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- Zločin nebo též Vražda (v dánském originále Forbrydelsen, výslovnost [fʌˈb̥ʁyðˀəlsən]IPA) je dánský kriminální seriál, premiérově vysílaný od ledna 2007 do listopadu 2012 na dánské veřejnoprávní televizní stanici DR1 ve formě tří řad. Koproducentem se stala společnost ZDF Enterprises a námětu i scénáře se zhostil . Seriál byl postupně odvysílán ve více než , včetně České republiky, kde jej od ledna 2013 poprvé uvedl program ČT2. Hlavní vyšetřovatelka Sarah Lundová, v podání herečky Sofie Gråbølové, vyšetřuje v každé řadě vraždy spojené s politickými kruhy. V první z nich se děj odvíjí na úrovni lokální politiky před volbami do kodaňské radnice, druhá série se dotýká vládního patra s vhledem do úřadu ministra spravedlnosti, a třetí se zaměřuje na prostředí a vazby okolo úřadu dánského premiéra. Jedna série obsahuje jeden příběh s chronologickým plynutím „dne za dnem“. Každý díl pak sleduje 24hodinový úsek. Průvodním znakem jsou radikální zvraty ve vyšetřování, temné prvky severské krimi i důraz na rozvoj děje více postav z blízkosti oběti. Zločin dosáhl kladného mezinárodního ohlasu a pozitivních recenzí především ve Spojeném království, Německu i Nizozemsku. Zařadil se mezi kultovní seriály oceněné včetně britské BAFTA a nominace na mezinárodní Emmy. V roce 2011 se stal předlohou pro vznik čtyř řad amerického remaku vysílaného v komerční kabelové televizi AMC. Knižně zpracovanou podobu každé řady vydalo nakladatelství Macmillan. (cs)
- القتل (بالإنجليزية: The Killing) هو مسلسل جريمة دراما دنماركي من بطولة صوفي جروبول وسورين مولينج،تم عرض الموسم الأول في 7 يناير 2007 والموسم الثاني في 27 سبتمبر 2009 والموسم الثالث في 23 سبتمبر 2012. (ar)
- Kommissarin Lund – Das Verbrechen (Dänischer Originaltitel: Forbrydelsen, Deutsch etwa: Verbrechen; bei der Arte-Ausstrahlung auch The Killing, Deutsch etwa Die Tötung) ist eine dänische Krimiserie, die von 2007 bis 2012 erschien. Sie umfasst drei Staffeln, von denen die erste aus 20 Episoden und die anderen beiden aus je zehn Episoden bestehen. Jede Staffel erzählt episodenübergreifend die Ermittlungen der von Sofie Gråbøl gespielten Kommissarin Sarah Lund in Mordfällen in Kopenhagen. Erdacht wurde sie von Søren Sveistrup und mitproduziert vom Dänischen Rundfunk. Die Serie zeichnet sich durch eine inhaltlich und formal dunkle Bildsprache aus und wurde zum großen Publikumserfolg in Dänemark und anderen Ländern, vor allem in Großbritannien, den Niederlanden und Schweden. Zu den zahlreichen Auszeichnungen gehören der britische BAFTA-Preis und der amerikanische Internationale Emmy. Die Serie wurde bereits zweimal neuverfilmt: von 2010 bis 2014 in den USA unter dem Titel The Killing und 2014 in der Türkei unter dem Titel . (de)
- Forbrydelsen sortutako daniar telesail dramatikoa da. (eu)
- Forbrydelsen ("The Killing: Crónica de un asesinato" en España) es una serie de televisión danesa del género creada por Søren Sveistrup y producida por Danmarks Radio. Fue emitida por primera vez en el canal de la televisión danesa DR1 el 7 de enero de 2007, y desde entonces ha sido emitida en numerosos países. Consta de tres temporadas. La serie está ambientada en el principal departamento de policía de Copenhague y gira en torno a la detective Sarah Lund (papel encarnado por Sofie Gråbøl) y su equipo, quienes en cada temporada siguen un caso diferente de asesinato, narrado día a día en un episodio de una hora que cubre las veinticuatro horas de investigación. La serie se caracteriza por sus vueltas de tuerca, amplios arcos narrativos, el tono oscuro y por presentar con igual énfasis las historias relativas a las familias de las víctimas, como su efecto en los círculos políticos a lo largo de la investigación. También ha sido destacada por su fotografía del ambiente danés y la capacidad actoral de su elenco. Forbrydelsen logró un gran éxito tanto en Dinamarca como en el resto del mundo y fue aclamada por la crítica en diversos países (particularmente en Reino Unido, Alemania y Holanda), convirtiéndose en una serie televisiva de culto. Ha recibido numerosos premios y nominaciones incluyendo un premio BAFTA y un Emmy International. En 2011 la cadena AMC produjo un remake, The Killing, para la televisión estadounidense. En 2012 editó una novela, adaptación de la primera temporada, escrita por el británico , a la que siguieron otros dos volúmenes en 2013 y 2014. En 2014 se estrenó una adaptación turca en Kanal D, titulada Cinayet. (es)
