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Assessing and Improving the Operational Resilience of a Large Highway Infrastructure System to Worst-Case Losses. (2018). Wood, Kevin R ; Carlyle, Matthew W ; Brown, Gerald G ; Alderson, David L.
In: Transportation Science.

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  1. Measurement and ranking of important link combinations in the analysis of transportation network vulnerability envelope buffers under multiple-link disruptions. (2023). Xu, Xiangdong ; Chen, Anthony ; Gu, YU.
    In: Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.

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  2. Mitigating the vulnerability of an air-high-speed railway transportation network: From the perspective of predisruption response. (2021). Li, Guangye ; Chen, Xuchao ; Feng, Xiao.
    In: Journal of Risk and Reliability.

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  3. Vulnerability of the worldwide air transportation network to global catastrophes such as COVID-19. (2021). Goh, Mark ; Qin, Wei ; Kundu, Tanmoy ; Zhou, Yaoming ; Sheu, Jiuh-Biing.
    In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

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  4. Analysis of freight transportation network redundancy: An application to Utah’s bi-modal network for transporting coal. (2021). Xu, Xiangdong ; Chen, Anthony ; Jansuwan, Sarawut.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  5. Finding Critical Links for Closeness Centrality. (2019). Pasiliao, Eduardo L ; Prokopyev, Oleg A ; Veremyev, Alexander.
    In: INFORMS Journal on Computing.

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References cited by this document

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