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Migration, Ethnicity and Economic Integration. (2009). Zimmermann, Klaus ; Constant, Amelie.
In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  1. Labor Market Integration of Skilled Immigrants. (2019). Kushnirovich, Nonna.
    In: Journal of International Migration and Integration.

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  2. Natives’ Attitudes and Immigrants’ Unemployment Durations. (2019). Keita, Sekou ; Valette, Jerome.
    In: Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers).

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  3. Negative Assimilation: How Immigrants Experience Economic Mobility in Japan. (2016). Takenaka, Ayumi ; Ishida, Kenji ; Nakamuro, Makiko .
    In: International Migration Review.

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  4. Economic Integration of Immigrant Entrepreneurs. (2015). Kushnirovich, Nonna.
    In: Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review.

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  5. National Identity and Immigrants’ Assimilation in France. (2013). Langevin, Gabin ; Vincent, Pascaline .
    In: Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes 1 & University of Caen).

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  6. Labor Mobility in an Enlarged European Union. (2012). Kahanec, Martin.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  7. Labor Mobility in an Enlarged European Union. (2012). Kahanec, Martin.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  8. Do ethnic minorities “stretch” their time? UK household evidence on multitasking. (2011). Zimmermann, Klaus ; Zaiceva, Anzelika.
    In: Review of Economics of the Household.

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  9. Do Ethnic Minorities Stretch Their Time? Evidence from the UK Time Use Survey. (2010). Zimmermann, Klaus ; Zaiceva, Anzelika.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  38. Constant, Amelie, Laura Zimmermann, and Klaus F. Zimmermann (2009). The Myth of Clash of Cultures: Muslims and Christians in the Ethnosizing Process. Mimeo, forthcoming.

  39. Constant, Amelie, Liliya Gataullina, and Klaus F. Zimmermann (2009). Ethnosizing Immigrants. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 69(3), 274-287.

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  86. Zimmermann, Klaus F., Amelie F. Constant and Liliya Gataullina (2009). Naturalization Proclivities, Ethnicity and Integration. International Journal of Manpower, 30(1-2), 7082.

  87. Zimmermann, Laura, Klaus F. Zimmermann, and Amelie Constant (2007). Ethnic Selfidentification of First-generation Immigrants. International Migration Review, 41(3), 769-781. TABLE 1. Direct Measure of Ethnic Self-identification and the Ethnosizer Self-Identification Ethnosizer: Four Regimes Integration Assimilation Separation Marginalization Total Assimilation 143 488 435 378 1,444 32.50 53.62 12.52 20.21 2.14 7.29 6.50 5.65 21.58 Integration 202 219 729 444 1,594 45.91 24.07 20.98 23.74 3.02 3.27 10.89 6.63 23.81 Marginalization 33 115 403 597 1,148 7.50 12.64 11.60 31.93 0.49 1.72 6.02 8.92 17.15 Separation 62 88 1,908 451 2,509 14.09 9.67 54.90 24.12 0.93 1.31 28.50 6.74 37.48 Total 440 910 3,475 1,870 6,695

  88. Zimmermann, Laura, Liliya Gataullina, Amelie Constant, and Klaus F. Zimmermann (2008). Human Capital and Ethnic Self-identification of Migrants. Economics Letters, 98(3), 235-239.


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