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Really uncertain business cycles. (2013). Terry, Stephen ; Saporta Eksten, Itay ; Jaimovich, Nir ; Flötotto, Max ; bloom, nicholas ; Saporta-Eksten, Itay ; Floetotto, Max .
In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  12. The impact of uncertainty on macro variables - An SVAR-based empirical analysis for EU countries. (2017). Belke, Ansgar ; Kronen, Daniel.
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  23. Microeconomic Uncertainty, International Trade, and Aggregate Fluctuations. (2014). Midrigan, Virgiliu ; Kaboski, Joseph ; Choi, Horag ; Alessandria, George.
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  24. Microeconomic uncertainty, international trade, and aggregate fluctuations. (2014). Kaboski, Joseph ; Choi, Horag ; Alessandria, George ; Midrigan, Virgiliu.
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  25. The UK Productivity and Jobs Puzzle: Does the Answer Lie in Labour Market Flexibility?. (2013). van Reenen, John ; Pessoa, João Paulo ; VanReenen, John .
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References cited by this document

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  30. For annual frequency we add the ASM …les to the CM …les constructing a panel of establishments from 1972 to 2010 (using the LBDNUM identi…er).41 Starting 1973, the ASM is conducted every year in which a CM is not conducted. The ASM covers all establishments which were recorded in the CM above a certain size and a sample of the smaller establishments. The ASM includes 50,000 to 75,000 observations per year. Both the CM and the ASM provide detailed data on sales, value added, labor inputs, labor cost, cost of materials, capital expenditures, inventories and more. We give more details on the variables we use in the variables construction subsection below. A.1.2 Firm Level We use Compustat and CRSP to calculate volatility of sales and returns at the …rm level.42 The Compustat-SSEL bridge is used to match Census establishment data to Compustat and CRSP …rm’ s
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  31. For each 4-digit industry this variable stores the trade weighted proportion of product categories that were covered by a quota in 2005 by 4-digit industry categories.54 The instrument is then constructed as the interaction between the quota level and a dummy which takes the value of 1 for all years starting 2005. We limit the analysis to industries which are similar to the treated group, thus focusing on the textile and related industry (SIC codes 22, 23, 28 and 29, which were the 2-digit industries including sub-industries impacted by the quotas). We restrict the analysis to a 7-year window around the change (2002-2008).
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  45. However, starting in 1997, the CM does not separately report capital stocks for equipment and structures. For plants which existed in 1992, we can use the investment data to back out capital stocks for equipment and structures separately after 1992. For plants born after 1992, we assign the share of capital stock to equipment and structures to match the share of investment in equipment and structures. A.3.4 TFP and TFP Shocks For establishment j in industry i at year t we de…ne value added based total factor productivity (TFP) b zj;i;t as log (b zj;i;t) = log(vj;i;t) S i;t log(kS j;i;t) E i;t log(kE j;i;t) N i;t log(nj;i;t); where vj;i;t denotes value added (output less materials and energy inputs), kS j;i;t represents the capital stock of structures, kE j;i;t represents the capital stock of equipment and nj;i;t the total hours worked as described above. S
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  60. Our last sample (used in Figures 1 and 2), is based on the …rst sample, but includes only establishments that were active in 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009. When calculating annual dispersion measures using CRSP and Compustat (see Table 1), we use the same sampling criteria as in the baseline ASM-CM sample, keeping only …rms which appear for at least 25 years. A.3 Variable Construction A.3.1 Value Added We use the Census value added measure which is de…ned for establishment j at year t as vj;t = Qj;t Mj;t Ej;t; where Qj;t is nominal output, Mj;t is cost of materials and Ej;t is cost of energy and fuels. Nominal output is calculated as the sum of total value of shipments and the change in inventory from previous year (both …nished inventory and work in progress inventory). In most of the analysis we use real value added. In this case, we de‡ ate value added by the 4-digit industry price of shipment (PISHIP) given in the NBER-CES data set.
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  72. Tauchen, George (1986) “Finite State Markov Chain Approximations to Univariate and Vector Autoregressions,”Economics Letters, 20(2), 151-155.

  73. Textile Quotas Instrument: The relaxation of quotas for China started when it joined the WTO in 2001, and peaked in 2005 when the quotas were completely removed. The removal of the quotas generated an increase in the imports of Chinese goods in the categories for which the quotas were removed. We use the 2005 quota variable constructed by Bloom, Draca, and Van Reenen (2011).
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  74. The fourth sample uses a balanced panel of establishments which were active for all years between 1972 and 2009. This sample consists of 3,449 establishments and 127,182 establishment-year observations.
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  75. The NBER-CES data are available only through 2009. 2010 industry-level data are therefore projected using an AR(4) regression for all external datasets. See http://www.bls.gov/mfp/mprdload.htm. See http://www.bea.gov/national/FA2004/SelectTable.asp. See http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/G17/Current/default.htm.
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  76. The NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Database is the main source for industry-level price indices for total value of shipments (PISHIP), and capital expenditures (PIINV).44 It is also the main source for industry-level total cost of inputs for labor (PAY). The total cost variable is used in the construction of industry cost shares. We match the NBER data to the establishment data using 4-digit SIC87 codes for the years 1972-1996 and 6-digit NAICS codes starting 1997.45 We complete our set of price indices using FRB capital investment de‡ ators, with separate de‡ ators for equipment and structures, kindly provided to us by Randy Becker.
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  77. The second sample, which is our baseline sample, keeps establishments which appear for at least 25 years between 1972 and 2009. This sample consists of 15,673 establishments and 453,704 establishment-year observations.52 The third sample we use is based on the baseline sample limited to establishments for which …rms have CRSP and Compustat records, with nonmissing values for stock returns, sales, equity and debt. The sample includes 10,498 establishments with 172,074 establishment-year observations.
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  78. This is available in an ECB press release from December 31, 1998, available at http://www.ecb.int/press/pr/date/1998/html/pr981231_2.en.html.
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  79. Thomas, J.K. (2002), Is Lumpy Investment Relevant for the Business Cycle?, Journal of Political Economy, 110(3), 508-534.

