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High-Speed rail and the knowledge economy: Evidence from Japan. (2022). Kato, Hironori ; Morikawa, SO ; Bhatt, Ayushman ; Miwa, Norihiro.
In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  1. Impacts of high-speed rail on the industrial developments of non-central cities in China. (2023). Wong, Wing-Keung ; Cai, Mengshan ; Wang, Qingyu ; Li, Zongxin.
    In: Transport Policy.

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  2. High-speed rail and happiness. (2023). Chen, Zhongfei.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  3. Impact of high-speed railway on urban resilience in China: Does urban innovation matter?. (2023). Miao, Zhuang ; Jiang, Wei ; Wang, Ke-Liang.
    In: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.

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  4. Effect of high-speed rail on entrepreneurial activities: Evidence from China. (2023). Lv, Dayong ; Ruan, Qingsong ; Wei, Xiaokun ; Jiang, Yan ; Liu, Mengsha.
    In: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.

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