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A Time-Varying Natural Rate for the Euro Area. (2004). Renne, Jean-Paul ; Mésonnier, Jean-Stéphane ; Mesonnier, J-S., ; Renne, J-P., .
In: Working papers.

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  1. Measuring the neutral real interest rate in Brazil: a semi-structural open economy framework. (2020). Candido, Osvaldo ; Neto, Alberto Ronchi .
    In: Empirical Economics.

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  2. Unconventional monetary policy: interest rates and low inflation. A review of literature and methods. (2017). Striaukas, Jonas ; Comunale, Mariarosaria.
    In: CEIS Research Paper.

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  3. Unconventional Monetary Policy: Interest Rates and Low Inflation. A Review of Literature and Methods. (2017). Striaukas, Jonas ; Comunale, Mariarosaria.
    In: Bank of Lithuania Occasional Paper Series.

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  4. Midiendo la tasa de interés real natural en Venezuela. (2008). Fleitas, Cesar ; Cartaya, Virginia ; Vivas, Jose Rafael .
    In: Investigación Conjunta-Joint Research.

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  5. The predictive content of the real interest rate gap for macroeconomic variables in the euro area. (2007). Mésonnier, Jean-Stéphane ; MESONNIER, Jean-Stphane.
    In: Money Macro and Finance (MMF) Research Group Conference 2006.

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  6. The natural rate of interest: which concept? which estimation method? which policy conclusions?. (2007). Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus ; Gnan, Ernest.
    In: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics.

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  7. The output gap and the real interest rate gap in the euro area, 1960-2003. (2006). Stracca, Livio ; Cour-Thimann, Philippine ; Pilegaard, Rasmus.
    In: Journal of Policy Modeling.

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  8. La Tasa de Interés Natural en Colombia. (2006). Misas, Martha ; López, Enrique ; Echavarría, Juan ; Enciso, Enrique Lopez ; Arango, Martha Misas ; Echavarria, Juan Jose ; Corredor, Juana Tellez .

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  9. The Reliability of Macroeconomic Forecasts based on Real Interest Rate Gap Estimates in Real Time: an Assessment for the Euro Area.. (2006). Mésonnier, Jean-Stéphane ; Mesonnier, J-S., .
    In: Working papers.

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  10. La Tasa de Interés Natural en Colombia. (2006). Parra-Alvarez, Juan ; Misas, Martha ; López, Enrique ; Echavarría, Juan ; Enciso, Enrique Lopez ; Arango, Martha Misas ; Juan Jose Echavarria Soto, ; Corredor, Juana Tellez .
    In: Borradores de Economia.

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  11. The natural real interest rate and the output gap in the euro area: A joint estimation. (2005). Garnier, Julien ; Wilhelmsen, Bjorn-Roger .
    In: Working Paper.

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References cited by this document

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  3. Baxter, M., King, R.G., 1999, Measuring Business Cycles: Approximate Band-Pass Filters for Economic Time Series, The Review of Economic and Statistics 81(4), 575-93.

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  6. Brzoza-Brzezina, M., 2003, Estimating the Natural Rate of Interest: a SVAR approach, Paper n27, National Bank of Poland.

  7. Chadha, J.S., Nolan, C., 2001, Supply Shocks and the `Natural Rate of Interest': an Exploration, Cambridge Working Paper in Economics, n0103.

  8. Christensen, A.M., 2002, The Real Interest Rate Gap: Measurement and Application, Danmarks Nationalbank, Working Paper n2002 6.
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  9. Crespo Cuaresma, J., Gnan, E., 2003, Searching for the Natural Rate of Interest: a Euro-Area perspective, Working Paper n84, Oesterreichische Nationalbank.

  10. Dennis, R., 2001, The Policy Preferences of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Working Paper Series, n01-08.

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