- The Killing (danois : Forbrydelsen, littéralement « le crime ») est une série télévisée danoise en 40 épisodes de 55 minutes créée par Søren Sveistrup et diffusée du 7 janvier 2007 au 25 novembre 2012 sur DR 1. En France, la série est diffusée à partir du 18 mai 2010 sur Arte et sur TPS Star et dès le 8 septembre 2013 sur Numéro 23 puis rediffusée sur Polar+ dès le 5 novembre 2017. La deuxième saison a remporté la Nymphe d'or de la meilleure production européenne au Festival de télévision de Monte-Carlo 2010 et le BAFTA Television Award 2011 de la meilleure série internationale. La série a été arrêtée au bout de trois saisons. La chaîne américaine AMC en a fait un remake, The Killing, diffusé à partir d'avril 2011. (fr)
- The Killing (Danish: Forbrydelsen, lit. 'The Crime') is a Danish police procedural drama television series created by Søren Sveistrup and produced by DR in co-production with ZDF Enterprises. It premiered on the Danish national television channel DR1 on 7 January 2007, and has since been broadcast in several other countries. The series is set in Copenhagen and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund (Sofie Gråbøl). Each series follows a murder case day-by-day. Each fifty-minute episode covers twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is noted for its plot twists, season-long storylines, dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the stories of the murdered victim's family and the effect in political circles alongside the police investigation. It has also been singled out for the photography of its Danish setting, and for the acting ability of its cast. The Killing has proved to be an international success, particularly in the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands, receiving numerous awards and nominations including a BAFTA Award and an International Emmy. It has become something of a cult show. Novelisations of each series have been published by Macmillan. (en)
- The Killing (Forbrydelsen) è una serie televisiva danese, appartenente al genere del giallo poliziesco, creata da Søren Sveistrup, prodotta e trasmessa dal network DR1 dal 7 gennaio 2007. Il titolo originale significa letteralmente "Il crimine", tuttavia la serie è nota in inglese e in italiano col nome di The Killing. La serie ha avuto notevoli consensi sia da parte della critica, ottenendo un BAFTA come miglior serie TV internazionale (2011), che da parte del pubblico. Il successo di Forbrydelsen ha portato alla produzione di un remake statunitense della serie, andato in onda dal 3 aprile 2011 al 4 agosto 2013 sulla rete via cavo AMC. (it)
- 『THE KILLING/キリング』(原題:Forbrydelsen)は、デンマーク制作のテレビドラマ。 (ja)
- Forbrydelsen (Het Misdrijf), internationaal bekend als The Killing (De moord of Het moorden), is een Deense politieserie die bedacht is door Søren Sveistrup en geproduceerd door DR in coproductie met . De serie ging in première op 7 januari 2007 op de Deense publieke omroep DR en is sindsdien in verschillende landen uitgezonden. (nl)
- The Killing (duń. oryginalny tytuł Forbrydelsen, dosłownie: "zbrodnia") – duński telewizyjny serial kryminalny, stworzony przez Sørena Sveistrupa, wyprodukowany przez Danmarks Radio, emitowany od 7 stycznia 2007 do 25 listopada 2012 przez DR1. W Polsce wyświetlany na kanale Ale Kino+ od 7 grudnia 2011 do 9 kwietnia 2014 pod angielskim tytułem The Killing (oznaczającym "zabójstwo"). Serial zyskał dużą międzynarodową popularność (dwie pierwsze serie wyemitowano w ponad 120 państwach). Zdobył nagrodę BAFTA dla najlepszego serialu zagranicznego w 2011 oraz dwie nominacje do nagrody Emmy: w 2007 (kategoria: "najlepszy serial dramatyczny") i 2008 (kategoria: "najlepsza aktorka" dla Sofie Gråbøl). (pl)
- «Убийство» (Forbrydelsen в переводе с датск. — «Преступление») — остросюжетный телесериал 2007 года, совместного производства Дании, Швеции и Норвегии. Впервые сериал был показан 7 января 2007 года. В конце 2012 года после окончания третьего сезона сериал был закрыт. В России первый сезон сериала транслировался Первым каналом с 28 сентября 2011 года по 9 февраля 2012 года в рамках телепроекта «Городские пижоны». (ru)
