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In the game of chess, Indian Defence or Indian Game is a broad term for a group of openings characterised by the moves: 1. d4 Nf6 They are all to varying degrees hypermodern defences, where Black invites White to establish an imposing presence in the centre with the plan of undermining and ultimately destroying it. Although the Indian defences were championed in the 1920s by players in the hypermodern school, they were not fully accepted until Russian players showed in the late 1940s that these systems are sound for Black. Since then, the Indian defences have become a popular way for Black to respond to 1.d4 because they often offer a balanced game with winning chances for both sides. Transpositions are important and many variations can be reached by several move orders. It is also possibl

Property Value
  • Indické hry je skupina šachových zahájení charakterizovaných tahy 1. d4 Jf6 2. c4 také hraje-li bílý 2. Jf3 a pak 3. c4 Nehraje-li bílý c4, postup se řadí do skupiny her dámským pěšcem. (cs)
  • Η Ινδική άμυνα είναι ένα άνοιγμα στο σκάκι που χαρακτηρίζεται από τις κινήσεις (σε αλγεβρική σημειογραφία): 1. δ4 Ιζ6 Αρκετά σημαντικές είναι οι μεταθέσεις του ανοίγματος, ενώ πολλές από τις θέσεις μπορούν να προκύψουν μέσα από αρκετές συνέχειες κινήσεων. Είναι όλες σε κάποιο βαθμό άμυνες, όπου τα μαύρα καλούν τα λευκά να δημιουργήσουν μια επιβλητική παρουσία στο κέντρο, ενώ εκείνα καταστρώνουν σχέδια για να το υπονομεύσουν ή να το καταστρέψουν. Αν και οι Ινδικές άμυνες δεν έγιναν πλήρως αποδεκτές, όταν στη δεκαετία του 1920 τις υπερασπίστηκαν οι παίκτες της υπερμοντέρνας σχολής, αργότερα στα τέλη της δεκαετίας του 1940 οι Ρώσοι σκακιστές έδειξαν ότι τα συστήματα αυτά είναι κατάλληλα για τα μαύρα. Από τότε, οι Ινδικές άμυνες έγιναν οι πιο δημοφιλείς απαντήσεις των μαύρων στο 1.δ4, καθώς προσφέρουν ένα ισορροπημένο παιχνίδι με ευκαιρίες και για τις δύο πλευρές. (el)
  • Bei der Indischen Verteidigung handelt es sich um einen Sammelbegriff für bestimmte Eröffnungen des Schachspiels. Die Indischen Verteidigungen zählen zu den Geschlossenen Spielen und beginnen mit den Zügen: 1. d2–d4 Sg8–f62. c2–c4 In den ECO-Codes sind diese Eröffnungen unter den Schlüsseln A50 bis A79, D70 bis D99 und E00 bis E99 klassifiziert. (de)
  • In the game of chess, Indian Defence or Indian Game is a broad term for a group of openings characterised by the moves: 1. d4 Nf6 They are all to varying degrees hypermodern defences, where Black invites White to establish an imposing presence in the centre with the plan of undermining and ultimately destroying it. Although the Indian defences were championed in the 1920s by players in the hypermodern school, they were not fully accepted until Russian players showed in the late 1940s that these systems are sound for Black. Since then, the Indian defences have become a popular way for Black to respond to 1.d4 because they often offer a balanced game with winning chances for both sides. Transpositions are important and many variations can be reached by several move orders. It is also possible to transpose back into classical openings such as the Queen's Gambit and the Slav Defence; these are not considered "Indian" openings. The usual White second move is 2.c4, grabbing a larger share of the centre and allowing the move Nc3, to prepare for moving the e-pawn to e4 without blocking the c-pawn with the knight. Black's most popular replies are * 2...e6, freeing the king's bishop and leading into the Nimzo-Indian Defence, Queen's Indian Defence, Bogo-Indian Defence, Modern Benoni, Catalan Opening, or regular lines of the Queen's Gambit Declined, * 2...g6, preparing a fianchetto of the king's bishop and entering the King's Indian Defence or Grünfeld Defence, and * 2...c5, the Benoni Defence, with an immediate counter-punch in the centre, but other moves are played as detailed below. Instead of 2.c4, White often plays 2.Nf3. Then Black may play 2...d5 which may transpose to a Queen's Gambit after 3.c4. Or Black may play 2...e6 which retains possibilities of transposing to a Queen's Gambit or Queen's Indian Defence. Alternatively 2...g6 may