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Technology invention and adoption in residential energy consumption. (2017). Palma, Alessandro ; Marin, Giovanni.
In: Energy Economics.

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  1. Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries. (2023). Kipouros, Paraskevas ; Hunt, Lester C.
    In: Energies.

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  2. Effects of the green finance policy on the green innovation efficiency of the manufacturing industry: A difference-in-difference model. (2023). Wang, Meiling.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  3. Assessing the role of economic globalization on energy efficiency: Evidence from a global perspective. (2023). Edziah, Bless Kofi ; Sun, Huaping ; Sim, Jae-Yeon ; Liu, Fengqin ; Song, Shunfeng ; Adom, Philip Kofi.
    In: China Economic Review.

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  6. Energy efficiency: The role of technological innovation and knowledge spillover. (2021). TAGHIZADEH-HESARY, Farhad ; Sun, Huaping ; Sarkodie, Samuel Asumadu ; Kporsu, Anthony Kwaku ; Edziah, Bless Kofi.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  7. Estimating Persistent and Transient Energy Efficiency in Belt and Road Countries: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. (2020). TAGHIZADEH-HESARY, Farhad ; Edziah, Bless Kofi ; Sun, Huaping ; Kporsu, Anthony Kwaku ; Song, Xiaoqian.
    In: Energies.

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  8. Analysis and short-term predictions of non-technical loss of electric power based on mixed effects models. (2020). Moreira, Jose Francisco ; Calili, Rodrigo Flora ; Souza, Reinaldo Castro ; Mahaz, Paulo Fernando.
    In: Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.

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  9. Assessment of the potential for electricity savings in households in Cameroon: A stochastic frontier approach. (2020). Tamo, Thomas Tatietse ; Nzotcha, Urbain ; Kenfack, Joseph ; Nsangou, Jean Calvin.
    In: Energy.

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  10. Chinese electricity demand and electricity consumption efficiency: Do the structural changes matter?. (2020). Lin, Boqiang ; Zhu, Junpeng.
    In: Applied Energy.

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  11. National research funding and energy efficiency: Evidence from the National Science Foundation of China. (2018). Du, Minzhe ; Zhang, Ning ; Wang, Bing.
    In: Energy Policy.

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  12. Improvement pathway of energy consumption structure in Chinas industrial sector: From the perspective of directed technical change. (2018). Shao, Shuai ; Miao, Zhuang ; Yang, Lili.
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  32. Mergers Among German Cooperative Banks. A Panel-based Stochastic Frontier Analysis. (1999). Welzel, Peter ; Lang, Günter.
    In: Working Paper Series B.

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  33. Monte Carlo simulations of DEA efficiency measures and hypothesis tests. (1999). Kittelsen, Sverre.
    In: Memorandum.

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  34. Stochastic Frontier Production Function With Errors-In-Variables. (1999). Dhawan, Rajeev ; Jochumzen, Peter.
    In: Working Papers.

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  35. Organizational Form and Expense Preference: Spanish Experience. (1999). Lozano-Vivas, Ana ; HASAN, IFTEKHAR.
    In: New York University, Leonard N. Stern School Finance Department Working Paper Seires.

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  36. Deregulation and efficiency: the case of private Korean banks. (1999). Hao, Jonathan ; Yang, Won Keun ; Hunter, William C..
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  37. The informativeness of stochastic frontier and programming frontier efficiency scores: Cost efficiency and other measures of bank holding company performance. (1999). Kwan, Simon ; Ferrier, Gary ; Eisenbeis, Robert.
    In: FRB Atlanta Working Paper.

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  38. Local Electricity Distribution in Italy: Comparative Efficiency Analysis and Methodological Cross-Checking. (1999). Scarsi, Gian.
    In: Working Papers.

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  39. Measuring the efficiency in spanish municipal refuse collection services. (1999). Suarez Pandiello, Javier ; Bosch, Núria ; Pedraja, Francisco ; Suarez-Pandiello, Javier .
    In: Working Papers in Economics.

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  40. Learning Efficiency of Economics Students. (1998). Zimmermann, Klaus ; Bauer, Thomas.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  41. A Monte Carlo Analysis of Technical Inefficiency Predictors. (1998). Kumbhakar, Subal ; Lothgren, Mickael .
    In: SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance.

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  42. Comparison of Frontier Efficiency Methods: An Application to the U.S. Life Insurance Industry. (1997). Cummins, John ; Zi, Hongmin .
    In: Center for Financial Institutions Working Papers.

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  43. Costs in UK Higher Education: A System-Wide Perspective. (1997). Johnes, Geraint.
    In: CERT Discussion Papers.

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  44. Consistency conditions for regulatory analysis of financial institutions: a comparison of frontier efficiency methods. (1997). Ferrier, Gary ; Berger, Allen ; Bauer, Paul ; Humphrey, David B..
    In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series.

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  45. A new approach to stochastic frontier estimation: DEA+. (1996). Gstach, Dieter .
    In: Department of Economics Working Papers.

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  46. An analysis of inefficiencies in banking: a stochastic cost frontier approach. (1996). Kwan, Simon ; Eisenbeis, Robert.
    In: Economic Review.

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  47. A Frontier Model for Landscape Ecology: The Tapir in Honduras. (1995). Ley, Eduardo ; Flesher, Kevin.
    In: Econometrics.

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  48. The effect of financial liberalization on allocation of credit : panel data evidence for Ecuador. (1993). Weiss, Andrew ; Schiantarelli, Fabio ; Jaramillo, Fidel .
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  49. Catch Efficiency in the Chilean Pelagic Fishery: Does size matter ?. (). Vergara Marezco, Sebastián ; Pea-Torres, Julio ; Basch, Michael .
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  50. Actual and potential returns to schooling in Spain. (). Martín-Román, Ángel ; Angel Martín Román, ; Carmen García Prieto, ; Carlos Pérez Domínguez, .
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