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The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on Land Capitalization. (2014). Swinnen, Johan ; Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel.
In: EERI Research Paper Series.

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  1. Capitalisation of the SPS into Agricultural Land Rental Prices under Harmonisation of Payments. (2017). Thompson, Stanley ; Salhofer, Klaus ; Klaiber, Henry.
    In: Journal of Agricultural Economics.

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  2. Capitalization of the SPS into Agricultural Land Rental Prices under Harmonization of Payments. (2016). Thompson, Stan ; Salhofer, Klaus ; Klaiber, Allen H.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  3. Decoupled Single Farm Payments of the CAP and Land Rental Prices. (2016). Salhofer, Klaus ; Feichtinger, Paul .
    In: Working Papers.

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  4. Capitalization of the SPS into Agricultural Land Rental Prices under Harmonization of Payments. (2016). Salhofer, Klaus ; Klaiber, Henry ; Thompson, Stan .
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  14. Economics 91(4): 1124-1139 Ciaian, P., D. Kancs, and J.F.M. Swinnen. 2008. Static and Dynamic Distributional Effects of Decoupled Payments: Single Farm Payments in the European Union. LICOS Discussion Paper 207/2008, LICOS, Leuven.

  15. Feichtinger, P. and K. Salhofer. 2013. The Impact of the CAP on Land Rents and Land Allocation. In Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity Under A Common Policy, eds. J. Swinnen, and L.
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  16. Gocht, A., W. Britz, P. Ciaian, and S. Gomez y Paloma. 2013. Farm Type Effects of an EU-wide Direct Payment Harmonisation. Journal of Agricultural Economics 64(1): 1-32.

  17. Goodwin, B.K. and A.K. Mishra. 2006. Are “Decoupled” Farm Program Payments Really Decoupled? An Empirical Evaluation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88: 73-89.

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  22. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 26(1):125-141. Swinnen, J. (ed.) 2008. The Perfect Storm. The Political Economy of the Fischler Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies Publications.
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  36. Salhofer, K. 2001. Elasticities of Substitution and Factor Supply Elasticities in European Agriculture: A Review of Past Studies. in OECD Market Effects of Crop Support Measures, OECD, Paris, pp. 89-119.
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  42. Swinnen, J., K. Van Herck, and L. Vranken. 2013. Regulations of Land Markets in the EU. In Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity Under A Common Policy, eds. J. Swinnen, and L. Knops, 72-80. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies.
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  43. Van Herck, K., J. Swinnen, and L. Vranken. 2013. Capitalization of direct payments in land rents: evidence from New EU Member States. Eurasian Geography and Economics 54(4): 423-443.

  44. Vatn, A. 2001. Transaction Costs and Multifunctionality. Contributed Paper at the OECD Workshop on Multifunctionality, Paris, France, 2-3 July, 2001.
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  45. Viaggi, D., F. Bartolini, M. Puddu, and M. Raggi. 2013. The Impact of the 2013 CAP Reform on Land Markets in Italy. In Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity Under A Common Policy, eds. J.
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