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Immigrant entrepreneurs, diasporas and exports. (2018). Santoni, Gianluca ; Bratti, Massimiliano ; de Benedictis, Luca.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Youth Drain, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. (2019). Peri, Giovanni ; Basso, Gaetano ; Anelli, Massimo ; Ippedico, Giuseppe.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  2. Youth Drain Entrepreneurship and Innovation. (2019). Peri, Giovanni ; Basso, Gaetano ; Anelli, Massimo ; Ippedico, Giuseppe.
    In: Temi di discussione (Economic working papers).

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  3. Immigration and new firm formation: Evidence from a quasi-experimental setting in Germany. (2018). Steinhardt, Max ; Jahn, Vera ; Friedrichsteinhardt, Max.
    In: Ruhr Economic Papers.

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  4. Networks, firms, and trade. (2012). Silva, Joana ; Bastos, Paulo.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  5. Networks, firms, and trade. (2012). Silva, Joana ; Bastos, Paulo.
    In: Journal of International Economics.

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References cited by this document

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