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Fiscal policy and interest rates. (2005). Ducoudré, Bruno.
In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE.

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  1. Russian fiscal policy during the financial crisis. (2010). Vlasov, Sergey ; Ponomarenko, Alexey.
    In: BOFIT Discussion Papers.

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  2. Explaining the US bond yield conundrum. (2009). Seitz, Franz ; Bandholz, Harm ; Clostermann, Jorg .
    In: Applied Financial Economics.

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  3. Automatic Stabilisation, Discretionary Policy and the Stability Pact. (2008). Saraceno, Francesco ; Creel, Jerome.
    In: Sciences Po publications.

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  4. Automatic Stabilisation, Discretionary Policy and the Stability Pact. (2008). Saraceno, Francesco ; Creel, Jerome.
    In: Sciences Po Economics Discussion Papers.

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  5. Automatic Stabilisation, Discretionary Policy and the Stability Pact. (2008). Saraceno, Francesco ; Creel, Jerome.
    In: Working Papers.

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  6. Explaining the US Bond Yield Conundrum. (2007). Seitz, Franz ; Bandholz, Harm ; Clostermann, Joerg.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  7. WP 2007-4 Fiscal deficits in the U.S. and Europe: Revisiting the link with interest rates. (2007). Terzi, Andrea.
    In: SCEPA working paper series. SCEPA's main areas of research are macroeconomic policy, inequality and poverty, and globalization..

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  8. Are bond markets really overpriced: The case of the US. (2005). Seitz, Franz ; Clostermann, Jorg.
    In: Arbeitsberichte – Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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