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Integrated epi-econ assessment. (2020). Krusell, Per ; Hassler, John ; Harmenberg, Karl ; Boppart, Timo ; Olsson, Jonna.
In: Edinburgh School of Economics Discussion Paper Series.

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  1. On the role of automation in an epidemic. (2024). Xu, Shaofeng ; Liu, Fengliang.
    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

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  2. Mobility decisions, economic dynamics and Epidemic. (2022). Fabbri, Giorgio ; Gozzi, Fausto ; Fiaschi, Davide ; Federico, Salvatore.
    In: Working Papers.

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  3. Optimal Age-Based Vaccination and Economic Mitigation Policies for the Second Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic. (2022). Heathcote, Jonathan ; Krueger, Dirk ; Glover, Andrew.
    In: Staff Report.

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  4. Integrated epi-econ assessment of vaccination. (2022). Harmenberg, Karl ; Boppart, Timo ; Krusell, Per ; Olsson, Jonna.
    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

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  5. Optimal age-Based vaccination and economic mitigation policies for the second phase of the covid-19 pandemic. (2022). Krueger, Dirk ; Glover, Andrew ; Heathcote, Jonathan.
    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

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  6. The macroeconomics of testing and quarantining. (2022). Trabandt, Mathias ; Rebelo, Sergio ; Eichenbaum, Martin S.
    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

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  7. Mobility Decisions, Economic Dynamics And Epidemic. (2022). Fabbri, Giorgio ; Gozzi, Fausto ; Fiaschi, Davide ; Federico, Salvatore.
    In: LIDAM Discussion Papers IRES.

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  8. Dynamic Labor Reallocation with Heterogeneous Skills and Uninsured Idiosyncratic Risk. (2021). Kudlyak, Marianna ; Faia, Ester ; Shabalina, Ekaterina.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  9. Optimal Age-Based Vaccination and Economic Mitigation Policies for the Second Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2021). Krueger, Dirk ; Heathcote, Jonathan ; Rios-Rull, Jose-Victor ; Glover, Andrew.
    In: Research Working Paper.

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  10. Dynamic Labor Reallocation with Heterogeneous Skills and Uninsured Idiosyncratic Risk. (2021). Kudlyak, Marianna ; Faia, Ester ; Shabalina, Ekaterina.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  11. Information and inequality in the time of a pandemic. (2021). Pinheiro, Roberto ; Dizioli, Allan.
    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

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  12. Mobilty Decisions, Economic Dynamics and Epidemic. (2021). Gozzi, Fausto ; Fiaschi, Davide ; Federico, Salvatore ; Fabbri, Giorgio.
    In: LIDAM Discussion Papers IRES.

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  13. Mobility decisions, economic dynamics and epidemic. (2021). Gozzi, Fausto ; Fiaschi, Davide ; Federico, Salvatore ; Fabbri, Giorgio.
    In: Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  8. Atkeson, A. (2020). What will be the economic impact of covid-19 in the US? Rough estimates of disease scenarios. Technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research.

  9. Aum, S., S. Y. T. Lee, and Y. Shin (2020). Inequality of fear and self-quarantine: Is there a trade-off between GDP and public health? Technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research.

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