Šopov, B. and Seidler, J. (2011): Yield Curve Dynamics: Regional Common Factor Model. Prague Economic Papers, 2/2011, 140–156.
- Řežábek, P. (2010): Central Banking in the Rule of law Context in the Czech Republic (in Czech). ÄŒeský finanÄnà a úÄetnà Äasopis, 5(2), 18–31.
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- Řežábek, P. (2011): Analysis of the Development and Risks in Building Savings in the Czech Republic (in Czech). ÄŒeský finanÄnà a úÄetnà Äasopis, 6(3), 32–46.
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Angelini, P., Clerc, L., Curdia, V., Gambacorta, L., Gerali, A., Locarno, A., Motto, R., Roeger, W., Van Den Heuvel, S. and VlÄek, J. (2011): Basel III: Long-Term Impact on Economic Performance and Fluctuations. BIS Working Paper No. 338.
Böhm, J., FiláÄek, J., Kubicová, I. and Zamazalová, R. (2012): Price-Level Targeting–A Real Alternative to Inflation Targeting? Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 62(1), 2–26.
- Böhm, J., Král, P. and Saxa, B. (2012): Czech National Bank’s Monetary Policy in the Media. European Journal of Political Economy, 28(3), 341–357.
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Babecká KucharÄuková, O., Babecký, J. and Raiser, M. (2012): Gravity Approach for Modelling International Trade in South-Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States: The Role of Geography, Policy and Institutions. Open Economies Review, 23(2), 277–301.
Babecký, J. and Campos, N. F. (2011): Does Reform Work? An Econometric Survey of the ReformGrowth Puzzle. Journal of Comparative Economics, 39(2), 140–158.
Babecký, J. and Podpiera, J. (2011): Inflation Forecast Errors in the Czech Republic: Evidence from a Panel of Institutions. Eastern European Economics, 49(1), 72–83.
Babecký, J., Du Caju, P., Kosma, T., Lawless, M., Messina, J. and Rõõm, T. (2010): Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from European Firms. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(4), 643–910.
Babecký, J., Du Caju, P., Kosma, T., Lawless, M., Messina, J. and Rõõm, T. (2012): How do European Firms Adjust their Labour Costs when Nominal Wages are Rigid? Labour Economics, 19(5), 732–801.
Baxa, J., Horváth, R. and VaÅ¡ÃÄek, B. (2012): How Does Monetary Policy Change? Evidence on Inflation Targetin Countries. Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming.
Berger, A. and Bouwnan, C. (2009): Bank Liquidity Creation. Review of Financial Studies, 22(9), 3779–3837.
- Brůha, J. (2011): An Empirical Small Labor Market Model for the Czech Economy. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(5), 434–449.
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- Brůha, J. and Podpiera, J. (2010): Real Exchange Rate in Emerging Economies: The Role of Different Investment Margins. Economics of Transition, 18(3), 599–628.
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Brůha, J. and Podpiera, J. (2011): The Dynamics of Economic Convergence: The Role of Alternative Investment Decisions. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35(7), 1032–1044.
Brůha, J., Podpiera, J. and Polák, S. (2010): The Convergence Dynamics of a Transition Economy: The Case of the Czech Republic. Economic Modelling, 27(1), 116–124.
Brázdik, F. (2011): An Announced Regime Switch: Optimal Policy for the Transition Period. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(5), 411–431.
- BulÃÅ™, A., ÄŒihák, M. and Å mÃdková, K. (2012): Writing Clearly: The ECB's Monetary Policy Communication. German Economic Review, forthcoming.
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- Call for Research Projects 2014 The CNB Economic Research Department will announce the regular Call for Research Projects 2014 on 15 April 2013, follow the link: http://www.cnb.cz/en/research/research_projects/ Information Meeting for Prospective Authors of CNB Research Projects will be held in the Czech National Bank’s Commodity Exchange (Plodinová Burza) building on Monday, 13 May 2013 at 14.00.
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- CNB Research Open Day The ninth CNB Research Open Day will be held in the Czech National Bank’s Commodity Exchange (Plodinová Burza) building on Monday, 13 May 2013. This half-day conference will provide an opportunity to see some of the best of the CNB’s current economic research work, to learn about the CNB Call for Research Projects 2014 and to meet CNB researchers informally.
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- CZECH NATIONAL BANK 23 Fišer, R. and Horváth, R. (2010): Central Bank Communication and Exchange Rate Volatility: A GARCH Analysis. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 2(1), 25–31.
