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No inventor is an island: social connectedness and the geography of knowledge flows in the US. (2022). Regan, Tanner ; Diemer, Andreas.
In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  1. The Measurement of Social Capital in America: A Reassessment. (2023). Goschin, Zizi ; Druic, Elena ; Valsan, Clin.
    In: Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement.

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  2. Understanding “reverse” knowledge flows following inventor exit in the semiconductor industry. (2023). Jain, Amit ; Varshney, Mayank.
    In: Technovation.

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  3. Railways and Roadways to Trust. (2022). Tsiachtsiras, George ; Litina, Anastasia ; Gavresi, Despina.
    In: Discussion Paper Series.

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  4. Trains of Thought: High-Speed Rail and Innovation in China.. (2022). Yin, Deyun ; Moreno, Rosina ; Miguelez, Ernest ; Tsiachtsiras, Georgios.
    In: IREA Working Papers.

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  5. Railways and Roadways to Trust.. (2022). Tsiachtsiras, Georgios ; Litina, Anastasia ; Gavresi, Despina.
    In: IREA Working Papers.

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  6. Trains of Thought: High-Speed Rail and Innovation in China. (2022). Miguelez, Ernest ; Moreno, Rosina ; Yin, Deyun ; Tsiachtsiras, Georgios.
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. Trains of Thought: High-Speed Rail and Innovation in China. (2022). Yin, Deyun ; Moreno, Rosina ; Miguelez, Ernest ; Tsiachtsiras, Georgios.
    In: Bordeaux Economics Working Papers.

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  8. Capturing information on global knowledge flows from patent transfers: An empirical study using USPTO patents. (2022). Bi, Kexin ; Tao, Yuan ; Liu, Weiwei.
    In: Research Policy.

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References cited by this document

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    In: Research Memorandum.

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  47. Endogenous Cycles and Growth with Indivisible Technological Developments. (1999). Peled, Dan ; Hong, Dong-Pyo ; Freeman, Scott.
    In: Review of Economic Dynamics.

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  48. Optimal Saving under Poisson Uncertainty. (1999). Wälde, Klaus ; Walde, Klaus.
    In: Journal of Economic Theory.

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  49. Firm Level Behavior in Repeated R&D Races. (1998). Zolnierek, James M..
    In: Eastern Economic Journal.

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  50. A Patentability Requirement For Sequential Innovation. (1997). O'Donoghue, Ted.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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