- Brottet (dansk originaltitel: Forbrydelsen) är en dansk kriminalserie från 2007, producerad av Danmarks Radio med manuskript av . Tre säsonger har spelats in och visats. Första säsongen hade premiär 7 januari 2007 och bestod av tjugo avsnitt som visades under 20 söndagar i dansk television under 2007. Varje avsnitt skildrade en dag i jakten på Nanna Birk Larsens mördare. De sista tio avsnitten var ursprungligen planerade att sändas våren 2008, men på grund av serien stora popularitet tidigarelades sändningen till hösten 2007. Första säsongens sista avsnitt sändes 25 november 2007 och sågs av 2 107 000 danska tv-tittare. En fristående säsong, Brottet II, hade premiär 2009 och i september 2012 började tredje säsongen, , att sändas. I april 2011 hade en amerikansk version av serien med titeln The Killing, premiär på AMC. (sv)
- Forbrydelsen (Brasil: The Killing – História de um Assassinato / Portugal: The Killing: Crónica de um Assassinato) é uma série de televisão dinamarquesa de 2007 criada por e produzida pela DR, canal público dinamarquês, em parceria com a ZDF. O sucesso da exibição da série no Reino Unido estimulou o interesse de outros países pela produção, entre elas a criação de uma versão americana, The Killing - Além de um Crime, que estreou no canal a cabo AMC em 3 de abril de 2011, com uma première de duas horas. No Brasil, The Killing – História de um Assassinato estreou no +Globosat. Em Portugal, a série foi exibida no AXN Black, sob o título The Killing: Crónica de um Assassinato. A primeira temporada contou com 20 episódios produzidos. Na história, Sarah Lund (Sofie Gråbøl), prestes a se mudar para Suécia, é encarregada pelo Departamento de Polícia de Copenhague a definir a linha de trabalho que será adotada por seu substituto, Jan Meyer, nas investigações em torno do assassinato de Nanna Birk Larsen, uma jovem de 19 anos. Ao longo dos trabalhos, a dupla chega a diversos suspeitos, entre eles o candidato a prefeito Troels Hartmann (Lars Mikkelsen). Bem recebida pela crítica e pela audiência, a série conquistou dezenas de prêmios, entre eles o BAFTA Award, e duas nomeações ao Emmy Internacional. (pt)
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- Series 1 Danish poster (en)
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- Crime drama (en)
- Psychological thriller (en)
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- Scandinavian noir (en)
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- (en)
- Piv Bernth (en)
- Sandra Foss (en)
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- Hartmann admits that he had used the username Faust on the dating site but claims he had stopped using the site months before the messages were exchanged with Nana. He provides Lund with a list of people who might know his password. Meyer checks Hartman's alibi and finds that no one at the conference saw him until Sunday afternoon. Rie admits that she never saw Hartman on the Friday night that Nanna was kidnapped. Nethe, the woman who Hartman had previously met on the dating site, says she phoned Hartman on the Friday night and visited the party's apartment, but believes the person she saw in the window that night was not Hartmann. Pernille and Theis attend grief counselling, and Pernille agrees to be interviewed by a journalist. (en)
- Sarah and Jan breaks into the apartment; Sarah finds Lynge who tells her that he was at the hospital and someone has stolen the car. Jan shows up at the scene forcing Lynch to flee; he falls down from the building injuring himself. While Lynge is shifted to the hospital journalists flock Troel's office. The police find Nanna's costume in the bike cellar at her school but her bike is still missing. Sarah and Jan questions Oliver but is interrupted by Oliver's father. Troel finds out that his campaign secretary Morten leaked the information to the press. Sarah questions Lynge at the hospital; he tells him about a boiler room near the cellar. Jan discovers the boiler room finding signs of blood, drugs and struggle. (en)