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  81. Veldkamp, L. (2005),Slow boom, sudden crash, Journal of Economic Theory, 124(2), 230-257.

  82. Veracierto, M.L. (2002),Plant Level Irreversible Investment and Equilibrium Business Cycles, American Economic Review, 92(1), 181-197.

  83. We do this assignment for 2002-2005, since the bridge has many missing matches for these years. import-export data and industrial production.
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    In: Working Paper Research.

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  20. Equilibrium Cross-Section of Returns. (2002). Zhang, Lu ; Gomes, João.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  21. Investment Decisions under Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty. (2001). Erdal, Bahar.
    In: Central Bank Review.

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  22. Time-Varying Risk Premia and the Cost of Capital: An Alternative Implication of the Q Theory of Investment. (2001). Ludvigson, Sydney ; Lettau, Martin.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  23. The Real Interest rate Gap as an Inflation Indicator. (2001). Nelson, Edward ; Neiss, Katharine.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  24. Direct Effects of Base Money on Aggregate Demand: Theory and Evidence. (2001). Nelson, Edward.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  25. The real interest rate gap as an inflation indicator. (2001). Nelson, Edward ; Neiss, Katharine.
    In: Bank of England working papers.

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  26. The dynamic effects of real options and irreversibility on investment and labour demand. (2000). bloom, nicholas.
    In: IFS Working Papers.

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  27. A Generalised Model of Investment under Uncertainty: Aggregation and Estimation. (2000). bloom, nicholas.
    In: Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers.

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  28. Discovering the Link Between Uncertainty and Investment - Microeconometric Evidence from Germany. (2000). Siegfried, Nikolaus A ; Funke, Michael ; Boehm, Hjalmar.
    In: Econometric Society World Congress 2000 Contributed Papers.

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  29. Direct effects of base money on aggregate demand: theory and evidence. (2000). Nelson, Edward.
    In: Bank of England working papers.

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  30. The Role of a Variable Input in the Relationship between Investment and Uncertainty. (2000). Shin, Kwanho ; Lee, Jaewoo.
    In: American Economic Review.

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  31. Adjustment Costs, Learning-by-Doing, and Technology Adoption under Uncertainty. (1999). Pavlova, Anna.
    In: CARESS Working Papres.

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  32. The Timing and Scale of Investment Under Uncertainty. (1999). Small, John P..
    In: Econometrics Working Papers.

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  33. What Do We Know About Investment Under Uncertainty?. (1998). Henley, Andrew ; Dickerson, Andrew ; Carruth, Alan.
    In: Studies in Economics.

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  34. Investment With Uncertain Tax Policy: Does Random Tax Policy Discourage Investment?. (1998). Metcalf, Gilbert ; hassett, kevin.
    In: Discussion Papers Series, Department of Economics, Tufts University.

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  35. Investment, capacity, and output: a putty-clay approach. (1998). Williams, John ; Gilchrist, Simon.
    In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series.

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  36. Uncertainty, instability, and irreversible investment : theory, evidence, and lessons for Africa. (1997). Servén, Luis.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  37. Inflation, growth, and central banks : theory and evidence. (1996). De Gregorio, Jose.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  38. New Activities, the Welfare Cost of Uncertainty and Investment Policies. (1996). Aizenman, Joshua.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  39. Volatility, Investment and Disappointment Aversion. (1995). Marion, Nancy ; Aizenman, Joshua.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  40. The Effects of Irreversibility and Uncertainty on Capital Accumulation. (1995). Eberly, Janice ; Abel, Andrew.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  41. Options, the Value of Capital, and Investment. (1995). Pindyck, Robert ; Eberly, Janice ; Dixit, Avinash ; Abel, Andrew.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  42. Real Investment Decisions Under Information Constraints. (1995). Long, Ngo ; Lasserre, Pierre ; Gaudet, Gérard.
    In: CIRANO Working Papers.

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  43. Investment with Uncertain Tax Policy: Does Random Tax Policy Discourage Investment?. (1994). Metcalf, Gilbert ; hassett, kevin.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  44. An Exact Soultion for the Investment and Market Value of a Firm Facing Uncertainty, Adjustment Costs, and Irreversibility. (1993). Eberly, Janice ; Abel, Andrew.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  45. A Unified Model of Investment Under Uncertainty. (1993). Eberly, Janice ; Abel, Andrew.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  46. Uncertainty, Investment, and Industry Evolution. (1992). Pindyck, Robert ; Caballero, Ricardo.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  47. Tax Policy and Business Fixed Investment in the United States. (1991). hassett, kevin ; Auerbach, Alan.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  48. The Effect of Takeover Activity on Corporate Research and Development. (1987). Hall, Bronwyn.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  49. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Generalized Ito Processes with Discretely Sampled Data. (1986). Lo, Andrew.
    In: NBER Technical Working Papers.

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  50. Making Bad Decisions: firm size and investment under uncertainty. (). Cobham, Alex.
    In: QEH Working Papers.

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