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Does austerity pay off?. (2015). Pfeifer, Johannes ; Müller, Gernot ; Born, Benjamin ; Muller, Gernot.
In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  1. Fiscal tensions and risk premium. (2022). Ciżkowicz, Piotr ; Rzoca, Andrzej ; Parosa, Grzegorz ; Cikowicz, Piotr.
    In: Empirica.

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    In: International Economic Review.

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  3. Does Austerity Pay Off?. (2020). Pfeifer, Johannes ; Müller, Gernot ; Born, Benjamin.
    In: The Review of Economics and Statistics.

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  4. Fiscal consolidations and the cost of credit. (2019). Igan, Deniz ; Aca, Enay .
    In: Journal of International Economics.

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  5. How does financial liberalisation affect the influence of monetary policy on the current account?. (2018). Hjortsoe, Ida ; Wieladek, Tomasz ; Weale, Martin.
    In: Journal of International Money and Finance.

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  6. Revenue- versus spending-based consolidation plans: the role of follow-up. (2018). Beetsma, Roel ; Giuliodori, Massimo ; Furtuna, Oana.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  7. The effect of fiscal announcements on interest spreads: Evidence from the Netherlands. (2018). De Jong, Jasper.
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  8. Fiscal adjustment and debt sustainability: Greece 2010-2016 and beyond. (2018). Karavitis, Nicholas E.
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  9. Austerity, Inequality, and Private Debt Overhang. (2017). Winkler, Roland ; Klein, Mathias.
    In: Annual Conference 2017 (Vienna): Alternative Structures for Money and Banking.

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  10. Austerity and Private Debt. (2017). Klein, Mathias.
    In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

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  11. State-dependent monetary policy transmission and financial market tensions. (2017). Rüth, Sebastian ; Ruth, Sebastian K.
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  12. The distributive effect of monetary policy: The top one percent makes the difference. (2017). Davtyan, Karen.
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  13. Austerity, Inequality, and Private Debt Overhang. (2017). Winkler, Roland ; Klein, Mathias.
    In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.

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  14. Revenue- versus spending-based consolidation plans: the role of follow-up. (2017). Beetsma, Roel ; Giuliodori, Massimo ; Furtuna, Oana.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  15. Austerity and Private Debt. (2016). Klein, Mathias.
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  16. Debt-dependent effects of fiscal expansions. (2016). Shen, Wenyi ; Bi, Huixin ; Yang, Shu-Chun S.
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  23. The Protestant Fiscal Ethic:Religious Confession and Euro Skepticism in Germany. (2015). Krapf, Matthias ; Chadi, Adrian.
    In: IAAEU Discussion Papers.

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  24. The Costs of Greeces Fiscal Consolidation. (2015). Rannenberg, Ansgar ; Gechert, Sebastian.
    In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research.

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  25. The Protestant Fiscal Ethic: Religious Confession and Euro Skepticism in Germany. (2015). Krapf, Matthias ; Chadi, Adrian.
    In: SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research.

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  71. Regarding term premia, it is actually the duration of expected cash flows that matters. This might introduce small differences in term premia (see Broner, Lorenzoni, and Schmukler, 2013). times the quantity of risk. With integrated financial markets, the price of risk tends to be a common factor that will be accounted for by our time fixed effects, leaving only the quantity component of liquidity risk as a confounding factor (see also the discussion in Section A.2.). Finally, even considering only a sample of advanced economies with very liquid markets or ending the sample before the recent financial crisis where liquidity did dry up does not qualitatively affect our results.
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  73. Sims, Eric (2012). “News, non-invertibility and structural VARs”. Advances in Econometrics 28, 81–135. A Appendix A.1 Details on the construction of the default premia In this subsection, we provide additional information on the construction of default premia and data sources. A.1.1 EMBI spreads EMBI spreads are one of the four components used to construct the default premia.
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  74. This also holds true for the EU implementation in the European System of National Accounts 1995 (European Commission, 1996) and 2010 (European Commission, 2013). B Additional tables and figures
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    In: IDB Publications (Working Papers).

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  42. The design of fiscal consolidation measures in the European Union: distributional effects and implications for macroeconomic recovery. (2015). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Figari, Francesco.
    In: EUROMOD Working Papers.

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  43. The output effect of fiscal consolidation plans. (2015). Favero, Carlo ; Alesina, Alberto ; Giavazzi, Francesco.
    In: Journal of International Economics.

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  44. Are expenditure cuts the only effective way to achieve successful fiscal adjustment. (2015). Jong-A-Pin, Richard ; de Haan, Jakob ; Wiese, Rasmus.
    In: DNB Working Papers.

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  45. Does austerity pay off?. (2015). Pfeifer, Johannes ; Müller, Gernot ; Born, Benjamin ; Muller, Gernot.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  46. Austerity in 2009-2013. (2015). Favero, Carlo ; Alesina, Alberto F ; Barbiero, Omar ; Paradisi, Matteo ; Giavazzi, Francesco.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  47. Systematic fiscal policy and macroeconomic performance: A critical overview of the literature. (2014). Reicher, Claire.
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  48. EU TYPE OF AUSTERITY: BRIEF ANALYSIS AND CRITICISM. (2014). Bălţătescu, Ionela ; Baltatescu, Ionela .
    In: Global Economic Observer.

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  49. Are Fiscal Multipliers Regime-Dependent? A Meta Regression Analysis. (2014). Rannenberg, Ansgar ; Gechert, Sebastian.
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  50. The growth impact of discretionary fiscal policy measures. (2014). Klemm, Alexander ; Attinasi, Maria-Grazia .
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