transpose to a King's Indian Defence or Grünfeld Defence, while 2...c5 invites transposition to a Benoni. White can deny Black any of these transpositions by refraining from c2–c4 over the next several moves. On the second move, White can also play 2.Bg5, the Trompowsky Attack. Black can respond 2...Ne4 (see 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 Ne4), or 2...e6 (see 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 e6), among other moves. A third alternative for White is the rarer 2.Nc3. Then Black may play 2...d5, after which 3.Bg5 is the Richter-Veresov Attack (D01, see 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5). Black may also play 2...g6 (see 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6). (en)
  • Aux échecs, une défense indienne (appellation de Xavier Tartakover) est une ouverture qui débute par le coup 1.d4 des blancs (ouverture du pion dame) suivi par le coup asymétrique 1...Cf6 des Noirs, contrôlant le centre (notamment la case e4) à distance sans l'occuper immédiatement par le pion d5. Bien que 2. Cf3 soit couramment joué, le coup usuel est 2. c4. 2. c4 autorise le gambit de Budapest, le gambit Benko et la (les) défense(s) Benoni, mais permet également de jouer, au lieu de Cf3, le Cavalier g en e2, coup qui peut se révéler intéressant dans la variante d'échange du gambit dame refusé. (fr)
  • 인디언 디펜스(Indian Defence)는 체스 오프닝 중 하나이다. 체스 오프닝 백과사전에 A45부터 A79, D70에서 D99 그리고 E00에서 E99까지 할당되어 있다. 1.d4를 상대로 가장 인기있는 답이다. 백이 2.e4을 하는 것을 막는다. (ko)
  • La difesa indiana è una apertura degli scacchi caratterizzata dalle mosse 1.d4 Cf6 Da questa apertura si originano molte delle difese più usate del nero contro 1.d4, come la nimzo-indiana, l'est-indiana e l'ovest-indiana: tutte queste sono difese ipermoderne, dove il bianco stabilisce una forte presenza al centro mentre il nero cerca di minare e distruggere la posizione avversaria. Queste aperture furono usate negli anni Venti dai giocatori della scuola ipermoderna, sebbene non furono del tutto accettate finché non furono giocate dai giocatori sovietici negli anni Quaranta, i quali mostrarono che questi sistemi erano solidi per il nero. Le difese indiane sono considerate più ambiziose e rischiose delle aperture che si originano con la replica simmetrica 1...d5: con quest'ultima, infatti, il nero accetta una posizione passiva, con l'obiettivo di ottenere gradualmente delle possibilità di arrivare ad una posizione pari e poi di contrattaccare. Al contrario, la precoce rottura di simmetria tende a favorire una battaglia per il centro in cui il nero crea controgioco senza necessariamente arrivare prima ad una posizione di parità. La seconda mossa del bianco è usualmente 2.c4, con lo scopo di guadagnare più spazio e di poter giocare Cc3 (in sostegno ad una futura e4) senza bloccare il pedone c. Le repliche più giocate dal nero sono * 2...e6, liberando l'alfiere di Re: da questa mossa si originano molte aperture come la difesa nimzo-indiana, l'ovest-indiana, la bogo-indiana; si può anche rientrare nel gambetto di donna rifiutato. * 2...g6, preparando un fianchetto dell'alfiere di Re ed entrando nella difesa est-indiana o nella difesa Grünfeld. * 2...c5, la difesa Benoni moderna. Alcune di queste linee possono anche confluire in altre attraverso trasposizione. (it)
  • Het Indisch (ook wel de Indische opening of Indische verdediging genoemd) is een schaakopening die gekenmerkt wordt door de zetten 1. d4 Pf6. De eerste zet van zwart is ambitieus: hij wil velden in het centrum onder controle houden, maar breekt gelijk de symmetrie van de stelling en streeft naar een ongebalanceerde partij waarin beide partijen kansen hebben op actief spel. De tweede zet van wit is over het algemeen 2.c4, waarmee hij het veld d5 aanvalt en de zet Pc3 gevolgd door e4 kan spelen zonder zijn c-pion te blokkeren. Ook kan wit 2.Pf3 spelen, maar dit zal vaak overgaan in een andere variant. De belangrijkste tweede zetten voor zwart zijn: * 2...e6, waarmee zwart de zwartveldige loper bevrijdt: dit kan leiden tot het Nimzo-Indisch (3.Pc3 Lb4), (3.Pf3 Lb4+) en het Dame-Indisch (3.Pc3 b6) * 2...g6, waarmee zwart een fianchetto van de zwartveldige