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Do External Knowledge Spillovers Induce FirmsInnovations? Evidence from Slovenia. (2005). Rojec, Matija ; Jaklič, Andreja ; Damijan, Joze.
In: LICOS Discussion Papers.

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    In: International Journal of Financial Research.

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  2. Planning R&D in a post centrally-planned economy: assessing the macroeconomic effects in Poland. (2019). Ploszaj, Adam ; Tran, Nhi ; Zawalinska, Katarzyna .
    In: Conference papers.

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  3. R&D in a post centrally-planned economy: The macroeconomic effects in Poland. (2018). Tran, Nhi ; Poszaj, Adam ; Zawaliska, Katarzyna.
    In: Journal of Policy Modeling.

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  4. Planning R&D in a Post Centrally-Planned Economy: Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects in Poland. (2016). Zawalińska, Katarzyna ; Tran, Nhi ; Poszaj, Adam ; Zawaliska, Katarzyna.
    In: Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers.

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  5. Why Southern Mediterranean Countries Fail To Innovate?. (2015). Ramzi, Trabelsi.
    In: American Journal of Economics and Business Administration.

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  6. International technology spillovers and innovation: Evidence from Taiwanese high-tech firms. (2014). Hsu, Yu-Pei ; Chuang, Ya-Ping .
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  8. Innovation and Firms Productivity Growth in Slovenia: Sensitivity of Results to Sectoral Heterogeneity and to Estimation Method. (2008). Rojec, Matija ; Kostevc, Crt ; Damijan, Joze ; Crt Kostevc, .
    In: LICOS Discussion Papers.

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  9. Innovation Cooperation and Innovation Activity of Slovenian Enterprises. (2008). Rojec, Matija ; Jaklič, Andreja ; Damijan, Joze.
    In: LICOS Discussion Papers.

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  10. The impact of greenfield FDI and mergers and acquisitions on innovation in Chinese high-tech industries. (2008). Zou, Huan ; Liu, Xiaohui.
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  11. Innovation performance and channels for international technology spillovers: Evidence from Chinese high-tech industries. (2007). Buck, Trevor ; Liu, Xiaohui.
    In: Research Policy.

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References cited by this document

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