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The emersion effect: an ex post and ex ante social program evaluation on labor tax evasion in Italy. (2013). Tealdi, Cristina ; Elia, Leandro ; Di Porto, Edoardo.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Short, Long and Spatial Dynamics of Informal Employment. (2016). di Caro, Paolo ; Nicotra, Giuseppe.
    In: Regional Studies.

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  2. The shadow economy: a relevant factor for investment decisions in selected European Union countries. (2015). Karaboytcheva, Miroslava Kostova ; Cassorla, Carolina Silva .
    In: Financial Theory and Practice.

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References cited by this document

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  4. Behrman, Jere, Parker, Susan, Todd, Petra, & Wolpin, Kenneth. 2012. Aligning Learning Incentives of Students and Teachers: Results from a Social Experiment in Mexican High Schools. PIER Working Paper Archive, 13.

  5. Bentolila, Samuel, Cahuc, Pierre, Dolado, Juan J., & Le Barbanchon, Thomas. 2012. Two-Tier Labour Markets in the Great Recession: France Versus Spain. The Economic Journal, 122(562), F155–F187.

  6. Bertola, Giuseppe, Boeri, Tito, & Cazes, Sandrine. 1999. Employment protection and labor market adjustment in OECD countries: evolving institutions and variable enforcement. Employment and Training Papers - International Labor Office, 48.
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  44. Tealdi, Cristina. 2010. Short-term contracts in Italy: Who is the winner? Northwestern University Working Paper.
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  45. Tealdi, Cristina. 2011. How do employment contract reforms affect welfare? Theory and evidence. MPRA working paper, 33573.

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