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Valuation of unquoted foreign direct investment stocks at market value: methods and results for France.. (2010). Topiol, A. ; NIVAT, D..
In: Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France.

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  1. Valuation of foreign direct investment positions - final report. (2013). Mateus, Márcio ; Kenyeres, Erika Veitzne ; Gonzalez, Beatriz Ruiz ; Hugelschaffer, Sebastian ; de Boeck, Roger ; Pellegrini, Valeria ; Nivat, Dominique ; Dellmour, Rene ; Portero, Patricia ; McDonagh, Stephen ; de la Fuente, Luis ; Bannister, Neil ; Hillebrand, Rini ; Williams-Fletcher, Ciara ; Oliveira-Soares, Rodrigo ; Mendes, Marcio Filipe .
    In: Statistics Paper Series.

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  2. French outward and inward foreign direct investment in 2009 - New presentation.. (2010). TERRIEN, B. ; NIVAT, D..
    In: Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France.

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References cited by this document

  1. Banque de France (2009) 2008 Annual Report: Franceâs balance of payments and international investment position, June, downloadable at http://www.banque-france.fr/ gb/stat_conjoncture/telechar/bdp/gb_ra_bdp_2008.pdf.
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  2. Bonnot de Condillac (Ã.) (1776) Le commerce et le gouvernement considÃrÃs relativement lâun à lâautre, Amsterdam,downloadableathttp://books.google.combooks?id=GKcGAAAAQAAJ. Boonstra (W.) (2008) National savings and the international investment position: what does the current account tell us?, Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij., vol. 26, sv. 1, p. 9-40, downloadable at http://hrcak.srce.hr/ïle/38568.
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  3. Durant (D.) and Massaro (R.) (2004) âValorisation des actions non cotÃes : un test à lâÃchelle europÃenneâ, Bulletin de la Banque de France, n 124, April, downloadable at http://www. banque-france.fr/archipel/publications/bdf_bm/etudes_bdf_bm/bdf_bm_124_ etu_2.pdf.
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  4. Ricol, Lasteyrie and associates (2009) Proïl ïnancier du CAC 40, presentation of 23 June 2009. Simart (E.) (2007) Market value of foreign direct investment position, Methodology Document, Statistics Canada, May, downloadable at http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/ 13-605-x/13-605-x2006002-eng.htm. Wyatt (M.) (2004) âLâÃvaluation selon la mÃthode des comparablesâ, Ãchanges, feature Ãvaluation et nÃgociation dâentreprises, June, downloadable at http://www. sfev.org/ public/Articles/pdf3_Wyatt.pdf.
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