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Behavioral Labor Economics. (2006). Berg, Nathan.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  1. Pay Level Comparisons in Job Satisfaction Research and Mainstream Economic Methodology. (2020). Drakopoulos, Stavros.
    In: Journal of Happiness Studies.

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  2. Insights from behavioral economics on how labor markets work. (2014). Altman, Morris.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  3. Behavioural Labour Economics: Advances and Future Directions. (2014). Dohmen, Thomas.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  4. Behavioral labor economics: Advances and future directions. (2014). Dohmen, Thomas.
    In: Labour Economics.

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  5. The Development of Trade Union theory and Mainstream Economic Methodology. (2012). Katselidis, Ioannis ; Drakopoulos, Stavros.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  6. Does labor contract completeness drive unionization? Experimental evidence. (2012). Flynn, Sean ; Donnelly, Michael.
    In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics).

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References cited by this document

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    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  48. Corporate Governance for Crooks? The Case for Corporate Virtue. (). Frey, Bruno ; Osterloh, Margit.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  49. Contractual Incompleteness and the Nature of Market Interactions. (). Fehr, Ernst ; Falk, Armin ; Brown, Martin.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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  50. Reputation and Reciprocity: Consequences for the Labour Relation. (). Gächter, Simon ; Falk, Armin.
    In: IEW - Working Papers.

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