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Impact of USDAs Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on Rural and Urban Economies in the Aftermath of the Great Recession. (2021). Ralston, Katherine ; Miller, Cristina ; Vogel, Stephen.
In: Economic Research Report.

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    In: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

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  43. Effects of Fiscal Stimulus in Structural Models. (2012). Trabandt, Mathias ; Snudden, Stephen ; Roberts, John ; Muir, Dirk ; Mourougane, Annabelle ; Lindé, Jesper ; Laxton, Douglas ; Kumhof, Michael ; in 't Veld, Jan ; Furceri, Davide ; Freedman, Charles ; Erceg, Christopher ; de Resende, Carlos ; Coenen, Günter ; Lalonde, Rene ; Roeger, Werner ; Mursula, Susanna ; Linde, Jesper ; DERESENDE, Carlos ; Jan in'tVeld, ; Jan in 't Veld, ; Jan in't Veld, .
    In: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

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  44. A Fiscal Stimulus and Jobless Recovery. (2011). Melina, Giovanni ; Levine, Paul ; Cantore, Cristiano.
    In: School of Economics Discussion Papers.

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  45. Fiscal Multipliers in Recession and Expansion. (2011). Gorodnichenko, Yuriy ; Auerbach, Alan.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  46. Fiscal Stimulus in a Monetary Union: Evidence from U.S. Regions. (2011). Steinsson, Jon ; Nakamura, Emi.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  47. Country Heterogeneity and the International Evidence on the Effects of Fiscal Policy. (2011). Giavazzi, Francesco ; Favero, Carlo ; Perego, Jacopo .
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  48. Confidence and the Transmission of Government Spending Shocks. (2011). Sims, Eric ; Bachmann, Ruediger.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  49. Country Heterogeneity and the International Evidence on the Effects of Fiscal Policy. (2011). Favero, Carlo ; Perego, Jacopo ; Giavazzi, Francesco.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  50. The Effects of Fiscal Stimulus: Evidence from the 2009 Cash for Clunkers Program. (2010). Sufi, Amir ; Mian, Atif.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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