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Aufstieg und Niedergang der Wirtschaft der DDR: Ein Zahlenbild 1945-1989. (1995). Ritschl, Albrecht ; Albrecht, Ritschl.
In: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook.

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  1. Bringing about institutional change in public brownfield management: The case of Saxony-Anhalt (Germany). (2010). Klauer, Bernd ; Lee-Peuker, Mi-Yong.
    In: UFZ Discussion Papers.

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  2. The Travails of Unification: East Germanys Economic Transition since 1990. (2010). Maier, Charles S..
    In: WIDER Working Paper Series.

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  3. The Travails of Unification: East Germanys Economic Transition since 1989. (2010). Maier, Charles S.
    In: WIDER Working Paper Series.

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  4. Old-Age Mortality in Germany prior to and after Reunification. (2000). Gjonca, Arjan ; Brockmann, Hilke ; Maier, Heiner.
    In: Demographic Research.

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  5. Old-age mortality in Germany prior to and after reunification. (1999). Gjonca, Arjan ; Brockmann, Hilke ; Maier, Heiner.
    In: MPIDR Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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