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The reconstruction of historical national accounts: the case of Italy. (2010). Fenoaltea, Stefano ; Masera, Rainer .
In: PSL Quarterly Review.

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  1. Reconstructing The Past: Italys Historical National Accounts, 1861-1913. (2020). Fenoaltea, Stefano.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  2. Reconstructing The Past: The Measurement Of Aggregate Product. (2020). Fenoaltea, Stefano.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  3. Rethinking the take-off: the role of services in the new economic history of Italy (1861–1951). (2019). Felice, Emanuele.
    In: Cliometrica.

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  4. The Growth of the Italian Economy, 1861-1913: Revised Second-Generation Expenditure-Side Estimates. (2018). Fenoaltea, Stefano.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  5. Industrial growth in interwar Egypt: first estimates, new insights. (2018). Karako, Ula.
    In: European Review of Economic History.

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  6. The margins of trade: market entry and sector spillovers, the case of Italy (1862-1913). (2018). Timini, Jacopo.
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. The Growth of the Italian Economy, 1861-1913: Revised Second-Generation Production-Side Estimates. (2017). Fenoaltea, Stefano.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  8. The Fruits of Disaggregation: the Engineering Industry, Tariff Protection, and the Industrial Investment Cycle in Italy, 1861-1913. (2017). Fenoaltea, Stefano.
    In: Quaderni di storia economica (Economic History Working Papers).

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  9. GDP and life expectancy in Italy and Spain over the long run: A time-series approach. (2016). Felice, Emanuele ; D'Ippoliti, Carlo ; Andreu, Josep Pujol .
    In: Demographic Research.

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  10. The measurement of production movements: Lessons from the general engineering industry in Italy, 1861–1913. (2015). Fenoaltea, Stefano.
    In: Explorations in Economic History.

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  11. Italian Industrial Production, 1861-1913: A Statistical Reconstruction. A. Introduction. (2015). Fenoaltea, Stefano.
    In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks.

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  12. Catching up and falling behind in technological progress: the experience of the textile and chemical industries in Italy between 1904 and 1937. (2014). Fukushige, Mototsugu ; Hino, Makiko .
    In: Discussion Papers in Economics and Business.

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  13. The measurement of production movements: lessons from the engineering industry in Italy, 1861-1913. (2014). Fenoaltea, Stefano.
    In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks.

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  14. Introduzione: LUnione Europea e mammona (Introduction: A Pansy European Union). (2013). D'Ippoliti, Carlo.
    In: Moneta e Credito.

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  15. GDP and life expectancy in Italy and Spain over the long-run (1861-2008): insights from a time-series approach. (2013). Felice, Emanuele ; Andreu, Josep Pujol .
    In: UHE Working papers.

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  16. Come difendere la globalizzazione e salvaguardare i sistemi bancari dal contagio. (2012). Sarcinelli, Mario .
    In: Moneta e Credito.

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  17. When did modernization begin? Italys industrial growth reconsidered in light of new value-added series, 1911–1951. (2012). Felice, Emanuele ; Carreras, Albert.
    In: Explorations in Economic History.

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  18. Introduction. (2011). Roncaglia, Alessandro.
    In: PSL Quarterly Review.

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  19. Macroeconomics in crisis and macroeconomics in recovery. (2011). Roncaglia, Alessandro.
    In: PSL Quarterly Review.

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  20. Introduction: the crisis of economies and economics. (2011). D'Ippoliti, Carlo.
    In: PSL Quarterly Review.

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  21. Macroeconomie in crisi e macroeconomie in ripresa. (2011). Roncaglia, Alessandro.
    In: Moneta e Credito.

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  22. Introduzione: la crisi economica e della scienza economica. (2011). D'Ippoliti, Carlo.
    In: Moneta e Credito.

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  23. Can a return to Glass-Steagall provide financial stability in the US financial system?. (2010). Roncaglia, Alessandro ; Kregel, Jan.
    In: PSL Quarterly Review.

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