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Ethnicity and Gender Differences in Risk, Ambiguity Attitude. (2014). Banerjee, Debosree .
In: GlobalFood Discussion Papers.

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  1. Who wears a mask? Gender differences in risk behaviors in the COVID-19 early days in Taiwan. (2020). Liu, John Chung-En ; Chuang, Yating.
    In: Economics Bulletin.

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  2. Gender differences in ambiguity aversion under different outcome correlation structures. (2017). Schmidt, Ulrich ; Ring, Patrick ; Friedl, Andreas.
    In: Theory and Decision.

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  3. Volunteering to take on power: Experimental evidence from matrilineal and patriarchal societies in India. (2015). Riener, Gerhard ; Banerjee, Debosree ; Wollni, Meike ; Ibaez, Marcela .
    In: DICE Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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