7803 documents matched the search for Hallegatte, Stéphane in authors.
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A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the New Orleans Flood Protection System, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: Cost-Benefit analysis,Hurricane risk,New Orleans,Climate change
Do Current Assessments Underestimate Future Damages from Climate Change ?, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: Climate change,economic impacts
ECONOMICS The rising costs of hurricanes, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
An adaptive regional input-output model and its application to the assessment of the economic cost of Katrina, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
The time scales of the climate-economy feedback and the climatic cost of growth, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
A Roadmap to assess climate change economic impacts: illustration on hurricanes in the U.S, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
A Roadmap to Assess the Economic Cost of Climate Change with an Application to Hurricanes in the United States, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
The trade off between resilience and efficiency, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Modeling the Role of Inventories and Heterogeneity in the Assessment of the Economic Costs of Natural Disasters, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
From Growth to Green Growth, Stephane Hallegatte,
in Review of Environment, Energy and Economics - Re3
Keywords: Economic Co-benefits, Environmental Benefits, Political Acceptability, Green Growth, Environmental Policies
Economic Growth and Risk Taking: Is it Rational to Suffer from Increasing Disaster Losses?, Stephane Hallegatte,
in Review of Environment, Energy and Economics - Re3
Keywords: Development, Economic Growth, Risk, Natural Disaster, Economic Losses
Accounting for Extreme Events in the Economic Assessment of Climate Change, Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Climate change, Extreme events, Economic impacts
A Proposal for a New Prescriptive Discounting Scheme: The Intergenerational Discount Rate, Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Discount Rate, Intergenerational Equity
Do Current Assessments Underestimate Future Damages From Climate Change?, Stephane Hallegatte,
in World Economics
Interactions d'échelles en économie: Application à l'évaluation intégré des dommages du changement climatique et des événements extrêmes, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: dynamique économique,changement climatique,événements extrêmes
A framework to investigate the economic growth impact of sea level rise, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
The long time scales of the climate–economy feedback and the climatic cost of growth, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: climate change,impacts,economic growth,feedback analysis
Interactions d'échelles en économie: Application à l'évaluation intégré des dommages du changement climatique et des événements extrêmes, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: dynamique économique,changement climatique,événements extrêmes
An Exploration of the Link Between Development, Economic Growth, and Natural Risk, Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
An Exploration of the Link Between Development, Economic Growth, and Natural Risk, Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Development, Economic Growth, Risk, Natural Disaster, Economic Losses
A cost effective solution to reduce disaster losses in developing countries: hydro-meteorological services, early warning, and evacuation, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
An exploration of the link between development, economic growth, and natural risk, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Modeling the roles of heterogeneity, substitution, and inventories in the assessment of natural disaster economic costs, Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
The rising costs of hurricanes, Stephane Hallegatte,
in Nature Climate Change
Disasters’ impacts on supply chains, Stephane Hallegatte,
in Nature Sustainability
Storm damages and inter-city trade, Stephane Hallegatte,
in Nature Sustainability
A Normative Exploration of the Link Between Development, Economic Growth, and Natural Risk, Stephane Hallegatte,
in Economics of Disasters and Climate Change
Keywords: Development, Economic growth, Natural disasters, Risk
Modeling the Role of Inventories and Heterogeneity in the Assessment of the Economic Costs of Natural Disasters, Stephane Hallegatte,
in Risk Analysis
An Adaptive Regional Input‐Output Model and its Application to the Assessment of the Economic Cost of Katrina, Stéphane Hallegatte,
in Risk Analysis
Registered author: Stephane Hallegatte
How economic growth and rational decisions can make disaster losses grow faster than wealth, Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Hazard Risk Management,Natural Disasters,Labor Policies,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Economic Theory&Research
Modeling the roles of heterogeneity, substitution, and inventories in the assessment of natural disaster economic costs, Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Labor Policies,Natural Disasters,E-Business,Markets and Market Access
A cost effective solution to reduce disaster losses in developing countries: hydro-meteorological services, early warning, and evacuation, Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Hazard Risk Management,Natural Disasters,Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Climate Change Economics,Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases
An exploration of the link between development, economic growth, and natural risk, Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Hazard Risk Management,Banks&Banking Reform,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Labor Policies
Economic resilience: definition and measurement, Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Natural Disasters,Climate Change Economics,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Labor Policies
The indirect cost of natural disasters and an economic definition of macroeconomic resilience, Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Disaster Management,Hazard Risk Management,Climate Change Economics,Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters and Climate Change, Stephane Hallegatte,
