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- TABLE 1 Did former repayment difficulties affect credit terms? Constant -2 .09 -2.15 -2.39 2.17 ! . 39 (-8 .64) (-11.10) (-10.16) (-11.20) ( -1 : > . 36) Resv./GNP -2 .22 -2 .19 -2 .10 -1 .87 -2 . 2 <J (-4. .54) (-4 .71) (-4 .58) (-4 .36) (-5 .bb) Export ratio -0 .29 -0 .24 -0 .21 -0 .42 -0 .49 (-1 .84) (-1 ■61) (-1 .89) (-2 .91) (-3 .4 0) Agricult./GDP 0 .002 0 .003 0 .003 0 .004 0 .04 (1. .24) (0 .96) (0 .50) (1 .54) (2 •05) R.GDP/Capita -0. 001 -0 .001 -0 ,001 -0 .001 -0 .001 (-2 .65) (-3 .68) (-1 .94) (-3 .41) (-2. .78) Debt/GNP 0. .29 0 .14 0 .45 0 .45 0 .38 (0 .96) (0 .78) (2 .20) (2 .35) (2 .10) 1900-1929 0 .004 (0 .08) 1930 0 .20 (4 .44) Offc. 0 .13 (2 .48) Bond 0 .17 (4 .00) Standby 0 .29 (5 ■37) Adj. R2 .56 .63 59 .61 .65 Nobs 135 131 144 144 144
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