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Pension Information and Womens Awareness. (2020). Villosio, Claudia ; rossi, mariacristina ; Profeta, Paola ; Del Boca, Daniela ; Oggero, Noemi ; Angelici, Marta.
In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  1. Baldini, M., Mazzaferro, C., and Onofri, P. (2019). Pension expectations, reforms and macroeconomic downturn in Italy. What can microdata tell us? Applied Economics, 51(13), 1396-1410.

  2. Bettio, F., Tinios, P., and Betti, G. (2013). The Gender Gap in Pensions in the EU. European Institute for Gender Equality, Rome, Italy.

  3. Billari, F. C., Favero, C. A., and Saita, F. (2017). Nudging financial and demographic literacy: Experimental evidence from an Italian Trade Union Pension Fund (No. 1767). BAFFI CAREFIN, Centre for Applied Research on International Markets Banking Finance and Regulation, Università Bocconi, Milan, Italy.

  4. Bucher-Koenen, T., Lusardi, A., Alessie, R., and van Rooij, M. (2017), How financially literate are women? An overview and new insights, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 51(2), 255-283.

  5. Debets, S., Prast, H., Rossi M., and van Soest, A. (2020), Pension Communication in the Netherlands and Other Countries, CentER Discussion Paper Series No. 2018-047. Forthcoming on Journal of Pension Economics & Finance.

  6. Fornero, E., and Monticone, C. (2011). Financial literacy and pension plan participation in Italy. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 10(4), 547-564.

  7. Fornero, E., Oggero, N., and Puglisi, R. (2019). Information and financial literacy for socially sustainable NDC pension schemes. Progress and Challenges of Nonfinancial Defined Pension Schemes: Volume 2. Addressing Gender, Administration, and Communication, eds. R. Holzmann, E. Palmer, R. Palacios, and S. Sacchi, 187-216. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications.
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  8. Fornero, E., Rossi, M., and Urzì Brancati, M.C. (2016). Explaining why, right or wrong, (Italian) households do not like reverse mortgages. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 15(2), 180-202.

  9. Hastings, J., Madrian, B., and Skimmyhorn, W. (2013). Financial Literacy, Financial Education, and Economic Outcomes. Annual Review of Economics, 1(5): 347-373.

  10. Klapper, L., and Lusardi, A. (2019). Financial literacy and financial resilience: Evidence from around the world. Financial Management.
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  11. Lis, M., and Bonthuis, B. (2019). Drivers of the gender gap in pensions: Evidence from EU-SILC and the OECD pension model. Social Protection and Jobs Discussion Paper; No. 1917. World Bank, Washington, DC.

  12. Lusardi, A., and Mitchell, O.S. (2008). Planning and financial literacy: How do women fare? American Economic Review, 98(2), 413-417.

  13. Lusardi, A., Michaud, P.C., and Mitchell, O.S. (2017). Optimal financial knowledge and wealth inequality. Journal of Political Economy, 125(2), 431-477.

  14. Lusardi, A., Mitchell, O.S., and Oggero, N. (2018). The changing face of debt and financial fragility at older ages. American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 108, 407-411.

  15. Lusardi, A., Mitchell, O.S., and Oggero, N. (2020). Debt and financial vulnerability on the verge of retirement.

  16. Lusardi, A., Samek, A., Kapteyn, A., Glinert, L., Hung, A., and Heinberg, A. (2017). Visual tools and narratives: new ways to improve financial literacy. Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, 16(3), 297-323.

  17. Mastrobuoni, G. (2011). The role of information for retirement behavior: Evidence based on the stepwise introduction of the Social Security Statement. Journal of Public Economics, 95(7-8), 913-925.

  18. Shapiro, D., and Mott, F.L. (1994). Long-term employment and earnings of women in relation to employment behavior surrounding the first birth. The Journal of Human Resources, 29(2), 248–275.

  19. Tinios, P., Bettio, F., Betti, G., and Georgiadis, T. (2015). Men, women and pensions. Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union.
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