from Springer
2C or Not 2C?, Céline Guivarch and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Think Again: Higher Elasticity of Substitution Increases Economic Resilience, Patrice Dumas and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty
Climate Change Adaptation, Development, and International Financial Support: Lessons from EU Pre-Accession and Solidarity Funds, Valentin Przyluski and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Compact or Spread-Out Cities: Urban Planning, Taxation, and the Vulnerability to Transportation Shocks, Francois Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development
Endogenous Business Cycles and the Economic Response to Exogenous Shocks, Stephane Hallegatte and Michael Ghil,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development
Compact or Spread-Out Cities: Urban Planning, Taxation, and the Vulnerability to Transportation Shocks, Francois Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
from EcoMod
Compact or Spread-Out Cities: Urban Planning, Taxation, and the Vulnerability to Transportation Shocks, François Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: urban economics,transportation,urbanism
Behaviors and housing inertia are key factors in determining the consequences of a shock in transportation costs, François Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: urban economics,transportation
Trade-offs and synergies in urban climate policies, Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: mitigation, adaptation, cities,climate change
Natural disasters impacting a macroeconomic model with endogenous dynamics, Stephane Hallegatte and Michael Ghil,
from HAL
Les impacts socio-économiques du changement climatique, Stephane Hallegatte and Daniel Théry,
from HAL
Gestion des risques naturels: Leçons de la tempête Xynthia, V. Przyluski and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
A First Quantification of Trade-Offs and Synergies in Urban Climate Policies, Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Conclusions du projet VURCA, Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Scenarios for Paris development in the twenty-first century: An exercise on the prospective impact of a carbon tax, Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Gestion des risques naturels- Lecons de la tempête Xynthia, Valentin Przyluski and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
2C or not 2C?, Céline Guivarch and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: changement climatique
Compact or Spread-Out Cities: Urban Planning, Taxation, and the Vulnerability to Transportation Shocks, François Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Urban transportation, Housing, Inertia, Vulnerability, Transportation Taxation
Endogenous Business Cycles and the Economic Response to Exogenous Shocks, Stephane Hallegatte and Michael Ghil,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Business cycles, Natural disasters, Productivity shocks, Output variability
Assessing the Consequences of Natural Disasters on Production Networks: A Disaggregated Approach, Stephane Hallegatte and Fanny Henriet,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Natural disasters, Economic impacts, Economic Network
Climate Change Adaptation, Development, and International Financial Support: Lessons from EU Pre-Accession and Solidarity Funds, Valentin Przyluski and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Economic Development, Climate Change Adaptation, Foreign Aid, European Union, Pre-acccession and Solidarity Funds
2C or Not 2C?, Céline Guivarch and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Feasibility of 2°C Target, Climate Change Negotiations
Changement climatique et enjeux de sécurité, Philippe Ambrosi and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: Climate Change,Environmental Scarcity,Security,changement climatique,migrations,rareté environnementale,sécurité
Urban Infrastructure Investment and Rent-Capture Potentials, Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: modeling,public finance,Public transport,urban economics,transport
Behaviors and housing inertia are key factors in determining the consequences of a shock in transportation costs, François Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: City,Housing,Transportation
Changement climatique et enjeux de sécurité, Philippe Ambrosi and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: Climate Change,Environmental Scarcity,Security,changement climatique,migrations,rareté environnementale,sécurité
Urban Infrastructure Investment and Rent-Capture Potentials, Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: modeling,public finance,Public transport,urban economics,transport
Behaviors and housing inertia are key factors in determining the consequences of a shock in transportation costs, François Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: City,Housing,Transportation
Les impacts économiques futurs du changement climatique sont-ils sous-estimés ?, Stephane Hallegatte and Daniel Théry,
in Revue d'économie politique
Keywords: climate change, economic impact, uncertainty, infrastructure, natural disaster
Natural disasters impacting a macroeconomic model with endogenous dynamics, Stephane Hallegatte and Michael Ghil,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Macroeconomic dynamics Non-equilibrium modeling Business cycles Investment flexibility Natural hazards
Risk Management for Development—Assessing Obstacles and Prioritizing Action, Stephane Hallegatte and Jun Rentschler,
in Risk Analysis
Compact or spread-out cities: Urban planning, taxation, and the vulnerability to transportation shocks, Francois Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
in Energy Policy
Behaviors and housing inertia are key factors in determining the consequences of a shock in transportation costs, Francois Gusdorf and Stephane Hallegatte,
in Energy Policy
Can we live within environmental limits and still reduce poverty? Degrowth or decoupling?, Jason Hickel and Stephane Hallegatte,
in Development Policy Review
Existing Infrastructure and the 2°C Target, Céline Guivarch and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: infrastructure,committed emissions,transport,2°C target