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- CZECH NATIONAL BANK 25 Geršl, A. and Seidler, J. (2012): Countercyclical Capital Buffers and Equilibrium Credit Level in Central and Eastern European Countries, Eastern European Economics, forthcoming.
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Derviz, A. (2011): Real Implications of Bursting Asset Price Bubbles in Economies with Bank Credit. Czech Journal of Economic and Finance, 61(1), 92–116.
- Derviz, A. and Podpiera, J. (2011): Lending Behavior of Multinational Bank Affiliates. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions, 1(1), 19–36.
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Derviz, A., and M. Raková (2012): Parent Influence on Loan Pricing by Czech Banks. Prague Economic Papers, forthcoming.
Domadenik, P., LÃzal, L. and Pahor, M. (2012): The Effect of Enterprise Break-Ups on Performance. The Case of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Revue économique, 63(5), 849–866.
Earnhart, D. and LÃzal, L. (2010): Effect of Corporate Economic Performance on Firm-Level Environmental Performance in a Transition Economy. Environmental and Resource Economics, 46(3), 303–329.
Fabiani, S., GaluÅ¡Äák, K., Kwapil, C., Lamo, A. and Rõõm, T. (2010): Wage Rigidities and Labor Market Adjustment in Europe. Journal of the European Economic Association, 8(2–3), 497–505.
- Fidrmuc, J. Horváth, R. and Horváthová, E. (2010): Corporate Interest Rates and the Financial Accelerator in the Czech Republic. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 46(4), 41–54.
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FiláÄek, J. and Saxa, B. (2012): Central Bank Forecasts as a Coordination Device: Evidence from the Czech Republic, Czech Economic Review, forthcoming.
Forthcoming Journal Publications Baxa, J., Horváth, R. and VaÅ¡ÃÄek, B. (2012): Time-Varying Monetary-Policy Rules and Financial Stress: Does Financial Instability Matter for Monetary Policy? Journal of Financial Stability, forthcoming.
Frait, J., Komárek, L. and Komárková, Z. (2011): Monetary Policy in a Small Economy after Tsunami: A New Consensus on the Horizon? Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(1), 5–33.
Franta, M., Libich, J. and StehlÃk, P. (2011): The Big Picture of Monetary-Fiscal Interactions. Economic Papers, 30(1), 6–14.
Franta, M., Saxa, B. and Å mÃdková, K. (2010): The Role of Inflation Persistence in the Inflation Process in the New EU Member States. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 60(6), 480–500.
GaluÅ¡Äák, K. and Pavel, J. (2012): Taxes and Benefits: Work Incentive Effects of Policies. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 62(1), 27–43.
GaluÅ¡Äák, K., Keeney, M., Nicolitsas, D., Smets, F., Strzelecki, P. and Vodopivec, M. (2012): The Determination of Wages of Newly Hired Employees: Survey Evidence on Internal versus External Factors. Labour Economics, 19(5), 802–812.
GerÅ¡l, A. and JakubÃk, P. (2011): Relationship Lending in Emerging Markets: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Comparative Economic Studies, 53(4), 575–596.
- GerÅ¡l, A. and JakubÃk, P. (2012): How Important Is the Adverse Feedback Loop for the Banking Sector? Ekonomický Äasopis/Journal of Economics, 60(1), 32–49.
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Geršl, A. and Seidler, J. (2012): How to Improve Quality of Stress Tests through Backtesting, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 62(4), 325–346.
Havránek, T. (2010): Rose Effect and the Euro: Is the Magic Gone? Review of World Economics, 146(2), 241–261.
Havránek, T. and Havránková, Z. (2012): Determinants of Horizontal Spillovers from FDI: Evidence from a Large Meta-Analysis, World Development, forthcoming.
Havránek, T. and Havránková, Z. (2012): Publication Bias in the Literature on Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers, Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.
Havránek, T. and Iršová, Z. (2010): Bank Efficiency in Transitional Countries: Sensitivity to Stochastic Frontier Design. Transition Studies Review, 18(2), 230–270.
Havránek, T. and Iršová, Z. (2010): Measuring Bank Efficiency: A Meta-Regression Analysis.
Havránek, T. and Iršová, Z. (2010): Meta-Analysis of Intra-Industry FDI Spillovers: Updated Evidence. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 60(2), 151–174.
