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The euros savior? Assessing the ECBs crisis management performance and potential for crisis resolution. (2015). Bibow, Joerg.
In: IMK Studies.

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  1. The ECB Monetary Strategy: A Critical Assessment. (2019). Marrero, David Padron ; Rodriguez, Carlos J.
    In: Revista de Economía Crítica.

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  2. Ontology and Theory for a Redesign of European Monetary Union. (2016). Dow, Sheila.
    In: World Economic Review.

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  21. Firm growth in Europe: an overview based on the CompNet labour module. (2017). Wintr, Ladislav ; Vanhala, Juuso ; Marzinotto, Benedicta ; Lopez-Garcia, Paloma ; Serafini, Roberta ; Fernandez, Cristina.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  22. Firm growth in Europe: An overview based on the COMPNET labour module. (2017). Wintr, Ladislav ; Vanhala, Juuso ; Marzinotto, Benedicta ; Lopez-Garcia, Paloma ; Serafini, Roberta ; Fernandez, Cristina.
    In: BCL working papers.

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    In: Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy.

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  24. The Impact of a Low Interest Rate Environment: Empirical Evidence from the Euro Area Bank Lending Survey. (2015). Khosravi, Taha.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  25. The Euros Savior? Assessing the ECBs Crisis Management Performance and Potential for Crisis Resolution. (2015). Bibow, Joerg.
    In: Economics Working Paper Archive.

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  26. The euros savior? Assessing the ECBs crisis management performance and potential for crisis resolution. (2015). Bibow, Joerg.
    In: IMK Studies.

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  27. SME recovery following a financial crisis: Does debt overhang matter?. (2015). O'Toole, Conor ; Lawless, Martina ; Otoole, Conor ; Oconnell, Brian .
    In: Journal of Financial Stability.

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  28. European Small Business Finance Outlook: June 2014. (2014). Gvetadze, Salome ; Lang, Frank ; Kraemer-Eis, Helmut.
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