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Production function approach to calculating potential growth and output gaps - estimates for the EU Member States and the US. (2002). Denis, Cécile ; Cécile Denis, ; Werner Röger, ; McMorrow, Kieran ; Kieran Mc Morrow, .
In: European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015.

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  22. Real time estimation of potential output and output gap for the euro-area: comparing production function with unobserved components and SVAR approaches. (2008). Reynès, Frédéric ; Monperrus-Veroni, Paola ; Lemoine, Matthieu ; Reynes, Frederic ; Mazzi, Gian Luigi .
    In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE.

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  37. Investigating potential output using the Hodrick-Prescott filter: an application for Malta. (2002). Grech, Aaron.
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  35. Inflation Targeting and Output Growth; Empirical Evidence for the European Union. (2005). International Monetary Fund, .
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  36. How much has labour taxation contributed to European structural unemployment?. (2004). Rossi, Alessandro ; Planas, Christophe ; Roeger, Werner.
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  37. Variables observables et inobservables dans la théorie du taux de chômage déquilibre : une comparaison France / Etats-Unis. (2004). Sterdyniak, Henri ; Reynès, Frédéric ; Heyer, Eric.
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  38. Variables observables et inobservables dans la théorie du taux de chômage déquilibre : une comparaison France / Etats-Unis. (2004). Heyer, Eric ; Sterdyniak, Henri ; Reynes, Frederic.
    In: Sciences Po Economics Discussion Papers.

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  39. Can inflation data improve the real-time reliability of output gap estimates?. (2004). Rossi, Alessandro ; Planas, Christophe.
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  40. Variables observables et inobservables dans la theorie du taux de chomage d’equilibre, une comparaison France/Etats-Unis.. (2004). Sterdyniak, Henri ; Reynès, Frédéric ; Heyer, Eric.
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  41. Une approche éclectique destimation du PIB potentiel pour le Royaume-Uni. (2004). St-Arnaud, Charles.
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  42. Trend, cycle, and non-linear trade-off in the Euro Area 1970-2001. (2003). Martins, Manuel ; Aguiar, Alvaro ; Manuel M. F. Martins, .
    In: FEP Working Papers.

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  43. How much has labour taxation contributed to European structural unemployment?. (2003). Rossi, Alessandro ; Planas, Christophe ; Roeger, Werner.
    In: European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015.

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  44. Assessment criteria for output gap estimates. (2003). Camba-Mendez, Gonzalo ; Rodriguez-Palenzuela, Diego.
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  45. Is the NAIRU More Useful in Forecasting Inflation than the Natural Rate of Unemployment?. (2002). Claar, Victor.
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  46. Production function approach to calculating potential growth and output gaps - estimates for the EU Member States and the US. (2002). Denis, Cécile ; Cécile Denis, ; Werner Röger, ; McMorrow, Kieran ; Kieran Mc Morrow, .
    In: European Economy - Economic Papers 2008 - 2015.

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  47. Unoberserved Components Models for Quarterly German GDP. (2002). Flaig, Gebhard.
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  48. Estimating the Output Gap Using Business Survey Data - A Bivariate Structural Time Series Model for the German Economy. (2000). Flaig, Gebhard ; Ploetscher, Claudia.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  49. Medium-Term Forecasts of Potential GDP and Inflation Using Age Structure Information. (1999). Lindh, Thomas.
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  50. Integration of Macroeconomic Behavioural Relationships and the Input-output Block (Romanian Modelling Experience). (0000). Dobrescu, Emilian.
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