- The 50th season of The Late Late Show, the world's longest-running chat show, began on 2 September 2011 and concluded on 1 June 2012. Ryan Tubridy's third season as host, it aired on RTÉ One each Friday evening from 21:30. Local guests this season included Bob Geldof, Senator David Norris, President Michael D. Higgins, Joanne O'Riordan and Micheál Martin. Ireland football players Shay Given, Paul McGrath, Niall Quinn and Ronnie Whelan all featured in different episodes (as did England football player Steven Gerrard), while other guests from the world of sport this season included Kieran Behan, Conor Niland, Pat Spillane, Katie Taylor and Johnston, Mooney and O'Brien. International guests interviewed this season included Terry Pratchett, Tippi Hedren, Santa Claus and Mia Farrow. Sinéad O'Connor managed three appearances, including the first and last episodes of the season, while in November Westlife gave their first interview since announcing their demise. Julian Lennon and James McCartney appeared in separate episodes (in September and in March). Academy Award winners Glen Hansard and Cuba Gooding Jr. were interviewed in separate episodes. Other musical guests this season included Aslan, Snow Patrol, One Direction, JLS, The Wanted, Ed Sheeran, Ryan O'Shaughnessy, Foster and Allen, Florence and the Machine, James Morrison, Maverick Sabre, Michael Bublé, Noel Gallagher, Lisa Hannigan and Eleanor McEvoy. The first televised debate of the presidential election campaign was held during the fifth episode. The final episode of the season celebrated the 50th anniversary of The Late Late Show, which fell the following month. (en)