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Bubbles and crashes in a Behavioural Finance Model. (2005). De Grauwe, Paul ; Grimaldi, Marianna ; DeGrauwe, Paul.
In: Working Papers de Economia (Economics Working Papers).

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  44. Wei Shang-Jin and Kim Jungshik 1997. The big players in the foreign exchange market:do they trade on information or noise?. NBER working paper 6256. A Appendix 1: The variance ratio in steady state In this appendix we show the ratio of the variance of the fundamentalist and chartists and as it converges to its steady state value. We simulated the model for different parameter configurations and different initial values of the exchange rate. In each case we found that the variance ratio converged to 1 as the system approached the steady state. In section 3.2 we describe in more detail how these simulations are set up. laths vi val idriti 1u,llIMrtcnLalisls and diat Lists C. *1, L*eta O.~I; Ijallinia I 20 4: to co c 40 `Eu I _`Jo


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