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Financial integration, specialization and systemic risk. (2008). Hartmann, Philipp ; Fecht, Falko ; Gruner, Hans Peter.
In: Discussion Paper Series 1: Economic Studies.

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  1. Bankenwettbewerb und die Stabilität von Finanzsektoren: Nur eine Frage der Messmethode?. (2021). Toni, Richter.
    In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik.

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  2. International stock market integration: Central and South Eastern Europe compared. (2013). Horvath, Roman ; Petrovski, Dragan .
    In: Economic Systems.

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  3. Global Player im Bankenwesen - ökonomisch sinnvoll oder problembehaftet?. (2011). Gischer, Horst ; Richter, Toni .
    In: FEMM Working Papers.

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  4. Bank Competition and International Financial Integration: Evidence Using a New Index. (2010). Pasricha, Gurnain.
    In: Staff Working Papers.

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  5. Bank Competition and International Financial Integration:Evidence Using a New Index. (2009). Pasricha, Gurnain.
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  6. The Real Consequences of Financial Market Integration when Countries Are Heterogeneous. (2008). Gerling, Kerstin.
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References cited by this document

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