2°C or Not 2°C?, Céline Guivarch and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: feasibility of 2°C target,climate change negotiations,deep uncertainty
Trade-offs and synergies in urban climate policies, Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte,
in Nature Climate Change
Climate change through a poverty lens, Stephane Hallegatte and Julie Rozenberg,
in Nature Climate Change
Think Again: Higher Elasticity of Substitution Increases Economic Resilience, Patrice Dumas and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Substitution, Calibration, Constant Elasticity of Substitution, Shock
Measuring Natural Risks in the Philippines: Socioeconomic Resilience and Wellbeing Losses, Brian Walsh and Stephane Hallegatte,
in Economics of Disasters and Climate Change
Keywords: Natural risks, Resilience, Risk assessment, Welfare, Philippines
Existing infrastructure and the 2°C target, Céline Guivarch and Stephane Hallegatte,
in Climatic Change
Natural Disasters, Poverty and Inequality, Stephane Hallegatte and Brian Walsh,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Environment-Adaptation to Climate Change Environment-Natural Disasters Poverty Reduction-Living Standards Poverty Reduction-Poverty Monitoring & Analysis Poverty Reduction-Poverty Reduction Strategies
test on Aug 26, John Smith and Stéphane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Agriculture-Agribusiness
Can natural disasters have positive consequences? Investigating the role of embodied technical change, Stephane Hallegatte and Patrice Dumas,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Embodied technical change Natural disasters Economic impacts
Can natural disasters have positive consequences? Investigating the role of embodied technical change, Stephane Hallegatte and Patrice Dumas,
from HAL
Keywords: Embodied technical change,Natural disasters,Economic impacts
Expanded disaster risk assessment using agent-based modeling: a case study on floods in Sri Lanka, Brian Walsh and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Development Studies, Economics and Finance, Environment, Sociology and Social Policy,
Transport Policies for Climate Change, Stephane Hallegatte and Mook Bangalore,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Urban Development - Transport in Urban Areas Transport - Transport Economics Policy & Planning Environment - Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases
The Last Mile, Stephane Hallegatte and Jun Rentschler,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Conflict and Development - Disaster Management Environment - Natural Disasters Social Protections and Labor - Social Protections & Assistance Urban Development - Hazard Risk Management Finance and Financial Sector Development - Insurance & Risk Mitigation
Best Investments for an Economic Recovery from Coronavirus, Samuel Fargher and Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Energy - Energy and Environment Environment - Climate Change and Environment Environment - Environmental Economics & Policies Health, Nutrition and Population - Disease Control & Prevention Social Protections and Labor - Employment and Unemployment Social Protections and Labor - Labor Markets Urban Development - Urban Governance and Management
Assessing the Consequences of Natural Disasters on Production Networks: A Disaggregated Approach, Fanny Henriet and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Keywords: Production Economics
The Economics of Natural Disasters, Stephane Hallegatte and Valentin Przyluski,
in CESifo Forum
Keywords: Naturkatastrophe, Soziale Kosten, Messung, Prognoseverfahren, Theorie
The economics of natural disasters: concepts and methods, Stephane Hallegatte and Valentin Przyluski,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Natural Disasters,Disaster Management,Economic Theory&Research,Hazard Risk Management,Climate Change Economics
Urban infrastructure investment and rent-capture potentials, Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Roads&Highways,Economic Theory&Research,Public Sector Economics,Municipal Housing and Land
The impacts of climate change on poverty in 2030 and the potential from rapid, inclusive, and climate-informed development, Julie Rozenberg and Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Regional Economic Development,Science of Climate Change,Rural Poverty Reduction,Climate Change Economics
Modeling the impacts of climate change on future Vietnamese households: a micro-simulation approach, Julie Rozenberg and Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Poverty, Environment and Development
Model and methods for estimating the number of people living in extreme poverty because of the direct impacts of natural disasters, Julie Rozenberg and Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Poverty Monitoring&Analysis,Social Risk Management,Poverty Impact Evaluation,Hazard Risk Management,Poverty Diagnostics,Small Area Estimation Poverty Mapping,Disaster Management,Poverty Lines,Poverty Assessment
Moral Hazard vs. Land Scarcity: Flood Management Policies for the Real World, Paolo Avner and Stephane Hallegatte,
from The World Bank
Downscaling long term socio-economic scenarios at city scale: A case study on Paris, Vincent Viguié, Stéphane Hallegatte and Julie Rozenberg,
in Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Keywords: Urban planning; Urban sprawl; Carbon tax; Mitigation; Adaptation; Scenarios;
Marginal Abatement Cost Curves and the Optimal Timing of Mitigation Measures, Adrien Vogt-Schilb and Stephane Hallegatte,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
The Resilience of the Indian Economy to Rising Oil Prices as a Validation Test for a Global Energy-Environment-Economy CGE Model, Céline Guivarch, Stephane Hallegatte and Renaud Crassous,
from HAL
Keywords: Global CGE model,Oil shock,Model validation
Firm-network characteristics and economic robustness to natural disasters, Fanny Henriet, Stephane Hallegatte and Lionel Tabourier,
from HAL
Keywords: Natural disasters,Economic impacts,Economic network
Adaptation to an uncertain climate change: cost benefit analysis and robust decision making for dam dimensioning, Hypatia Nassopoulos, Patrice Dumas and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL
Keywords: climate change
Optimal reservoir dimensioning under climate change, H. Nassopoulos, Patrice Dumas and Stephane Hallegatte,
from HAL