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Der gesellschaftliche Beitrag des Mittelstands: Konzeptionelle Ãœberlegungen. (2020). Schneck, Stefan ; Schlepphorst, Susanne ; Welter, Friederike ; Holz, Michael.
In: IfM-Materialien.

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  1. Die gesellschaftliche Wertschöpfung des Mittelstands. (2022). Holz, Michael ; Welter, Friederike ; Schlepphorst, Susanne.
    In: IfM-Materialien.

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  2. The power of shared positivity: organizational psychological capital and firm performance during exogenous crises. (2022). Moog, Petra ; Ruf, Philipp Julian ; Wolff, Sven ; Grozinger, Ann-Christin.
    In: Small Business Economics.

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  3. Socially Responsible Activity of Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises—Benefits for the Enterprise. (2022). Bielawska, Aurelia.
    In: Sustainability.

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  4. Mittelstand policy after the pandemic - for a sustainable future. (2021). Welter, Friederike ; Levering, Britta.
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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