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Changes in spending and labor supply in response to a Social Security benefit cut: Evidence from stated choice data. (2017). Rohwedder, Susann ; Delavande, Adeline.
In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.

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  1. The effect of increasing retirement age on households’ savings and consumption expenditure. (2023). Ye, Han ; Fischer, Bjorn ; Etgeton, Stefan.
    In: Journal of Public Economics.

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  2. The Effect of Increasing Retirement Age on Households’ Savings and Consumption Expenditures. (2023). Ye, Han ; Fischer, Bjorn ; Etgeton, Stefan.
    In: CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper Series.

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  3. Evidence of behavioural life-cycle features in spending patterns after retirement. (2022). van Soest, Arthur ; Bonekamp, Johan.
    In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.

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  4. Willingness to pay for long-term home care services: Evidence from a stated preferences analysis. (2020). Ostergaard, Stine Vernstrom ; Siren, Anu ; Ladenburg, Jacob ; Amilon, Anna.
    In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.

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References cited by this document

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