loper voorbereidt: dit kan leiden tot het Koningsindisch (3. Pc3 Lg7) en de Grünfeld-verdediging (3. Pc3 d5) * 2...c5, de Benoni * 2...d6, waarmee zwart de witveldige loper bevrijdt en de zwartveldige loper naar e7 kan spelen: dit leidt tot het Oud-Indisch Indische systemen zijn vaak hypermodern te noemen; zwart bezet het centrum niet met pionnen, maar valt het aan vanaf de vleugels, vaak door middel van een fianchetto en pionnenaanvallen als ...c5. Als zwart op een gegeven moment, na ...e6, de zet ...d5 of ...c5 speelt, zal de opening vaak overgaan in respectievelijk het geweigerd damegambiet en de Benoni-verdediging. (nl)
  • Indiskt försvar är en schacköppningsfamilj som definieras av dragen: 1. d4 Sf6 De indiska försvaren hör till de hypermoderna öppningarna där svart inte omedelbart besätter centrum med bönder utan försöker kontrollera det med pjäser. Det leder till asymmetriskt spel med chanser för båda sidor. Svart fianchetterar ofta en löpare, antingen på kungsflygeln (i kungsindiskt, Grünfeldindiskt och Benoni) eller på damflygeln (i damindiskt, nimzoindiskt och bogoindiskt). De indiska försvaren är mycket populära och hör till de vanligaste öppningarna. Namnet "indiskt" användes första gången 1884 men blev mer spritt av Savielly Tartakower under 1920-talet. Till de indiska försvaren räknas: * Nimzoindiskt försvar * Damindiskt försvar * Bogoindiskt försvar * Kungsindiskt försvar * Grünfeldindiskt försvar * Gammalindiskt försvar * Benoni * Katalanskt parti * Trompowsky * Budapestgambit (sv)
  • Defesas Índias ou Defesas Indianas são um grupo de defesas de xadrez que ocorrem após os lances: 1.d4 Cf6 De um modo geral, a estratégia da defesas índias é ceder parte do controle efetivo do centro do tabuleiro por um controle à distância, visando atacar esse centro em momento oportuno. Cada defesa possui ideias e particularidades próprias. As principais Defesas Índias são: Defesa Grünfeld, Defesa Índia Antiga, Defesa Índia da Dama, Defesa Nimzoíndia, Defesa Bogo-Índia, Defesa Indo-Benoni e Defesa Índia do Rei. A Defesa Holandesa pode constar por ora na lista das Defesas Indianas, devido à mescla de ideias entre a Defesa Índia do Rei e a Defesa Índia da Dama em algumas de suas . (pt)
  • 印度防御是國際象棋開局后兵開局的一種,走法為: 1.d4 Nf6 常见的印度防御的变着有: * 古印度防禦(A53–A55)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 d6 * 后翼印度防御 又名“新印度防御” (E12-E19)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 * 尼姆佐-印度防御 (E20-E59)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 * 王翼印度防御(E60-E99)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 * 别诺尼防御 (A56-A79)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 * 格林菲爾德防禦 (D70–D99)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 (zh)
  • 2472002 (xsd:integer)
  • 21402 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1111501443 (xsd:integer)
  • 11482 (xsd:integer)
  • D70–D99 (en)
  • A45–A79 (en)
  • E00–E99 (en)
  • 86400.0 (dbd:second)
  • Indian Defence (en)
  • Indické hry je skupina šachových zahájení charakterizovaných tahy 1. d4 Jf6 2. c4 také hraje-li bílý 2. Jf3 a pak 3. c4 Nehraje-li bílý c4, postup se řadí do skupiny her dámským pěšcem. (cs)
  • Bei der Indischen Verteidigung handelt es sich um einen Sammelbegriff für bestimmte Eröffnungen des Schachspiels. Die Indischen Verteidigungen zählen zu den Geschlossenen Spielen und beginnen mit den Zügen: 1. d2–d4 Sg8–f62. c2–c4 In den ECO-Codes sind diese Eröffnungen unter den Schlüsseln A50 bis A79, D70 bis D99 und E00 bis E99 klassifiziert. (de)
  • 인디언 디펜스(Indian Defence)는 체스 오프닝 중 하나이다. 체스 오프닝 백과사전에 A45부터 A79, D70에서 D99 그리고 E00에서 E99까지 할당되어 있다. 1.d4를 상대로 가장 인기있는 답이다. 백이 2.e4을 하는 것을 막는다. (ko)
  • 印度防御是國際象棋開局后兵開局的一種,走法為: 1.d4 Nf6 常见的印度防御的变着有: * 古印度防禦(A53–A55)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 d6 * 后翼印度防御 又名“新印度防御” (E12-E19)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 * 尼姆佐-印度防御 (E20-E59)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 * 王翼印度防御(E60-E99)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 * 别诺尼防御 (A56-A79)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 * 格林菲爾德防禦 (D70–D99)1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 (zh)
