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Actual and perceived ?nancial sophistication and wealth accumulation: The role of education and gender. (2016). Bannier, Christina ; Neubert, Milena .
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Canadian Gender Gap in Financial Literacy: Confidence Matters. (2020). Lord, Simon ; Fonseca, Raquel.
    In: Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics.

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  2. Impact of inflated perceptions of financial literacy on financial decision making. (2020). Sargent, Carol Springer ; Balasubramnian, Bhanu.
    In: Journal of Economic Psychology.

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  3. Canadian Gender Gap in Financial Literacy: Confidence Matters. (2019). Fonseca, Raquel ; Lord, Simon.
    In: Cahiers de recherche / Working Papers.

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  4. Canadian Gender Gap in Financial Literacy: Confidence Matters. (2019). Fonseca, Raquel ; Lord, Simon ; Benito, Raquel Fonseca.
    In: CIRANO Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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