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Zhang, D.D, H.F Lee, C Wang, B Li, Q Pei, J Zhang, and Y An. 2011. “The causality analysis of climate change and large-scale human crisis.†Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (42):17296–17301. −100 −40 34.8 −3.8 −3 Longitude Latitude Tanzanian villages Longitude Latitude East Africa −20 Longitude Latitude Sub−Saharan Africa Longitude Latitude Global Tropics −2 −40 Witch murder (Tanzanian villages) Village Extreme Rainfall Deviation (Ã) Annual risk (%) −2 −40 Local violence (East Africa) Pixel Temperature Anomaly (C) Monthly risk (%) −40 Civil war incidence (Sub−Saharan Africa) Country Temperature Anomaly (C) Annual risk (%) −1 −40 Civil conflict onset (Global tropics) ENSO Temperature Anomaly (C) Annual risk (%) −1 Data: Hsiang et al (Nature, 2011) Data: Burke et al (PNAS, 2009) Data: O’Laughlin et al (PNAS, 2012) Data: Miguel (REStud, 2005)
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