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Health effects of instruction intensity: Evidence from a natural experiment in German high-schools. (2017). Reif, Simon ; Quis, Johanna Sophie.
In: BERG Working Paper Series.

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  1. The Paradox of Wealthy Nations’ Low Adolescent Life Satisfaction. (2023). Bethmann, Dirk ; Rudolf, Robert.
    In: Journal of Happiness Studies.

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  2. Increased instruction time and stress-related health problems among school children. (2020). Rouche, Amelie ; Wuppermann, Amelie ; Reif, Simon ; Marcus, Jan.
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  3. Increased instruction time and stress-related health problems among school children. (2020). Marcus, Jan ; Rouche, Amelie ; Wuppermann, Amelie ; Reif, Simon.
    In: Journal of Health Economics.

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  4. The perks of being in the smaller team: Incentives in overlapping contests. (2019). March, Christoph ; Sahm, Marco.
    In: BERG Working Paper Series.

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  5. Topology and formation of production input interlinkages: Evidence from Japanese microdata. (2019). Mundt, Philipp ; Arata, Yoshiyuki.
    In: BERG Working Paper Series.

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  6. Animal spirits, risk premia and monetary policy at the zero lower bound. (2019). Proaño, Christian ; Lojak, Benjamin ; Acosta, Christian Proao.
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  7. Asymmetric competition, risk, and return distribution. (2019). Oh, Ilfan ; Mundt, Philipp.
    In: BERG Working Paper Series.

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  8. The Effect of a Compressed High School Curriculum on University Performance. (2019). Lauber, Verena ; Doersam, Michael.
    In: Working Paper Series of the Department of Economics, University of Konstanz.

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  9. Increased Instruction Time and Stress-Related Health Problems among School Children. (2019). Wuppermann, Amelie ; Reif, Simon ; Marcus, Jan ; Rouche, Amelie.
    In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.

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  10. Steady states, stability and bifurcations in multi-asset market models. (2018). Westerhoff, Frank ; Schmitt, Noemi ; Dieci, Roberto.
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  11. Regulating speculative housing markets via public housing construction programs: Insights from a heterogeneous agent model. (2018). Westerhoff, Frank ; Martin, Carolin.
    In: BERG Working Paper Series.

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  12. Learning intensity effects in students’ mental and physical health – Evidence from a large scale natural experiment in Germany. (2018). Hofmann, Sarah ; Muhlenweg, Andrea.
    In: Economics of Education Review.

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  13. Fiscal consolidations and heterogeneous expectations. (2017). Mavromatis, Kostas(Konstantinos) ; Hommes, Cars ; Lustenhouwer, Joep.
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  14. Managing unanchored, heterogeneous expectations and liquidity traps. (2017). Hommes, Cars ; Lustenhouwer, Joep.
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  15. Fiscal consolidations and finite planning horizons. (2017). Mavromatis, Kostas(Konstantinos) ; Lustenhouwer, Joep.
    In: BERG Working Paper Series.

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  16. Contests as selection mechanisms: The impact of risk aversion. (2017). March, Christoph ; Sahm, Marco.
    In: BERG Working Paper Series.

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  17. Learning Intensity Effects in Students Mental and Physical Health - Evidence from a Large Scale Natural Experiment in Germany. (2017). Mühlenweg, Andrea ; Muhlenweg, Andrea ; Hofmann, Sarah.
    In: Hannover Economic Papers (HEP).

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  18. Learning Intensity Effects in Students Mental and Physical Health - Evidence from a Large Scale Natural Experiment in Germany. (2017). Mühlenweg, Andrea ; Muhlenweg, Andrea ; Hofmann, Sarah.
    In: CINCH Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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    In: Working Papers.

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  45. Schooling and smoking among the baby boomers and evaluation of the impact of educational expansion in France. (2010). Jones, Andrew ; Etilé, Fabrice ; Jones, A. M, .
    In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers.

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    In: Working Paper Series in Economics.

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  49. The effect of compulsory schooling on health - evidence from biomarkers. (2009). Juerges, Hendrik ; Jurges, Hendrik.
    In: MEA discussion paper series.

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  50. Does Schooling Affect Health Behavior? Evidence from the Educational Expansion in Western Germany. (2009). Salm, Martin ; Reinhold, Steffen ; Juerges, Hendrik ; Jurges, Hendrik.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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