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Managing the climate commons at the nexus of ecology, behaviour and economics. (2014). Tavoni, Alessandro ; Levin, Simon .
In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  1. Moral intuitions predict pro-social behaviour in a climate commons game. (2021). Akay, Alar ; Ertor-Akyazi, Pinar.
    In: Ecological Economics.

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  2. Emergence of social inequality in the spatial harvesting of renewable public goods. (2020). Dieckmann, Ulf ; Brannstrom, KE ; Joshi, Jaideep .
    In: PLOS Computational Biology.

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  3. A well-timed switch from local to global agreements accelerates climate change mitigation. (2020). Anand, Madhur ; Bauch, Chris T ; Levin, Simon A ; Lafuite, Anne-Sophie ; Vasconcelos, V'Itor V ; Karatayev, Vadim A.
    In: Papers.

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  4. Natural Disasters, Cascading Losses, and Economic Complexity: A Multi-layer Behavioral Network Approach. (2019). Monasterolo, Irene ; Naqvi, Asjad.
    In: Ecological Economic Papers.

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  5. Cooperation in the climate commons. (2019). Tavoni, Alessandro ; Carattini, Stefano ; Levin, Simon.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  6. The effect of link rewiring on a coevolutionary common pool resource game. (2018). Min, Yong ; Jin, Cheng ; Du, Yuchen.
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

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  7. Cooperation in the climate commons. (2017). Tavoni, Alessandro ; Carattini, Stefano ; Levin, Simon.
    In: GRI Working Papers.

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  8. How green are economists?. (2016). Carattini, Stefano ; Tavoni, Alessandro .
    In: GRI Working Papers.

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  9. How Green are Economists?. (2016). Carattini, Stefano ; Tavoni, Alessandro .
    In: Working Papers.

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  10. Delegation and Public Pressure in a Threshold Public Goods Game: Theory and Experimental Evidence. (2016). Ä°riÅŸ, Doruk ; Iris, Doruk ; Tavoni, Alessandro ; Lee, Jungmin.
    In: Working Papers.

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  11. Tipping Points and Loss Aversion in International Environmental Agreements. (2016). Ä°riÅŸ, Doruk ; Iris, Doruk ; Tavoni, Alessandro .
    In: Working Papers.

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  12. How green are green economists?. (2016). Carattini, Stefano ; Tavoni, Alessandro .
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  13. How green are green economists?. (2016). Carattini, Stefano ; Tavoni, Alessandro .
    In: Economics Bulletin.

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  14. How Green are Economists?. (2016). Carattini, Stefano ; Tavoni, Alessandro .
    In: MITP: Mitigation, Innovation and Transformation Pathways.

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  15. Delegation and Public Pressure in a Threshold Public Goods Game: Theory and Experimental Evidence. (2016). Ri, Doruk ; Tavoni, Alessandro ; Lee, Jungmin.
    In: Economic Theory and Applications Working Papers.

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  16. Tipping Points and Loss Aversion in International Environmental Agreements. (2016). Ä°riÅŸ, Doruk ; Tavoni, Alessandro .
    In: EIA: Climate Change: Economic Impacts and Adaptation.

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  17. Delegation and public pressure in a threshold public goods game: theory and experimental evidence. (2015). Ä°riÅŸ, Doruk ; Lee, Jungmin ; Ari, Doruk ; Tavoni, Alessandro .
    In: GRI Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  89. [99] Rosvall, M., Bergstrom, C. T. Multilevel Compression of Random Walks on Networks Reveals Hierarchical Organization in Large Integrated Systems. PLoS ONE 6 (2011). Author to whom correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed: Alessandro Tavoni


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    In: 2003 Annual meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada.

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  37. Is Trade Good or Bad for the Environment? Sorting Out the Causality. (2002). Rose, Andrew ; Frankel, Jeffrey.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  38. Growth and the Environment in Canada: An Empirical Analysis. (2002). Grafton, R. Quentin ; Day, Kathleen.
    In: Economics and Environment Network Working Papers.

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  39. Energy-Use, the Environment and Development: Observations with Reference to China and India. (2002). Tisdell, Clement ; Roy, Kartik .
    In: Economics, Ecology and Environment Working Papers.

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  40. Economic growth and atmospheric pollution in Spain: discussing the environmental Kuznets curve by hypothesis. (2001). Roca, Jordi ; Padilla, Emilio ; Galletto, Vittorio ; Farre, Mariona.
    In: Working Papers.

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  41. An Inverse Global Environmental Kuznets Curve. (2001). Murthy, K.V. ; Jha, Raghbendra.
    In: Departmental Working Papers.

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  42. The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Exploring A Fresh Specification. (2000). Bradford, David ; Schlieckert, Rebecca ; Shore, Stephen H..
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  43. The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Exploring a Fresh Specification. (2000). Bradford, David ; Schlieckert, Rebecca ; Shore, Stephen H..
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  44. Delinking Economic Growth from Environmental Degradation? A Literature Survey on the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. (1999). Stagl, Sigrid .
    In: Working Papers.

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  45. Attributing Changes in Global Sulfur Emissions. (1999). Stern, David.
    In: Working Papers in Ecological Economics.

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  46. Sustainable Decisionmaking: The State of the Art from an Economics Perspective. (1998). Toman, Michael.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  47. The Simple Analytics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. (1998). Levinson, Arik ; Andreoni, James.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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    In: Proceedings of the 4th Agricultural and Food Policy Systems Information Workshop 1998: Economic Harmonization in the Canadian\U.S.\Mexican Grain-Lives.

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    In: 1998 Annual meeting, August 2-5, Salt Lake City, UT.

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  50. Progress on environmental Kuznets curves. (1996). Stern, David.
    In: Working Papers in Ecological Economics.

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