- Sarah and Jan review the surveillance tape from Town Hall parking which shows a man take the car while a party was being held at Troel's office. Bengt leaves for Sweden leaving behind Sarah. Jan finds a number missing in the report of Nanna's phone details; he suspects that Buchard who was the reviewer of the case is covering for a politician. Sarah and Jan questions a taxi driver who drove Nanna from Ryparken to Gronningen at the night of the party; he revels that Nanna made him stop at the Town hall and went inside for a few minutes. Pernille learns that Nanna had opened saving accounts in her brothers name and deposited 11,000. Sarah recovers a video of Troels party at Town Hall from a journalist showing Holke, leader of the Moderate party, leave the party mid way. Sarah questions Troels regarding Holke; Buchard discharges her from duty. Pernille learns from her sister Charlotte that she got Nanna a temporary job at the bar where she works and Nanna started seeing a man there. She further reveals that she and Theis found her drunk at a hotel room one night. Sarah tries the key found with Nanna in the buildings near Gronningen; she discovers the keys belong to a flat where she finds posters from Troels' campaign and signs of blood and struggle. (en)
- Philip Dessau, Bremner's press advisor, tells the police that the consulting money in Olav's paycheck was routed through Hartman's office. The police investigate Hartman's summer home and find that the windows and doors have been covered up with mattresses and towels. Hartman admits that he tried to kill himself at his summer home on the Friday night of Nanna's death. The city council members bring Hartman before the electoral tribunal and vote to exclude him from the mayoral race. In light on Hartman's new alibi, Sarah suspects that Philip Dessau had been the driver of the white car that struck Olav, and questions Jens Holck about his behavior during a trip to Latvia in August. While interviewing Jens, Sarah finds the white car hidden in his garage. Theis is attacked and robbed outside of a bar and misses Nanna's urn burial with the family. (en)
- Jens reveals that he had used Hartman's computer to meet Nanna, had paid Olav to use the Liberal party's apartment, and had doctored documents to implicate Hartman. He attacks Sarah, but Meyer arrives and kills him. Though the case is considered solved, Sarah has doubts about its resolution. She visits the father of Melle, one of the missing girls from the cold case files, and finds a photograph of the girl wearing a black heart necklace similar to the one found with Nanna's body. The city council's decision against Hartman is revoked. (en)
- The police search for Theis who has taken Rama to an old warehouse. Theis beats up Rama but the police arrive there in time and intervene; Theis is arrested. Sarah visits Bengt at the hospital to discuss the case; He asks her to look into the car again. Sarah looks into the milage log of the car and suspects that the car has been refueled before the murder by the killer; she gets the name of the gas station used to fuel the campaign cars from an employee at the office and recovers the servillance tapes. Sarah recognises the man refuelling the car as the employee who handles car keys at the office; he tells Sarah that he found the car at the school and returned the car to the parking of the Town Hall and the keys to the office. The surveillance tape of the office is found missing. Sarah asks Jan to look for cold cases related to missing girls in the country in the past 10 years. (en)
- Jan and Sarah visit Rama's father who is a Imam at the mosque in search of the friend, Mustafa Akkad; he informs that Mustafa rents garages. The police find Mustafa's garage where in a hidden cell they find a mattress and a girls clothes; Pernille recognises a sweatshirt to be similar to Nanna's. Bengt who has been studying Nanna's file meets with an accident and is admitted to hospital; Bengt tells Sarah that killer has a MO and so must be a serial offender. The police arrest Rama but release him later due to lack of enough evidence; he goes back to work but the students doesn't want to attend his class. Troels is informed that as a role model Rama had access to the same car used by the killer. Police arrest Mustafa who on questioning revels that Rama helped a girl stay at the garage who was running from her family. Meanwhile Theis kidnaps Rama. (en)
