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Return to Schooling in China: A Large Meta-Analysis. (2021). Iwasaki, Ichiro ; Ma, Xinxin.
In: CEI Working Paper Series.

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  1. Returns to schooling in European emerging markets: a meta-analysis. (2023). Iwasaki, Ichiro ; Horie, Norio.
    In: Education Economics.

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  2. Gender wage gap in European emerging markets: a meta-analytic perspective. (2023). Iwasaki, Ichiro ; Satogami, Mihoko.
    In: Journal for Labour Market Research.

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  3. Do better journals publish better estimates?. (2023). Slichter, David ; Tran, Nhan.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  4. Gender wage gap in European emerging markets: a meta-analytic perspective. (2023). Iwasaki, Ichiro ; Satogami, Mihoko.
    In: Journal for Labour Market Research.

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  5. Wage Functions in China and Eastern Europe : A Large-Scale Comparative Meta Analysis. (2023). Iwasaki, Ichiro ; Satogami, Mihoko ; Mizobata, Satoshi ; Ma, Xinxin ; Kupets, Olga ; Horie, Norio.
    In: CEI Working Paper Series.

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  6. Gender Wage Gap in European Emerging Markets : A Meta-Analytic Perspective. (2023). Satogami, Mihoko ; Iwasaki, Ichiro.
    In: CEI Working Paper Series.

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  7. Returns to Education in European Emerging Markets: A Meta-Analytic Review. (2022). Iwasaki, Ichiro ; 岩﨑, 一郎, ; Horie, Norio.
    In: RRC Working Paper Series.

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  8. The Effect of Target-Country Institutions on Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition Activity : A Quantitative Literature Survey. (2022). Iwasaki, Ichiro ; Brada, Josef C.
    In: CEI Working Paper Series.

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  9. Returns to Secondary and Tertiary Education in China - A Meta-Analysis. (2021). Iwasaki, Ichiro ; Ma, Xin Xin.
    In: Asian Economics Letters.

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References cited by this document

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