- (2017). In particular, we: (1) remove recommendation changes that occur on the same day as, or the day following, earnings announcements; (2) remove recommendation changes on days when multiple analysts issue recommendations for the same firm; (3) require at least one analyst who to have issued a recommendation for the stock and revised the recommendation within 180 calendar days; (4) require at least two analysts to have active recommendations for the stock as of the day before the revision; (5) consider a recommendation to be active for up to 180 days after it is issued or until I/B/E/S indicates that the analyst has stopped issuing recommendations for that stock. F8K A dummy variable equal to one on Form 8-K filing days for firm j and zero otherwise. Filing data are from WRDS SEC Suite. MACRO FOMC A dummy variable equals to one on days with an announcement of the Federal Open Market Committee rate decision, and zero otherwise. FOMC announcement dates are from Bloomberg.
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