- Sarah searches the boiler room again recovering a broken ear ring. Jan shows the video to Oliver but he says the girl in the video isn't Nanna. Lisa confess to Sarah that it was her in the boiler room with Oliver. Sarah and Jan interviews the school teachers; Rama one of the teachers informs that few month ago Nanna wrote an erotic story about a secret affair between a married man and a young girl for a mock essay exam. Nanna's paper is missing from the school storage; the principal suggests that Henning, a linguistic teacher who has access to the papers must have taken it. Sarah and Jan meets Henning at his house and recovers the paper; on noticing porn magazines in the house Jan questions him. Henning revels that Rama was once accused of sexual assault at the school but the girl retracted her statement. Morten asks Troels to not trust the civil servants suspecting they might be forking for Mayor Bremer. Rama visits Perniell at her house with flowers from the school. Realising that the police are questioning the teachers, Theis asks his employee Vagn to gather information about the case from a source in the school. (en)
- The police search the flat, which belong to the Troels' Liberal Party, finding Nanna's blood and fingerprints. Sarah and Jan question Troels but are interrupted by Deputy Chief, Lennart Brix who releases him. Theis is released from custody meanwhile Charlotte reveals to Sarah and Jan that Nanna was having an affair with a married man whom she called Faust and they met in hotels and a flat. Sarah makes a fake profile at Nanna's bar's dating site and finds a profile named Faust. The police find that Faust contacted Nanna's at the site; log files reveal that Faust logged on from the flat and Town Hall WiFi. Buckard is discharged from duty and Brix takes up charge. Sarah questions Troel's employees including one Olav Christensen. Sarah and Jan questions a married woman, Nethe who dated Faust through the site but she denies. The woman later visits the police and reveals Faust's identity; Sarah and Jan arrest Troels. (en)
- Sarah and Jan question Theis and Pernille. They meet with Troels and his advisor Rie; while enquiring about the last driver of the car, the driver, John Lynge, manages to escape. Sarah's chief asks her to stay until the closing of the case. Sarah questions Lisa and the police place the car at Nanna's school during the Halloween party after which Nanna went missing. Troels want to release a press statement regarding the campaign's association with Lynge but Sarah asks him to hold it for a day; the press gets hold of the information. Sarah and Jan questions Lynge's sister leading them an apartment; Lynge breaks into the neighboring apartment taking a blind woman hostage. (en)
- The police find blood and drugs at the boiler room. Lise questions Jeppe, Oliver's friend and the head of student council who had access to the cellar. Troel calls Sarah for a meeting at a cafe; while her boyfriend, Bengt returns home. Sarah searches Nanna's room finding expensive boots and questions Theis and Pernille about them. Pernille visits Lisa at the school. Rie confront Morten about the leak and show the email in his inbox but he denies writing it. The forensic finds bed sores in Nanna's body indicating she was drugged and raped multiple times, and cleaned after rape; police suspect it the work of a serial offender. Jan recovers a mobile video from Jeppe showing Oliver having sex with a girl similar to Nanna at the boiler room. (en)
- The police search for Rama who hasn't return home. Jan is surprised to see Sarah return meanwhile Theis drives Rama to a harbour but leaves him unharmed. Sarah and Jan questions Rama who confesses that at the night of the party Nanna visited him in his apartment at Ryparken for a while to return some books and left her bike in front of his house. Troels decides not to suspend Rama after consideration. The police search Rama's apartment and questions him but Sarah suspects Rama of lying. Sarah questions Rama's neighbour who reveals that Rama took a girl from his apartment to a car waiting outside with an Arab person in it. Sarah's boyfriend, Bengt visits her at the station asking her to leave the case and come to Sweden but she refuses until she solves the case; she gives Nanna's file to Bengt, who is a criminal psychologist to help her profile the killer. The police listen to a threatening call Rama made in Arabic to a friend; Jan ties to tracks down the friend. (en)
