Gutierrez, Oswaldo Molina and Hugo Ñopo,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: school dropout, student achievement, anti-bullying programs, school violence, randomized control trial, Peru
Dynamic capabilities in sole proprietorships: theoretical model through grounded theory, Víctor Hugo Nopo Olazabal and Niria Marleny Goni Avila,
in Journal of International Entrepreneurship
Keywords: Dynamic capabilities, Sole proprietorships, Business model, Grounded theory, Music industry, Capacidades dinámicas, Negocios unipersonales, Modelo de negocio, Teoría fundamentada, Industria musical
Natural Resources, Redistribution and Human Capital Formation, Jorge Agüero, Carlos Balcazar, Stanislao Maldonado and Hugo Ñopo,
from Universidad del Rosario
Keywords: Resource booms, academic achievement, intergovernmental transfers.
Selection and Reporting Bias in Household Surveys of Child Labor: Evidence from Tanzania, Yohanne Kidolezi, Jessica Holmes, Hugo Ñopo and Paul Sommers,
in African Development Review