  • Η Ινδική άμυνα είναι ένα άνοιγμα στο σκάκι που χαρακτηρίζεται από τις κινήσεις (σε αλγεβρική σημειογραφία): 1. δ4 Ιζ6 Αρκετά σημαντικές είναι οι μεταθέσεις του ανοίγματος, ενώ πολλές από τις θέσεις μπορούν να προκύψουν μέσα από αρκετές συνέχειες κινήσεων. Είναι όλες σε κάποιο βαθμό άμυνες, όπου τα μαύρα καλούν τα λευκά να δημιουργήσουν μια επιβλητική παρουσία στο κέντρο, ενώ εκείνα καταστρώνουν σχέδια για να το υπονομεύσουν ή να το καταστρέψουν. (el)
  • In the game of chess, Indian Defence or Indian Game is a broad term for a group of openings characterised by the moves: 1. d4 Nf6 They are all to varying degrees hypermodern defences, where Black invites White to establish an imposing presence in the centre with the plan of undermining and ultimately destroying it. Although the Indian defences were championed in the 1920s by players in the hypermodern school, they were not fully accepted until Russian players showed in the late 1940s that these systems are sound for Black. Since then, the Indian defences have become a popular way for Black to respond to 1.d4 because they often offer a balanced game with winning chances for both sides. Transpositions are important and many variations can be reached by several move orders. It is also possibl (en)
  • Aux échecs, une défense indienne (appellation de Xavier Tartakover) est une ouverture qui débute par le coup 1.d4 des blancs (ouverture du pion dame) suivi par le coup asymétrique 1...Cf6 des Noirs, contrôlant le centre (notamment la case e4) à distance sans l'occuper immédiatement par le pion d5. (fr)
  • La difesa indiana è una apertura degli scacchi caratterizzata dalle mosse 1.d4 Cf6 Da questa apertura si originano molte delle difese più usate del nero contro 1.d4, come la nimzo-indiana, l'est-indiana e l'ovest-indiana: tutte queste sono difese ipermoderne, dove il bianco stabilisce una forte presenza al centro mentre il nero cerca di minare e distruggere la posizione avversaria. Queste aperture furono usate negli anni Venti dai giocatori della scuola ipermoderna, sebbene non furono del tutto accettate finché non furono giocate dai giocatori sovietici negli anni Quaranta, i quali mostrarono che questi sistemi erano solidi per il nero. (it)
  • Het Indisch (ook wel de Indische opening of Indische verdediging genoemd) is een schaakopening die gekenmerkt wordt door de zetten 1. d4 Pf6. De eerste zet van zwart is ambitieus: hij wil velden in het centrum onder controle houden, maar breekt gelijk de symmetrie van de stelling en streeft naar een ongebalanceerde partij waarin beide partijen kansen hebben op actief spel. De belangrijkste tweede zetten voor zwart zijn: Als zwart op een gegeven moment, na ...e6, de zet ...d5 of ...c5 speelt, zal de opening vaak overgaan in respectievelijk het geweigerd damegambiet en de Benoni-verdediging. (nl)
  • Defesas Índias ou Defesas Indianas são um grupo de defesas de xadrez que ocorrem após os lances: 1.d4 Cf6 De um modo geral, a estratégia da defesas índias é ceder parte do controle efetivo do centro do tabuleiro por um controle à distância, visando atacar esse centro em momento oportuno. Cada defesa possui ideias e particularidades próprias. As principais Defesas Índias são: Defesa Grünfeld, Defesa Índia Antiga, Defesa Índia da Dama, Defesa Nimzoíndia, Defesa Bogo-Índia, Defesa Indo-Benoni e Defesa Índia do Rei. (pt)
  • Indiskt försvar är en schacköppningsfamilj som definieras av dragen: 1. d4 Sf6 De indiska försvaren hör till de hypermoderna öppningarna där svart inte omedelbart besätter centrum med bönder utan försöker kontrollera det med pjäser. Det leder till asymmetriskt spel med chanser för båda sidor. Svart fianchetterar ofta en löpare, antingen på kungsflygeln (i kungsindiskt, Grünfeldindiskt och Benoni) eller på damflygeln (i damindiskt, nimzoindiskt och bogoindiskt). Till de indiska försvaren räknas: (sv)
  • Indické hry (cs)
  • Indische Verteidigung (de)
  • Ινδική άμυνα (el)
  • Indian Defence (en)
  • Difesa indiana (it)
  • Défense indienne (fr)
  • 인디언 디펜스 (ko)
  • Indisch (schaakopening) (nl)
  • Defesas Índias (pt)
  • Indiskt försvar (sv)
  • 印度防御 (zh)
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