- A woman is chased by an unknown person in the woods. Inspector Sarah Lund's Danish colleagues throw her a surprise farewell party as she is emigrating to Sweden along with her son to live with her boyfriend. Police find blood, a woman's clothes and a video card with Theis Birk Larsen's name at an isolated site; Sarah and the new DCI Inspector Jan Mayer are called at the scene. Theis runs a transport company and lives with his wife Pernille, daughter Nanna and two sons. Troels Hartmann is running for the Mayor's office; the incumbent Mayor Poul Bremer offers him a deal to back out of the race but he refuses. Sarah and Jan questions Pernille and asks her to call her daughter Nanna who supposedly spent the night at a girlfriend's from school; Nanna is not reachable. The police gather Nanna's class for questioning canceling the Mayor debate at the school meanwhile Lisa, Nanna's best friend leaves and searches for Nanna presuming her to be with Oliver, her ex-boyfriend. Theis shows up a Oliver's house but Nanna is not there. Sarah leads a search party in woods missing her farewell reception and flight; they finds Nanna's body at the back of car drown in a nearby waterway. The car belongs to Troels' campaign office. (en)
- Hartmann is questioned by police about his false alibi but refuses to divulge where he really was the weekend Nanna was killed. Sarah asks Olav about extra money in his pay slip, suspecting that it came from the killer in exchange for the party's apartment key. Olav approaches Bremner, claiming that Bremner has been the one sending the money in exchange for favours, but Bremner does not recognize him. Before the police can find and question him, Olav is struck by a car and dies. Theis empties Nanna's bedroom of her belongings, believing it will encourage Pernille to begin moving on from Nanna's death. Instead, a devastated Pernille demands that Theis leave their house. (en)
- (en)
- Nikolaj Lie Kaas (en)
- Søren Malling (en)
- Mikael Birkkjær (en)
- Morten Suurballe (en)
- Sofie Gråbøl (en)
- Episode 1 (en)
- Episode 10 (en)
- Episode 11 (en)
- Episode 12 (en)
- Episode 13 (en)
- Episode 14 (en)
- Episode 15 (en)
- Episode 16 (en)
- Episode 17 (en)
- Episode 18 (en)
- Episode 19 (en)
- Episode 2 (en)
- Episode 20 (en)
- Episode 3 (en)
- Episode 4 (en)
- Episode 5 (en)
- Episode 6 (en)
- Episode 7 (en)
- Episode 8 (en)
- Episode 9 (en)
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- القتل (بالإنجليزية: The Killing) هو مسلسل جريمة دراما دنماركي من بطولة صوفي جروبول وسورين مولينج،تم عرض الموسم الأول في 7 يناير 2007 والموسم الثاني في 27 سبتمبر 2009 والموسم الثالث في 23 سبتمبر 2012. (ar)
- Forbrydelsen sortutako daniar telesail dramatikoa da. (eu)
- 『THE KILLING/キリング』(原題:Forbrydelsen)は、デンマーク制作のテレビドラマ。 (ja)
- Forbrydelsen (Het Misdrijf), internationaal bekend als The Killing (De moord of Het moorden), is een Deense politieserie die bedacht is door Søren Sveistrup en geproduceerd door DR in coproductie met . De serie ging in première op 7 januari 2007 op de Deense publieke omroep DR en is sindsdien in verschillende landen uitgezonden. (nl)
- «Убийство» (Forbrydelsen в переводе с датск. — «Преступление») — остросюжетный телесериал 2007 года, совместного производства Дании, Швеции и Норвегии. Впервые сериал был показан 7 января 2007 года. В конце 2012 года после окончания третьего сезона сериал был закрыт. В России первый сезон сериала транслировался Первым каналом с 28 сентября 2011 года по 9 февраля 2012 года в рамках телепроекта «Городские пижоны». (ru)
- Zločin nebo též Vražda (v dánském originále Forbrydelsen, výslovnost [fʌˈb̥ʁyðˀəlsən]IPA) je dánský kriminální seriál, premiérově vysílaný od ledna 2007 do listopadu 2012 na dánské veřejnoprávní televizní stanici DR1 ve formě tří řad. Koproducentem se stala společnost ZDF Enterprises a námětu i scénáře se zhostil . Seriál byl postupně odvysílán ve více než , včetně České republiky, kde jej od ledna 2013 poprvé uvedl program ČT2. (cs)
