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Government Spending Shocks and the Multiplier: New Evidence from the U.S. Based on Natural Disasters. (2012). Ghosh, Sugata ; Fidrmuc, Jan.
In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  1. Measuring the Financial Shocks of Natural Disasters: A Panel Study of U.S. States. (2016). Abrigo, Michael Ralph ; Hou, Yilin ; Miao, Qing.
    In: Center for Policy Research Working Papers.

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  2. Natural Disasters, Government Spending, and the Fiscal Multiplier. (2015). Fidrmuc, Jan ; Yang, Weonho ; Ghosh, Sugata .
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  3. Corporate Walkover in Progress: The Case of the Southern Company’s “Clean Coal” Plant in Mississippi. (2014). Klinedinst, Mark .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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References cited by this document

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  4. Burnside, C., Eichenbaum, M. and Fisher, Jonas D.M. (2004), “Fiscal shocks and their consequence”, Journal of Economic Theory, 115, 89-117.

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  28. Skidmore, M., and Toya, H. (2002), “Do natural disasters promote long-run growth?”, Economic Inquiry, 40(4), 664-687.


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