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Structural Breaks in Time Series. (2018). Perron, Pierre ; Casini, Alessandro.
In: Boston University - Department of Economics - Working Papers Series.

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  1. How far is too far for volatility transmission?. (2022). Karali, Berna ; Yang, Yao.
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  2. Boosting high dimensional predictive regressions with time varying parameters. (2021). Ng, Serena ; Yousuf, Kashif.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  3. Growth, War, and Pandemics: Europe in the Very Long-run. (2020). Rodríguez Caballero, Carlos ; Rodríguez Caballero, Carlos ; Rodríguez Caballero, Carlos ; Prados de la Escosura, Leandro ; Rodriguez-Caballero, Carlos-Vladimir.
    In: Working Papers.

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  4. Growth, War, and Pandemics: Europe in the Very Long-run. (2020). Rodríguez Caballero, Carlos ; Rodríguez Caballero, Carlos ; Rodríguez Caballero, Carlos ; Prados de la Escosura, Leandro ; Rodriguez-Caballero, Carlos Vladimir.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  5. Interpretable Neural Networks for Panel Data Analysis in Economics. (2020). , Weinan ; Zheng, Zhong ; Yang, Yucheng.
    In: Papers.

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  6. Testing for Changes in Forecasting Performance. (2019). Yamamoto, Yohei ; Perron, Pierre.
    In: Boston University - Department of Economics - Working Papers Series.

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  7. Boosting High Dimensional Predictive Regressions with Time Varying Parameters. (2019). Ng, Serena ; Yousuf, Kashif.
    In: Papers.

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  8. Banking net income and macroeconomics, from multicollinearity to Granger causality using US data. (2018). Szybisz, Martin Andres .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  9. Testing for Changes in Forecasting Performance. (2018). Yamamoto, Yohei ; Perron, Pierre.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  10. Testing for Changes in Forecasting Performance. (2018). Yamamoto, Yohei ; Perron, Pierre.
    In: Boston University - Department of Economics - Working Papers Series.

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References cited by this document

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  94. Oka, T., & Perron, P. (2017). Testing for common breaks in a multiple equations system. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Economics, Boston University.
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  95. Oka, T., & Qu, Z. (2011). Estimating structural changes in regression quantiles. Journal of Econometrics, 162, 248-267.

  96. Perron P., & Qu, Z. (2007). An analytical evaluation of the log-periodogram estimate in the presence of level shifts. Unpublished Manuscript, Boston University.

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  99. Perron, P. (1997). L’estimation de modèles avec changements structurels multiples. Actualité Économique, 73, 457-505.

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  101. Perron, P. (2008). Structural change. In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed, S. Durlauf and L. Blume (eds.). Perron, P., & Qu, Z. (2006). Estimating restricted structural change models. Journal of Econometrics, 134, 373-399.
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  102. Perron, P., & Yabu, T. (2009a). Estimating deterministic trends with an integrated or stationary noise component. Journal of Econometrics, 151, 56-69.

  103. Perron, P., & Yabu, T. (2009b). Testing for shifts in trend with an integrated or stationary noise component. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27, 369-396.

  104. Perron, P., & Yamamoto, Y. (2013). Estimating and testing multiple structural changes in linear models using band spectral regressions. Econometrics Journal, 16, 400-429.

  105. Perron, P., & Yamamoto, Y. (2014). A note on estimating and testing for multiple structural changes in models with endogenous regressors via 2SLS. Econometric Theory, 30, 491-507.

  106. Perron, P., & Yamamoto, Y. (2015). Using OLS to estimate and test for structural changes in models with endogenous regressors. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30, 119-144.

  107. Perron, P., & Yamamoto, Y. (2016). On the usefulness or lack thereof of optimality criteria for structural change tests. Econometric Reviews, 35, 782-844.

  108. Perron, P., & Yamamoto, Y. (2017). Testing for changes in forecasting performance. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Economics, Boston University.
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  109. Perron, P., & Zhou, J. (2008). Testing jointly for structural changes in the error variance and coefficients of a linear regression model. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Economics, Boston University.

  110. Perron, P., & Zhu, X. (2005). Structural breaks with stochastic and deterministic trends. Journal of Econometrics, 129, 65-119.

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  119. Rojas, C. R., & Wahlberg, B. (2014). On change point detection using the fused lasso method.
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  120. Sayginsoy, Ö., & Vogelsang, T. J. (2011). Testing for a shift in trend at an unknown date: a fixed-b analysis of heteroskedasticity autocorrelation robust OLS-based tests. Econometric Theory, 27, 992-1025.

  121. Siegmund, D. (1988). Confidence sets in change-point problems. International Statistical Review 56, 31-48.
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  122. Su, L., & Wang, X., (2017). On time-varying factor models: estimation and inference. Journal of Econometrics 198, 84-101.

  123. Vogelsang, T. J. (1997). Wald-type tests for detecting breaks in the trend function of a dynamic time series. Econometric Theory, 13, 818-849.

  124. Vogelsang, T. J. (1999). Sources of nonmonotonic power when testing for a shift in mean of a dynamic time series. Journal of Econometrics, 88, 283-299.
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  125. Vogelsang, T. J. (2001). Testing for a shift in trend when serial correlation is of unknown form. Unpublished manuscript. Department of Economics, Cornell University.
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  126. Xu, J., & Perron, P. (2017). Forecasting in the presence of in and out of sample breaks. Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Economics, Boston University.

