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Lessons from the 2020 Covid recession for understanding regional resilience. (2022). Partridge, Mark ; Wertz, Sydney Schreiner ; Chung, Seunghun.
In: Journal of Regional Science.

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References cited by this document

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  4. Bartlett, R. P., III, & Morse, A. (2020). Small business survival capabilities and policy effectiveness: Evidence from Oakland (w27629). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

  5. Bellini, E., Ottaviano, G. I., Pinelli, D., & Prarolo, G. (2013). Cultural diversity and economic performance: Evidence from European regions. In R. Crescenzi, & M. Percoco (Eds.), Geography, institutions and regional economic performance (pp. 121–141). Springer.

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  7. Bui, T. T. M., Button, P., & Picciotti, E. (2020). Early evidence on the impact of COVID‐19 and the recession on older workers (w27448). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
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  8. Campello, M., Kankanhall, G., & Muthukrishnan, P. (2020). Corporate hiring under COVID‐10: Labor market concentration, downskilling, and income inequality (w27208). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
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  9. Chetty, R., Friedman, J., Hendren, N., Stepner, S., & The Opportunity Insights Team. (2020). How did COVID‐19 and stabilization policies affect spending and employment? A new real‐time economic tracker based on private sector data (w27431). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
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  10. Chung, S. H., & Partridge, M. D. (2019). Are shocks to human capital composition permanent? Evidence from the Mariel boatlift. The Annals of Regional Science, 63(3), 461–515.

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  20. Glaeser, E. L., & Saiz, A. (2003). The rise of the skilled city (w10191). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

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  29. Lozano Rojas, F., Jiang, X., Montenovo, L., Simon, K., Weinberg, B., & Wing, C. (2020). Is the cure worse than the problem itself? Immediate labor market effects of COVID‐19 case rates and school closures in the U.S. (w27127). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
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  32. Neilson, C., Humphries, J. E., & Ulyssea, C. (2020). Information frictions and access to the Paycheck Protection Program (w27624). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

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  34. Papanikolaou, D., & Schmidt, L. D. W. (2020). Working remotely and the supply‐side impact of Covid‐19 (w27330). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

  35. Partridge, M. D., & Rickman, D. S. (2002). Did the new economy vanquish the regional business cycle? Contemporary Economic Policy, 20(4), 456–469.

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  37. Tsvetkova, A., & Partridge, M. D. (2016). Economics of modern energy boomtowns: Do oil and gas shocks differ from shocks in the rest of the economy? Energy Economics, 59, 81–95.

  38. Tsvetkova, A., Partridge, M., & Betz, M. (2019). Self‐employment effects on regional growth: A bigger bang for a buck? Small Business Economics, 52(1), 27–45.


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