Havránek, T. and Iršová, Z. (2010): On the Intensity of International Subsidy Competition. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 17(2), 25–54.
Havránek, T. and Iršová, Z. (2011): Estimating Vertical Spillovers from FDI: Why Results Vary and What the True Effect Is. Journal of International Economics, 85(2), 234–244.
- Havránek, T. and Iršová, Z. (2012): A Meta-Analysis of Bank Efficiency Measurement in Transitional Countries. Transformations in Business and Economics, forthcoming.
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Havránek, T., Horváth, R. and Matějů, J. (2012): Monetary Transmission and the Financial Sector in the Czech Republic. Economic Change and Restructuring, 45(3), 135–155.
Havránek, T., Iršová, Z. and Janda, K. (2012): Demand for Gasoline is More Price-Inelastic than Commonly Thought. Energy Economics, 34(1), 201–207.
HlaváÄek, M. and Komárek, L. (2011): Regional Analysis of Housing Price Bubbles and their Determinants in the Czech Republic. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(1), 67–91.
- Horváth, R. and Matějů, J. (2011): How Are Inflation Targets Set? International Finance, 14(2), 265– 300.
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Horváth, R., Å mÃdková, K. and Zápal, J. (2012): Central Banks’ Voting Record and Future Policy, International Journal of Central Banking, forthcoming.
Horváth, R., Seidler, J. and Weill, L. (2012): Banks’ Capital and Liquidity Creation: Granger Causality Evidence. CNB Working Paper No. 5/2012.
- JakubÃk, P. and Teplý, P. (2011): The JT Index as an Indicator of Financial Stability of Corporate Sector. Prague Economic Papers, 2/2011, 157–176.
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- JanáÄek, K. (2011): Asset Price Bubbles (Introduction). Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(1), 2–4.
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- JanáÄek, K. and Komárek, L. (2012): Will US Dollar Continue As The World Most Important Reserve Currency? Politická ekonomie, 2012(1), 3–19.
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Komárek, L., Motl, M., Novoný, F., and Prokop, L. (2012): German Economic “Locomotive†and the Czech Economy. Politická ekonomie, 4/2012.
- Munzi, T. and HlaváÄ, P. (2011): Inflation Targeting and Its Impact on the Nature of the Money Supply and the Financial Imbalances. Politická ekonomie, 59(4), 435–453.
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- Murárik, R. (2011): Price Setting Behaviour in the Czech Republic, Micro Data Evidence. Statistika -Economy and Statistics Journal, 2/2011, 24–41.
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- Novotný, F. (2011): Exchange rate effects in a globalized economy: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Journal of Economics/Ekonomický Äasopis, 59(6), 636–646.
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Novotný, F. (2012): The Link between the Brent Crude Oil Price and the US Dollar Exchange Rate.
Novotný, F. and Raková, M. (2011): Assessment of Consensus Forecasts Accuracy: The Czech National Bank Perspective. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(4), 348–366.
Polanský, J., Tonner, J. and VaÅ¡ÃÄek, O. (2011): Parameter Drifting in a DSGE Model Estimated on Czech Data. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(5), 510–524.
Rusnák, M., Havránek, T. and Horváth, R. (2012): How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming.
- Ryšánek, J. (2010): Combining VAR Forecast Densities Using Fast Fourier Transform. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 5/2010, 72–88.
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Ryšánek, J., Tonner, J., Tvrz, S. and VaÅ¡ÃÄek, O. (2012): Monetary Policy Implications of Financial Frictions in the Czech Republic. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, forthcoming Schwarz, J. (2012): Impact of Institutions on Cross-Border Price Dispersion. Review of World Economics, forthcoming.
Slovik, P. and Cournède, B. (2011): Macroeconomic Impact of Basel III. OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 844.
- VaÅ¡ÃÄek, B. (2010): Monetary Policy Rules and Inflation Processes in Open Emerging Economies: Evidence for 12 New EU Members. Eastern European Economics, 48(4), 36–58.
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- VaÅ¡ÃÄek, B. (2011): Inflation Dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips curve in Four Central European countries. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 47(5), 71–100.
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- VaÅ¡ÃÄek, B. (2012): Is Monetary Policy in the New EU Member States Asymmetric? Economic Systems, 36(2), 235–263.
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- Zamrazilová, E. (2011): Monetary Policy: Old Lessons and New Challenges. Politická ekonomie, 2011(1), 3–21.
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