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The World Distribution of Income and Income Inequality. (2004). Heshmati, Almas.
In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  16. Globalization, Poverty and Inequality: What Is the Relationship? What Can Be Done?. (2005). Basu, Kaushik.
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  17. Growth, Inequality and Poverty Relationships. (2004). Heshmati, Almas.
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  18. Regional Income Inequality in Selected Large Countries. (2004). Heshmati, Almas.
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  19. Continental and Sub-Continental Income Inequality. (2004). Heshmati, Almas.
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  20. Data Issues and Databases Used in Analysis of Growth, Poverty and Economic Inequality. (2004). Heshmati, Almas.
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References cited by this document

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  50. Transatlantic Differences in Labour Markets: Changes in Wage and Non-Employment Structures in the 1980s and the 1990s. (2000). Puhani, Patrick.
    In: William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series.

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