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Threshold adjustment in deviations from the law of one price. (2008). Taylor, Mark ; Juvenal, Luciana.
In: Working Papers.

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  8. Convergence and persistence in per capita energy use among OECD countries: Revisited using confidence intervals. (2015). Voia, Marcel ; Fallahi, Firouz.
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  9. An Analysis of the Pass-Through of Exchange Rates in Tropical Forest Product Markets: A Smooth Transition Approach. (2015). Guney, Selin .
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  21. Long-run purchasing power parity with asymmetric adjustment: Further evidence from nine transition countries. (2011). Chang, Tsangyao ; Tzeng, Han-Wen .
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  22. Understanding the ADR premium under market segmentation.. (2010). Shah, Ajay ; Stigler, Mathieu ; Patnaik, Ila.
    In: Working Papers.

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  23. Methodological advances in the assessment of equilibrium exchange rates. (2010). Dieppe, Alistair ; Chudik, Alexander ; Ca' Zorzi, Michele ; Bussiere, Matthieu.
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  24. Understanding the ADR premium under market segmentation. (2010). Shah, Ajay ; Patnaik, Ila ; Stigler, Matthieu .
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  25. Further evidence on the PPP analysis of the Australian dollar. Non-linearities, fractional integration and structural change. (2009). Gil-Alana, Luis ; Cuesta, Juan C..
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  27. Mexicos integration into NAFTA markets: a view from sectoral real exchange rates. (2008). Juvenal, Luciana ; Blavy, Rodolphe .
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References cited by this document

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