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Spillover Effects of Research and Development, Exports and Foreign Investment on Productivity. (2017). Chen, Jong-Rong ; Bhattacharya, Mita.
In: Journal of South Asian Development.

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  1. Research, development and innovation in business enterprises: experience from Egypt. (2023). Sakr, Mahmoud M ; Helmy, Omneia ; Radwan, Amr ; Piccinetti, Leonardo ; Ismail, Mohamed ; Ramadan, Mohamed ; Khorshid, Motaz.
    In: Insights into Regional Development.

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  2. Innovation Challenges in South Asia: Evidence from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India. (2021). Karaman, Fatma Nur.
    In: Journal of South Asian Development.

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  3. International firm activities, R&D, and productivity: Evidence from Indian manufacturing firms. (2021). Pradeep, V ; Okafor, Luke Emeka ; Bhattacharya, Mita.
    In: Economic Modelling.

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  4. Exploring the association between R&D expenditure and the job quality in the European Union. (2021). Amoedo, Nelson ; Almeida, Fernando.
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  5. Labour Market Adjustment and Intra-Industry Trade: Empirical Results from Indian Manufacturing Sectors. (2020). Chakraborty, Debashis ; Aggarwal, Sakshi.
    In: Journal of South Asian Development.

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  6. Foreign Capital and Domestic Productivity in Developing Countries: An Empirical Analysis. (2020). Adam, Fadzli.
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  7. Impact of Chinese, Korean and Japanese Innovation Spillover on Labour Productivity in South African Manufacturing. (2018). Tewari, Devi Datt ; Mazorodze, Brian Tavonga .
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