  127. Yamamoto, Y. (2016). A modified confidence set for the structural break date in linear regression models. Forthcoming in Econometric Reviews.
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  128. Yamamoto, Y., & Tanaka, S. (2015). Testing for factor loading structural change under common breaks. Journal of Econometrics, 189, 187-206.

  129. Yang, J. (2017). Consistency of trend break point estimator with underspecified break number. Econometrics 5 (4), 1-19.

  130. Yang, J., & Vogelsang, T. J. (2011). Fixed-b analysis of LM-type tests for a shift in mean. Econometrics Journal, 14, 438-456.


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  20. Lack of Credibility, Inflation Persistence and Disinflation in Colombia. (2011). Hamann, Franz ; Gonzalez, Andres.

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  21. Optimal Forecasts in the Presence of Structural Breaks (Updated 14 November 2011). (2011). Pesaran, M ; Pick, A. ; Pranovich, M..
    In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics.

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  22. Assessing French inflation persistence with impulse saturation break tests and automatic general-to-specific modelling. (2010). Santos, Carlos ; Oliveira, Maria Alberta .
    In: Applied Economics.

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  23. Using mean reversion as a measure of persistence. (2010). Marques, Carlos ; Dias, Daniel.
    In: Economic Modelling.

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  24. The long-run determinants of UK wages, 1860-2004. (2009). Hendry, David ; Castle, Jennifer.
    In: Journal of Macroeconomics.

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  25. Detecting the Presence of Informed Price Trading Via Structural Break Tests. (2009). Pouliot, William ; Olmo, Jose ; Pilbeam, K..
    In: Working Papers.

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  26. The Long-Run Determinants of UK Wages, 1860-2004. (2008). Hendry, David ; Castle, Jennifer.
    In: Economics Series Working Papers.

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  27. Globalisation, domestic inflation and the global output gaps: evidence from the Euro era. (2008). Calza, Alessandro .
    In: Globalization Institute Working Papers.

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  28. When did unsystematic monetary policy have an effect on inflation?. (2008). Mojon, Benoit.
    In: European Economic Review.

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  29. The limit distribution of the estimates in cointegrated regression models with multiple structural changes. (2008). Perron, Pierre ; Kejriwal, Mohitosh.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  30. Restoring monotone power in the CUSUM test. (2008). Andreou, Elena.
    In: Economics Letters.

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  31. Optimal monetary policy and the transmission of oil-supply shocks to the euro area under rational expectations. (2008). DARRACQ PARIES, Matthieu ; Adjemian, Stéphane.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  32. Globalisation, domestic inflation and global output gaps: Evidence from the euro area. (2008). Calza, Alessandro.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  33. U-statistic Type Tests for Structural Breaks in Linear Regression Models. (2008). Pouliot, William ; Olmo, Jose.
    In: Working Papers.

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  34. Early Detection Techniques for Market Risk Failure. (2008). Pouliot, William ; Olmo, Jose.
    In: Working Papers.

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  35. Inflation persistence during periods of structural change: an assessment using Greek data. (2007). Lazaretou, Sophia ; Hondroyiannis, George.
    In: Empirica.

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  36. A persistence-weighted measure of core inflation in the Euro area. (2007). Stracca, Livio ; Bilke, Laurent.
    In: Economic Modelling.

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  37. Joint change point estimation in regression coeffcients and variances of the errors of a linear model. (2006). Glouchakov, Oleg.
    In: Working Papers.

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  38. Monitoring disruptions in financial markets. (2006). Andreou, Elena ; Ghysels, Eric.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  39. The Limit Distribution of the Estimates in Cointegrated Regression Models with Multiple Structural Changes. (2006). Perron, Pierre ; Kejriwal, Mohitosh.
    In: Boston University - Department of Economics - Working Papers Series.

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    In: Working Papers.

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  41. When did unsystematic monetary policy have an effect on inflation?. (2005). Mojon, Benoit.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  42. Break in the mean and persistence of inflation: a sectoral analysis of French CPI. (2005). Bilke, Laurent.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  43. Breaks in the mean of inflation: how they happen and what to do with them. (2005). Mojon, Benoit ; Corvoisier, Sandrine .
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  44. Break in the Mean and Persistence of Inflation: a Sectoral Analysis of French CPI.. (2005). Bilke, L..
    In: Working papers.

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  45. Has Euro-area inflation persistence changed over time?. (2004). Whelan, Karl ; O'Reilly, Gerard.
    In: Open Access publications.

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    In: Working Papers. Serie AD.

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  47. Has Euro-Area Inflation Persistence Changed Over Time?. (2004). Whelan, Karl ; O'Reilly, Gerard.
    In: Research Technical Papers.

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  48. Inflation Persistence during Periods of Structural Change: An Assessment Using Greek Data. (2004). Lazaretou, Sophia ; Hondroyiannis, George.
    In: Working Papers.

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  49. Detecting level shifts in the presence of conditional heteroscedasticity.. (2003). Ruiz, Esther ; Carnero, M. Angeles ; Pea, Daniel.
    In: DES - Working Papers. Statistics and Econometrics. WS.

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  50. On the Usefulness or Lack Thereof of Optimality Criteria for Structural Change Tests. (2001). Yamamoto, Yohei ; Perron, Pierre.
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