- The second season of The Masked Singer based on the Masked Singer franchise which originated from the South Korean version of the show King of Mask Singer. It premiered on VTM on 14 January 2022 and is hosted by Niels Destadsbader. The season was won by singer Camille Dhont as "Miss Kitty", with singer Loredana finishing second as "Knight", and party chairman Conner Rousseau placing third as "Rabbit". The second season started successfully. Highlights in this season was the unmasking of Johnny Logan, the first international contestant outside of the Benelux, and the unexpected unmasking of Robots in the fifth episode, one of the favorites of the public. The first duo ever in the Belgian series, Robots, turned out to be reallife partners Lize Feryn & Aster Nzeyimana. Another reallife couple, Tine Embrechts and Guga Baúl participated, not in duo but with the matching characters Flamme Fatale and Ice King, representing the elements fire and ice. The unexpected reveal of politician Conner Rousseau during the final made headlines and started a debate about politicians in entertainment programs. (en)