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How to Improve Tax Compliance? Evidence from Population-wide Experiments in Belgium. (2020). Imbert, Clément ; Luts, Maarten ; Tsankova, Teodora ; Spinnewijn, Johannes ; Clement, Imbert ; de Neve, Jan-Emmanuel.
In: The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS).

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  1. Who does and doesnt pay taxes?. (2022). Advani, Arun.
    In: Fiscal Studies.

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  2. Public good provision and property tax compliance: Evidence from a natural experiment. (2021). Scartascini, Carlos ; Castro, Edgar ; Carrillo, Paul E.
    In: Journal of Public Economics.

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  3. Who does and doesn’t pay taxes?. (2020). Advani, Arun.
    In: The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS).

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  4. Who does and doesn’t pay taxes?. (2020). Advani, Arun.
    In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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