- Kommissarin Lund – Das Verbrechen (Dänischer Originaltitel: Forbrydelsen, Deutsch etwa: Verbrechen; bei der Arte-Ausstrahlung auch The Killing, Deutsch etwa Die Tötung) ist eine dänische Krimiserie, die von 2007 bis 2012 erschien. Sie umfasst drei Staffeln, von denen die erste aus 20 Episoden und die anderen beiden aus je zehn Episoden bestehen. Jede Staffel erzählt episodenübergreifend die Ermittlungen der von Sofie Gråbøl gespielten Kommissarin Sarah Lund in Mordfällen in Kopenhagen. Erdacht wurde sie von Søren Sveistrup und mitproduziert vom Dänischen Rundfunk. Die Serie zeichnet sich durch eine inhaltlich und formal dunkle Bildsprache aus und wurde zum großen Publikumserfolg in Dänemark und anderen Ländern, vor allem in Großbritannien, den Niederlanden und Schweden. Zu den zahlreichen (de)
- Forbrydelsen ("The Killing: Crónica de un asesinato" en España) es una serie de televisión danesa del género creada por Søren Sveistrup y producida por Danmarks Radio. Fue emitida por primera vez en el canal de la televisión danesa DR1 el 7 de enero de 2007, y desde entonces ha sido emitida en numerosos países. Consta de tres temporadas. (es)
- The Killing (Danish: Forbrydelsen, lit. 'The Crime') is a Danish police procedural drama television series created by Søren Sveistrup and produced by DR in co-production with ZDF Enterprises. It premiered on the Danish national television channel DR1 on 7 January 2007, and has since been broadcast in several other countries. (en)
- The Killing (danois : Forbrydelsen, littéralement « le crime ») est une série télévisée danoise en 40 épisodes de 55 minutes créée par Søren Sveistrup et diffusée du 7 janvier 2007 au 25 novembre 2012 sur DR 1. En France, la série est diffusée à partir du 18 mai 2010 sur Arte et sur TPS Star et dès le 8 septembre 2013 sur Numéro 23 puis rediffusée sur Polar+ dès le 5 novembre 2017. La chaîne américaine AMC en a fait un remake, The Killing, diffusé à partir d'avril 2011. (fr)
- The Killing (Forbrydelsen) è una serie televisiva danese, appartenente al genere del giallo poliziesco, creata da Søren Sveistrup, prodotta e trasmessa dal network DR1 dal 7 gennaio 2007. Il titolo originale significa letteralmente "Il crimine", tuttavia la serie è nota in inglese e in italiano col nome di The Killing. (it)
- The Killing (duń. oryginalny tytuł Forbrydelsen, dosłownie: "zbrodnia") – duński telewizyjny serial kryminalny, stworzony przez Sørena Sveistrupa, wyprodukowany przez Danmarks Radio, emitowany od 7 stycznia 2007 do 25 listopada 2012 przez DR1. W Polsce wyświetlany na kanale Ale Kino+ od 7 grudnia 2011 do 9 kwietnia 2014 pod angielskim tytułem The Killing (oznaczającym "zabójstwo"). (pl)
- Forbrydelsen (Brasil: The Killing – História de um Assassinato / Portugal: The Killing: Crónica de um Assassinato) é uma série de televisão dinamarquesa de 2007 criada por e produzida pela DR, canal público dinamarquês, em parceria com a ZDF. (pt)
- Brottet (dansk originaltitel: Forbrydelsen) är en dansk kriminalserie från 2007, producerad av Danmarks Radio med manuskript av . Tre säsonger har spelats in och visats. Första säsongen hade premiär 7 januari 2007 och bestod av tjugo avsnitt som visades under 20 söndagar i dansk television under 2007. Varje avsnitt skildrade en dag i jakten på Nanna Birk Larsens mördare. De sista tio avsnitten var ursprungligen planerade att sändas våren 2008, men på grund av serien stora popularitet tidigarelades sändningen till hösten 2007. Första säsongens sista avsnitt sändes 25 november 2007 och sågs av 2 107 000 danska tv-tittare. (sv)
- القتل (مسلسل دنماركي) (ar)
- Zločin (dánský seriál) (cs)
- Kommissarin Lund – Das Verbrechen (de)
- The Killing (Forbrydelsen) (es)
- Forbrydelsen (eu)
- The Killing (série télévisée, 2007) (fr)
- The Killing (serie televisiva 2007) (it)
- THE KILLING/キリング (ja)
- Forbrydelsen (nl)
- The Killing (duński serial telewizyjny) (pl)
- Forbrydelsen (pt)
- The Killing (Danish TV series) (en)
- Убийство (телесериал) (ru)
- Brottet (sv)
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