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GINI DP 53: The Redistributive Capacity of Services in the EU. (2012). Verbist, G. ; Matsaganis, M..
In: GINI Discussion Papers.

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  1. The Future of Welfare Services: How Worried Should We Be about Wagner, Baumol and Ageing?. (2016). Bergh, Andreas.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  2. The distributive effects of work-family life policies in European welfare states. (2016). Hufkens, Tine ; Verbist, Gerlinde.
    In: ImPRovE Working Papers.

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  3. Can reference budgets be used as a poverty line?. (2016). Goedemé, Tim ; Penne, Tess ; Goedeme, Tim ; Storms, Berenice ; Makinen, Lauri ; Parcerisas, Irene Cusso .
    In: ImPRovE Working Papers.

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  4. Skutečná kupní síla v krajích České republiky: zohlednění regionální cenové hladiny a struktury pracovní síly. (2015). Janský, Petr ; Bajgar, Matj .
    In: Politická ekonomie.

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References cited by this document

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  53. Support and Activities The project receives EU research support to the amount of Euro 2.7 million. The work will result in four main reports and a final report, some 70 discussion papers and 29 country reports. The start of the project is 1 February 2010 for a three-year period. Detailed information can be found on the website. www.gini-research.org Amsterdam Institute for Advanced labour Studies University of Amsterdam Plantage Muidergracht 12 1018 TV Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel +31 20 525 4199 Fax +31 20 525 4301 gini@uva.nl www.gini-research.org Project funded under the Socio-Economic sciences and Humanities theme.
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  54. Tobin J. (1970). ‘On limiting the domain of inequality’. Journal of Law and Economics. 13 (2) 263-277.

  55. Vaalavuo, M. (2011). Towards an Improved Measure of Income Inequality. The Impact of Public Services in Income Distribution. An International Comparison. PhD Thesis. European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
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  56. Van Lancker W. & Ghysels J. (2012). Who benefits? The social distribution of public childcare in Sweden and Flanders. Acta Sociologica 55 (forthcoming).

  57. Van Lancker, W., and J. Ghysels. 2012. “Who Benefits from Investment Policies? The Case of Family Activation in European Countries.” In B. Cantillon and F. Vandenbroucke (eds.), For Better For Worse, For Richer For Poorer. Labour market participation, social redistribution and income poverty in the EU. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
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  58. Vandenbroucke F. & Vleminckx K. (2011). ‘Disappointing poverty trends: is the social investment state to blame?’ Journal of European Social Policy 21 (5) 450-471.
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  59. Verbist, G., Förster M. and Vaalavuo M. (2012). ‘The impact of Publicly Provided Services on the Distribution of Resources: A Review of New Results and Methods’. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper, No 130, OECD Publishing.

  60. World Bank (1990). World development report 1990: poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Page • 42 Gerlinde Verbist and Manos Matsaganis Page • 43 The Redistributive Capacity of Services in the EU GINI Discussion Papers Recent publications of GINI. They can be downloaded from the website www.gini-research.org under the subject Papers.
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